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    ANNUAL SPRING ELECTRICAL OUTAGE 2025                     

    Listed below is the schedule for the Annual Spring Break Electrical Outage.  We are sending out the notice now to give everyone an early heads-up for scheduling and planning purposes.  As it gets closer to March, additional reminder notices will be sent out. 

    The following buildings WILL NOT have electrical power on the dates listed.   

    Saturday, March 15, 2025 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (10 hours) 

    1. Old Main
    2. Pemberton Hall / Pine Honors College 
    3. Student Services Building (Portable Generator to be used for Data Center)
    4. Old Steam Plant (will run off of generator power during outage)
    5. Physical Science Building
    6. Physical Science Building Chiller
    7. Martin Luther King Jr. University Union FOOD COURT ONLY
    8. Blair Hall

    It’s FPMs intent to complete all the required service on the 8 areas listed here on Saturday March 15,2025. The focus will be on buildings 1 – 4. However, if unforeseen circumstances arise, the remainder of the required service will be performed on Sunday, March 16, 2025.

    Thank you for your assistance and flexibility as we plan 2025's annual service outage. 

  • SURS On-Campus Counseling Sessions


    SURS representatives will be on campus Wednesday, March 5 to conduct face to face retirement counseling sessions with eligible employees who schedule an appointment.

    The schedule is now open and will close Friday, February 21, 2025.  Sessions will begin at 8 a.m. and run through 4:30 p.m.  Sessions will be held in the MLK University Union, Casey and Greenup rooms. Appointment requests will be taken on a first come/first served basis.  Please call early to reserve your desired time!

    Please see the following for more information on SURS counseling sessions, and to register.

    Scheduling a Counseling Session or Written Estimate with SURS

  • WEIU Kids Day Saturday, March 1

    WEIU Kids Day on the campus of Eastern Illinois University will be held on Saturday, March 1st from 10 a.m. to noon inside Buzzard Hall. The physical address for the event is 1920 9th St, Charleston, IL, located within EIU's main campus at 600 Lincoln Avenue. 
    WEIU, a PBS affiliate station, will showcase PBS Kids characters Curious George and Clifford the Big Red Dog as the main character attractions at this year’s Kids Day for the community. Be sure to bring your cameras for a meet & greet opportunity at this free family fun event. 
    Several businesses, groups, and organizations will take part in this free event including: Child Care Resource and Referral, Dance Life, SBLHC Healthy Kids, Charleston Carnegie Public Library, University of Illinois Extension 4-H, Cub Scout Pack 41, Mid-Illinois Big Brothers Big Sisters, Mattoon Area Family YMCA, Douglas-Hart Nature Center, Mattoon Public Library, HOPE of East Central Illinois, Bunches of Treasures Art Studio, Lincoln Log Cabin, Girl Scouts, EIU Sky Watch Weather, Camp New Hope, Charleston Fire Department, Urban Butterfly Initiative, EIU Chemistry RSO ACSSA, EIU World & Language Cultures, EIU Police Department, Birth to Five Illinois, EIU College of Education, Head Start, Project Help, EIU Athletics Kids Club and an appearance from Billy the Panther. More participants may attend as we continue to confirm participation.
    Arts and crafts, face painting, and games/prizes will be available to children. There will also be a live Hit-Mix 88.9 WEIU broadcast, in addition to event music that will lead to a couple of dance contests with the children.
    Ke’an Armstrong, Publicity/Promotions Associate for WEIU, said that she is happy to see several community organizations participate in this event. Each organization will offer an interactive educational activity for the children as well. We always receive lots of positive comments from community members during the event, such as, “I am glad to see the university offering events such as this for the community” and “having a local public broadcasting station is such an added value to the area.” She said WEIU’s mission is to serve the university and the rest of the communities in our 22-county broadcast viewing area.
    WEIU invites you to attend Kids Day to enjoy a fun time with us and we thank those who will set up booths and activities, those who have taken part in the planning, and EIU staff.
    Funding for Kids Day is provided in part by: City of Charleston Tourism Fund; Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center; Eastern Illinois University, Illinois Arts Council and Local Underwriters.

  • Stadium Parking Lot Closure at end of February for EIU Glow Polar Plunge


    TEMPORARY LOT CLOSING - Due to the Special Olympics Illinois hosting the EIU Glow Polar Plunge on February 23, the Stadium lots will be closed beginning at 8pm Saturday, February 22 and will remain closed throughout the event ending on Sunday night. Please plan to park in an alternative lot valid for your permit. Any vehicles that remain in the lot will be cited and relocated at the owner’s expense. Special Olympics planners and UPD appreciates everyone's support and understanding during this temporary inconvenience.  Thank you!


  • Student Success Open House February 12


    Join the Student Success Directors and Staff for our Spring Open House on Wednesday February 12, 2025 from 3:00p to 4:30p.

    • Learn about the TRIO Student Support Services program!
    • Register to be a Freshman Connection / Transfer Connection Mentor!
    • Discover Academic Advising resources!
    • Learn about the Testing Centers!
    • Discuss resources from the Office of Accessibility and Accommodations!
    • Visit the Academic Support Center and discover tutoring resources!

    Snacks, entertainment, and prizes will be part of the Open House, and Billy the Panther will be in attendance, too! 

    The Student Success Open House is open to the entire campus community, and we look forward to welcoming you to McAfee!

  • February 7 Art from Here Opening Reception at Tarble


    Join us on Friday, February 7, 2025, from 5-7 p.m. to celebrate the opening of the Tarble Art Center's annual Art from Here exhibition, featuring young regional artists. This event is free and open to all and will have free food and drinks. 

  • February 7 Art from Here Opening Reception at Tarble


    Join us on Friday, February 7 from 5 to 7 p.m. to celebrate the opening of the Tarble’s annual Art from Here exhibition, featuring young regional artists. This event will be free with refreshments served. More information can be found on the Tarble's website

  • Resiliency Class Begins February 10


    "Retrain your Brain" is a 4-week curriculum that offers a careful selection of evidence-based exercises to build coping skills and promote thriving. The ReST philosophy is that there are many routes to achieving greater resiliency. Please sign up using the link below:


  • EIU Panhellenic Council recognized by AFLV Council Compass Awards and Assessment


    At the annual AFLV (Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values) Central and the NBGLC (National Black Greek Leadership Conference) this past Saturday in Indianapolis, IN the EIU Panhellenic Council was awarded in four categories from the AFLV Council Compass Awards and Assessment program.

    The categories that the EIU Panhellenic Council was awarded in are the following:

    • Accountability
    • Collaboration
    • Education
    • Innovation


  • Dean Cheney – 360 Review (2025)


    Members of the campus community are encouraged to participate in the triennial administrative review of Dr. Austin Cheney, Dean of the Lumpkin College of Business & Technology.  The survey is open now through Thursday, February 13, 2025.  The survey is located at 

  • Dean Storsved – 360 Review (2025)


    Members of the campus community are encouraged to participate in the triennial administrative review of Dr. John Storsved, Dean of the College of Health and Human Services.  The survey is open now through Thursday, February 13, 2025.  The survey is located at XYZ. 

  • Key Request Process Updated


    Following user feedback, Facilities Planning & Management with the help of ITS has revised the process for key requests to better streamline the input and approval operations.  A maintenance work order will still be needed prior to the key request form being submitted, as well as the Key Code and Keyway; the programming will not allow it to go through until this information is entered.

    Key Request Instructions:

    1. Go to the Maintenance Work Order.
    2. Click on the three dots next to "Request Type" and click the check mark next to "Keys".
    3. Fill out all the required boxes, indicated by a red asterisk.
      1. Requester Name: Who is entering the request into the system or manager name
      2. Requester Email: the email address of the person who will receiving notifications of the work order status
      3. Phone #: Contact phone number in case of questions
      4. Building Name: The drop-down menu includes all buildings on campus. Select the correct building.
      5. Building Floor Code: Sorted by room number per floor.
      6. Room #: Room number.
      7. Action Requested: Enter the name and E# of the person who needs the key(s).
    4. Click "Submit Request".
    5. Complete this key request form.
  • Water Monitoring Data at EIU


    Special Notice for Availability of Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Data


    Availability of Monitoring Data for Unregulated Contaminants for Eastern Illinois University
    Our water system has sampled for a series of unregulated contaminants. Unregulated contaminants are those that don’t yet have a drinking water standard set by EPA. The purpose of monitoring for these contaminants is to help EPA decide whether the contaminants should have a standard. As our customers, you have a right to know that these data are available. If you are interested in examining the results, please contact Plumbing Foreman, Aaron Kemper at 217-581-3520 or 408 W Hayes, Charleston, IL 61920

    This notice is being sent tby Eastern Illinois University. State Water System ID# IL0295500 // Date distributed: 2/3/2025

  • 2025 Black History Month Events


    For a more visual PDF listing these events, click here. (larger file)

    Event Name Date Time Location RSVP or Ticket Information Sponsored by Event Description
    BHM Kickoff 2/3/2025 4:30 PM South Quad Flag Pole South Quad Commons/
    Lumpkin Hall
    BHM Committee Flag Raising/Reception (BSU)
    Keynote Dr. Alonzo Ward 2/3/2025 5 PM to 6 PM Lumpkin Auditorium (reserved) Free for students OBAE, CLAS, History, Sociology US Black History Keynote on history in IL (founding of NAACP, etc…)
    American Red Cross Blood Drive for Sickle Cell Anemia 2/7/2025 11 AM to 4 PM MLK UBR Free  OBAE Blood Drive w/American Red Cross (Sickle Cell Anemia Themed)
    Sigma Gamma Rho, Sorority, Inc.'s Annual Soul Food Fundraiser 2/8/2025 4 PM to 6 PM EIU Cultural House (reserved) Plates: $13/$16
    Dessert: $3
    The Delta Beta Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. Annual Soul Food Fundraiser
    BSU Super Bowl Watch Party 2/9/2025 4 PM to 9:30 PM EIU Cultural House (reserved) Free BSU Committee Super Bowl Watch Party
    Black Lives Matter Speaker Series: Beyond Brave: Black Women, Depression and Higher Education! 2/11/2025 1:30 PM to 3 PM MLK Arcola/Tuscola Free for students Africana Studies Program Speaker Series
    Afro-Caribbean Jazz Collective 2/22/2025 7:30 PM Doudna Theatre Ticket Pricing $20/$20/$15, Groups of 4+ save $5 per ticket Doudna Led by guitarist José Guzmán, the band embraces traditional rhythms from the Puerto Rican and Cuban songbooks, and expands their sonic palette by incorporating modern jazz idiom. 
    MBEIU 2/22/2025 7:00 PM MLK GBR SAC SAC Pageant
    ImPact Life Blood Drive  2/25/2025 10 AM to 1:30 PM MLK Union Free Alpha Epsilon Delta (AED) Pre-Health Honor Society Blood Drive w/Impact Life
    Honoring Ridgeway 2/25/2025 6:30 PM to 8 PM  Buzzard Hall Auditorium, Room 1501 Free Biological Sciences/iStem/The Zeta Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Honoring the first Black faculty in Biology
    Building Black Wall Street/Black Business Fair 2/27/2025 3 PM to 6 PM South Quad Commons (reserved) Free for students Committee Panel Discussion on small business and Black Business Fair
    BHM EIU Bball Game 2/27/2025 Women's: 5 PM/Men's 7:30 PM Groniger Arena Free for students BHM Committee & Athletics EIU vs UA Little Rock
    For The Culture 2/28/2025 6 PM to 9 PM EIU Recreation/ Bball Court (reservation/BSU) Free for students BSU Game Night 
  • January 2025 Shout Out Video!


  • February 2025 at the Tarble




    FEBRUARY 2025


    Art from Here opens

    On view February 7–March 14, 2025






  • Booth Library Announces 16th Annual Awards for Excellence in Research and Creativity -- Cash Prizes available, submissions due March 7


    The competition is open to all undergraduate and graduate students in any major. Entries may be a research paper or thesis, artistic work, exhibit, musical work, video, podcast, documentary, oral history, performance, data analysis or visualization, or other formats. As long as the student(s) used library resources to complete the project within the last 12 months, it is eligible for the competition. To be eligible for these awards, participants must submit their entries electronically before the deadline of 11:59 p.m. CST on March 7, 2024. This award is an excellent opportunity for students to showcase their academic expertise and innovative creations!

    Prizes will be awarded as follows: Graduate Students – First Place: $500, Second Place: $400, Third Place: $300; Undergraduate Students – First Place: $300, Second Place: $200, Third Place: $100. Certificates of recognition will also be presented to winners.

    Additional info on how to apply:

  • Watch nearly 700 popular movies with Feature Films for Education


    Booth Library’s new subscription to Feature Films for Education, a streaming video collection from Infobase, has almost 700 popular movies available to stream.  Included are recent blockbusters, classic cinema, dramas, musicals, science fiction, documentaries, animation studies, Academy Award winners, and more.  The films were chosen for their suitability for instructional purposes and can be linked within D2L.  And for students, there’s a great selection here if you’re having a movie night in the dorm.  We recommend using a browser other than Firefox to access the collection, since Firefox has trouble loading the videos.

    The videos come with public performance rights for campus use, so they can be shown outside the classroom for campus events as long as admission isn’t being charged.

  • Spring 2025 Mental Health First Aid Dates Announced


    Spring 2025 dates for Mental Health First Aid have been announced.  Any staff and faculty member who provides academic, professional, and/or personal support to students or advises a student recognized organization is highly encouraged to complete this training. 

    Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course created by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing that teaches participants how to identify, understand, and respond to mental health and substance-use issues. In this training you will learn risk factors and warning signs for mental health and addiction concerns, strategies for how to help someone in both crisis and non-crisis situations, and where to turn to for help. Topics covered in this course include depression, anxiety, trauma, substance use, on-campus resources, and intervention strategies.  This training is not intended to help one become a counselor, but to help provide early intervention and encourage those in need to seek appropriate assistance and help. 

    More information about the program, available dates, and sign-up machform may be found at:



    IGP #75 - Student Conduct and IGP #54 - Library Circulation were recently updated with approval by the President. Please take time to review the changes to these policies.

  • WEIU TV Now on Prime Video!

    WEIU-TV is now accessible on Prime Video via the app, web, and Fire TV.

    Your channel can be found in the “Live TV” section under “Entertainment.” It also currently being highlighted in the “Featured” genre.
    Viewers who are not Amazon Prime members will still have free access to PBS programming under the “Live TV” section within Prime Video.
    Unlike Hulu and YouTube TV, Amazon does not have static EPGs. ​Placement of your channel in the program guide is going to be personalized to each individual viewer – based on their watch history, the viewing habits of similar users, and other factors.

  • Please consider donating to the Larry Shobe Memorial Garden!


    Please join the Civil Service Council; in cooperation with the EIU Grounds Department, the Central Illinois Master Gardeners, and the EIU Staff Senate, in our efforts to create the Larry Shobe Memorial Garden.  The garden will be located between Old Main and Blair Hall and will provide a welcoming space for visitors and the campus community to gather.  Larry Shobe, EIU Alum and 27-year EIU Groundskeeper passed away in July of 2023.  In addition to his work in the Grounds department. Larry was a botany expert and served as a master gardener on the Illinois Public Media produced program Mid-American Gardener that airs on WEIU TV. He loved EIU and enjoyed providing tours of the beautiful gardens he created and cared for on campus.

    At this time, we are seeking donations to reach the expected cost of around $7000.  Any amount you can give is appreciated.  If you wish to donate plants or volunteer time to help maintain the space, just e-mail one of the commttee memebers listed below.  

    To Donate:

    1. Mail checks made payable to “EIU Foundation” to EIU Foundation, 600 Lincoln Avenue, Charleston, IL 61920.  Please make a notation in the check's memo line or attach a note stating it is for the “Larry Shobe Memorial.” Checks can also be brought to the Business Office, Attention Trisha Fritts.  
    2. Online gifts can be submitted at  Select an amount, then click on the box “Please select the Designation for your gift.” In the drop-down menu, select “Other Gifts” and then type a short note in the Special Instructions box “Larry Shobe Memorial,” then complete the remaining payment options and submit.
    3. Employees can also drop off donations or authorize a monthly payroll deduction.  To do so, contact Tisha Fritts ( in the Business Office.
    4. For more information about the project, visit our website at

    If you have questions, contact:

  • EIU Annuitants Association Scholarship Opportunity -- Application Deadline March 15


    Do you have a child or grandchild who is a current student at Eastern Illinois University? The EIU Annuitant Scholarship Committee invites you to ask your student to apply for the Annuitants Association Scholarship. Following is the scholarship criteria:

    1. The recipient(s) may receive the scholarship one time only.
    2. The recipient(s) must be a full-time undergraduate at Eastern Illinois University and have completed at least twelve (12) semester hours at the time the award is selected.
    3. The recipient(s) must be the child or grandchild of a current Eastern Illinois University employee with five or more years of service to the University OR the child or grandchild of a retired Eastern Illinois University employee with five or more years of service to the University.
    4. The recipient(s) must have a minimum EIU GPA of 3.0.
    5. Applicants must submit a written statement listing career goals and financial need.
    6. Applicants must submit a letter of recommendation from Eastern Illinois University advisor or faculty member.
    7. In the event that there are several suitable applicants, preference will be given to the recipient(s) with financial need.

    To apply for the scholarship, sign onto the EIU Scholarship Search on the University web site. The link to the search can be found at When completing the information requested, please make sure that the question regarding “child or grandchild of an EIU employee or annuitant” is completed correctly.

    The application deadline is March 15, 2025.

    Kathy Reed, EIUAA Scholarship Chair



    Applications are being sought for the EIU Civil Service Council scholarship established to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the EIU Civil Service Council. 

    Applicants that receive financial assistance or tuition waivers are encouraged to apply.  The scholarship is intended to assist with tuition, fees, or other costs associated with attending EIU, such as housing, supplies, daycare, gas, etc.  The award is payable in Fall 2025 to your student account, and any remaining amount will be dispersed to the recipient.  Fall 2025 enrollment must be verified before the scholarship is distributed.

    The recipient must:  1) be a former, current, or retired Non-Negotiated Civil Service Employee; or a child or grandchild of a former, current, or retired non-Negotiated Civil Service Employee; 2) be a current or incoming freshman, sophomore, junior, senior or Graduate EIU student at enrolled in a minimum of 6 semester hours; 3) maintain a minimum GPA of 2.5 and in good academic standing; high school seniors accepted to EIU shall enroll in a minimum of 6 semester hours of coursework and be ranked in the top 25% of their class.  Financial need shall be the determining factor if all other qualifications are equal.

    Please apply online at

    The deadline to apply is March 15, 2025.

    If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Morgan, EIU Civil Service Council President at (217) 581- 1107 or email

  • Spring 2025 Parking Permits Available Online


    Please visit and select "Get Permits" to purchase your permit.  

    Spring permits are available online. Please note yearly permits are only offered in the fall semester.  Yearly permits include Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. Students, faculty, and staff that plan to park on campus during parking enforcement will be required to display a valid parking permit. If you live on campus, (including all Residential Halls, Greek Court, University Apartments, University Court) your vehicle will need a valid parking permit displayed.

    Faculty/staff permits may be purchased through payroll deduction or credit/debit cards at this link. They will be distributed via campus mail to your campus department address. As stated in the parking rules and regulations, no one is eligible to purchase a permit if they owe parking fines. Please check your EIU email for fine invoices or other communications regarding parking. 

    Student permits ordered will be mailed to the student’s local or campus address. If you are not living in campus housing, please make sure your local address is updated on PAWS. Students may bill their student account or credit/debit cards are accepted online.

    The regular student lots will not be enforced until Tuesday January 21, 2025.


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Contact Information

Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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