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Interim Director for Minority Affairs Announced


Mona Davenport of Normal has accepted the position of interim director of Eastern Illinois University 's Office of Minority Affairs, beginning Jan. 26.

She replaces Johnetta Jones, who passed away in October.

According to Blair Lord, provost and vice president for academic affairs, Davenport is no stranger to Eastern, having previously served in various staff positions in the Office of Minority Affairs.

Between 1991 and 1997, Davenport served as chief academic advisor for Eastern's Gateway Program. She also served as an academic advisor for the Department of African-American Studies and as the coordinator of the EIU/Colleges of Chicago Special Project (1991).

She gained additional experience at Governors State University , where she held the position of academic coordinator, and at Illinois State University , where she is presently employed as a graduate assistant, University Housing Services, as she pursues her doctoral degree in educational administration and foundations (higher education).

"Mona Davenport is ideally qualified to guide continued institutional emphasis on initiatives related to diversity at all levels of the university and to foster relationship building among all the university's constituents," Lord said.

Davenport 's appointment was recommended by an interview committee composed of members of various Office of Minority Affairs advisory boards.

Lord also announced the formation of a search committee to recommend candidates for appointment to the position on a permanent basis. Godson Obia, associate dean of the College of Sciences, will chair the search committee whose members include Carlos Amaya, foreign languages; Ceci Brinker, Office of Student Life; Keith Kohanzo, Office of Judicial Affairs; Onaiwu (Wilson) Ogbomo, African-American studies; Peter Ping Liu, School of Technology; Mildred Pearson, early childhood, elementary, and middle level education; and Maria Santoyo and Tron Young, student representatives.

A permanent director for Eastern's Office of Minority Affairs is expected to be in place by July 1, 2004 .



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