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Scholar to Give Two Lectures on Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms


An accomplished scholar, Franklin Tuitt, will examine and explore how educators can teach and promote learning in diverse classrooms during two lectures Monday in the Lecture Hall at the Doudna Fine Arts Center.

Lectures include:

1-2:30 p.m. (Doudna Lecture Hall) -- "Promoting Inclusive Excellence in the Classroom: Implications for Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms." (Attendees may come and go as their schedules dictate).

4-5:30 p.m. (Doudna Lecture Hall) -- "Race and Higher Education: Rethinking Pedagogy in Diverse College Classrooms." (Attendees may come and go as their schedules dictate).

"Eastern continuously works to create an inclusive environment for all students and we're pleased to host Dr. Tuitt on campus," said Cynthia Nichols, director of civil rights and diversity. Tuitt’s holistic approach to teaching emphasizes higher education, but is applicable to all educators at any level and others who provide services, she said. The lectures are free and open to the public.

Tuitt is associate provost for inclusive excellence and associate professor of higher education at the Morgridge College at the University of Denver. He devotes his time to researching topics such as access and equity in higher education, teaching and learning in racially diverse college classrooms and diversity and organizational transformation.

He is a co-editor and contributing author of the books “Race and Higher Education: Rethinking Pedagogy in Diverse College Classrooms” and “Contesting the Myth of a Post-Racial Era: The Continued Significance of Race in U.S. Education.” Some recent publications include: “Black like me: Graduate Students’ Perceptions of their Pedagogical Experiences in Classes Taught by Black Faculty in a Predominantly White Institution” (Journal of Black Studies) and “Enacting Inclusivity through Engaged Pedagogy: A Higher Education Perspective” (Equity and Excellence in Education). He earned his doctorate degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education.

The event is sponsored by Eastern’s Office of Civil Rights and Diversity and the Office of the President.



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Josh Reinhart,
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Eastern Illinois University
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