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Leadership Training Program Gives EIU Supervisors the "Edge"


Leading Edge
Shown, from left to right, are: Front Row -- Peggy Brown, Susan Smith, Joyce Hampsten, Cathy Gray and Teresa Sims; Second Row -- Heidi Hawkins, Clay Hopkins, Rick Bagwell, Chris Sims, Jan Dowland, Julie Griffin, and Sandy Bowman (training coordinator); Third Row -- Tom Rennels, University President Lou Hencken, Gary Hanebrink, John Looby, John Bailey, Steve Pearcy and Eric Davidson. Not pictured is Charles Phillips.

Eighteen Eastern Illinois University employees recently graduated from "The Leading Edge," a voluntary one-year development program especially designed for EIU supervisors.

The program includes workshops and programs on topics ranging from creating the respectful workplace to how to use the University Processes Guide. Monthly sessions take one morning to complete and are presented by professionals from both on- and off-campus.

This year's graduates recently participated in ceremonies in which President Louis Hencken presented diplomas. Graduates include:

Rick D. Bagwell, pipefitter foreman. Bagwell, of Charleston, came to Eastern in April 1988 and has served as a supervisor in the Environmental Control Shop for about eight years. He was raised in the Champaign area and before coming to EIU, he worked for Local 157 (Pipefitters Local, Terre Haute) as a construction pipefitter/welder.

John E. Bailey, carpenter foreman. Bailey has worked at Eastern since November 1983, serving as a temp until 1988. He has been a supervisor for 10 years. He is from Mattoon and is the seventh of 12 children. He has been married to his wife, Jean, for 24 years, and they have two children.

Peggy A. Brown, office systems specialist II. Brown moved to Charleston four years ago from Seattle, Wash. She worked in Academic Assessment and Testing for a year-and-a-half, and has been in Eastern's Business Office since June 2002. She is currently taking courses in the university's Board of Trustees Bachelor of Arts Degree program and expects to graduate in May.

Eric S. Davidson, assistant director, EIU Health Service. Davidson, originally from Neoga, earned his master's degree in clinical psychology in 1999. He also earned bachelor's degrees in psychology (human services option) and speech communication (interpersonal organizational and public relations) - both in 1994. Before coming to Eastern, Davidson was employed by the Central East Alcoholism & Drug Council and Heartland Human Services. He enjoys reading books on management and leadership.

Jan Dowland, administrative aide/records manager. Dowland, who has served in her current position since July 2002, has been employed at Eastern since 1981. She began in the Office of Planning and Budget, moved to Central Stores in 1984 and moved to Facilities Planning and Management in 1987. The Charleston resident has three grown children and three grandchildren.

Cathy Gray, office systems specialist II. This Charleston resident has worked at Eastern in the Facilities Planning and Management area since 1986.

Julie B. Griffin, office systems specialist III. Griffin, of Ashmore, has been with the university and in the Vice President for Business Affairs' Office for nine years. She has been a supervisor for five years. Before coming to Eastern, she worked for an insurance company in Casey for eight years.

Joyce Hampsten , assistant director of purchasing. Hampsten supervises nine employees that she describes as "an absolutely wonderful group of people to spend my day with." The Charleston resident began working in purchasing back in 1973 as a clerk-typist, and has also worked for Housing, Payroll and Facilities, Planning and Management. While working at EIU, she earned her Board of Trustees degree with a business minor. She has two children, three granddaughters and a grandson that is to make his appearance in May.

Gary W. Hanebrink , safety officer. Hanebrink, of Charleston , has worked at EIU since 1990 and held positions in Academic Affairs as well as Business Affairs. He earned his bachelor's of arts degree from Southern Illinois University and his master's of arts degree from Eastern. He is a certified safety professional and is also state certified in environmental health areas.

Heidi L. Hawkins, accountant II. Hawkins worked as student help in the Business Office for four years until she graduated from EIU in 1993 with her bachelor's degree in accounting. The Kansas resident has worked full time at Eastern since November 1999 as a supervisor in Facilities, Planning and Management.

Clay Hopkins, director, Administrative Services Office. Hopkins, of Mattoon, has been employed at Eastern for eight-and-a-half years. He worked in the telephone industry for 20 years prior to that. He received his bachelor's degree in business from Eastern, and he and his wife, Sandy, have one daughter - Alison, 20. Hopkins enjoys gardening, golf and travel.

John C. Looby, chief instructional media systems engineer. Looby, of Charleston, has worked at Eastern for 18 years and has been a supervisor since 1986. He received both his bachelor's and master's degrees in technology education from Eastern. Originally from Missouri, Looby has two children - Kimberly and Kevin. Kimberly will be an exchange student this August (with Rotary).

Steve Pearcy, paint foreman. Pearcy has worked in the Paint Shop for 21 years, serving as a supervisor for the last 13 years. He served two years with the 82 nd Airborne. He was a painting contractor for 10 years and has completed APPA certification. He was raised in Charleston, has been married for 32 years and has one son.

Charles L. Phillips Sr., director of Human Resources. Phillips is one of seven children and was raised in east Texas. He has been a supervisor for approximately 33 years with the city of Decatur, Ill.; the city of Muskegon Heights, Mich.; and at EIU as the director of Human Resources (the past six-and-a-half years). He earned his bachelor's degree in biology from Prairie View A & M University in Texas and a master's degree in public administration from the University of Michigan .

Tom Rennels, plumber foreman. Rennels has worked at Eastern for more than 16 years and has been supervising for nine years. Originally from this area, he and his wife of 29 years have two children and one grandchild.

Chris Sims, budget analyst. Sims, who is originally from Chicago , holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Eastern in teaching and student personnel. She has worked in the Budget office for the last 15 years and considers herself the "luckiest person in Charleston." She has been married to Ken for 32-plus years and they have two children and one grandchild.

Teresa Sims, account technician III. Sims, of Charleston, has worked at Eastern for 18 years and serves currently as a supervisor in Accounts Payable in the Business Office.  She has been a supervisor for one-and-a-half years. She is married, with one son (12) and one daughter (13 ½). Sims stays active in non-profit organizations.  She served on the board of the Mid-Illinois Big Brothers-Big Sisters organization, and even though she is not currently on the board, she remains very involved. She also has served as the captain for the American Cancer Society Relay for Life fundraiser for the past two years.

Susan Smith, assistant director, Campus Card. Smith has worked at Eastern in the Campus Card/ Telecommunications Office since May 1999.  She received her bachelor's degree in finance from EIU in 1990, and plans to work on her MBA in the very near future. She was married this past summer to Jack, a "great guy!!" Smith has two children - Haley, 22, and Luke, 20, -- and one grandson - Alex, 15 months.



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