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Commitment to Others Earns Two Honorary Doctorates of Public Service


Those accustomed to giving to others often find it hard to take something back in return. Two such individuals, however, will be publicly recognized this weekend when they receive the honorary degree of Doctor of Public Service.

Randall P. Wright of Houston, Texas, and Eulalee Anderson of Charleston will receive their honorary doctorates during commencement ceremonies taking place this weekend at Eastern Illinois University 's Lantz Arena.

Wright, originally from Charleston and a 1970 EIU graduate, received a degree in physics, followed two years later with a master's degree in business administration from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville. A three-month internship at the SIU School of Medicine in Springfield evolved into a seven-year administrative career which, in turn, paved his way to Houston, and to subsequent administrative positions at both The Methodist Hospital and Texas Children's Hospital.

Friends of Wright's say it's not surprising that he ended up in the field of health care - a field that instinctively calls to those with a wish to serve others. "He was trained as a scientist and has used that training and his professional success to assist others," one acquaintance said.

People world-wide have benefited from Wright's efforts. He has voluntarily traveled to Kasekstan, a part of the former Soviet Union notorious for its history of nuclear testing, to help assess and improve health care conditions there. His scientific background has given him the knowledge to evaluate residual nuclear materials and to make recommendations for their appropriate management.

Closer to home, Wright actively participates in the local and national affiliates of the American College of Healthcare Executives, using his expertise to help support the advancement of newcomers to the field. Other volunteer interests include the Life Gift Board, one of Texas ' three human organ procurement organizations, and Little League Baseball; he has umpired at the local, regional and state levels for several years. His efforts were recognized at the national level in August 2003 when he officiated at the Little League Senior World Series in Bangor, Maine .

Eastern, too, has benefited from Wright's generosity and expertise. As a member of the University's College of Sciences Advisory Board, he actively creates interest in philanthropy at Eastern among other alumni of the Department of Physics. And he and his wife, Brenda, have done this through example, having made significant contributions to help in the construction and furnishing of a Physics Observatory on the southwest section of campus.

Wright is scheduled to receive his honorary doctorate at Saturday's 9 a.m. ceremony.

Despite her 1978 "retirement," Anderson has continued to serve as one of the university's most visible and active advocates. She is a recognized figure around campus, having attended and supported an innumerable amount of events, programs and services throughout the years.

A university campus was a natural fit for Anderson , whose love of learning is evident in her personal quest for education. She has obtained three master's degrees through Eastern, including a master of arts degree in gerontology - earned after her retirement!

Anderson 's true passion, however, rests with the university's international student population. As director of the Office of International Student Affairs, Anderson gave nothing but her all. During a recent moment of reflection, she said of her international students, "I loved them. My home was open to them. My car was available to them. I was like a mother to them."

That love was evident through Anderson 's actions - both on- and off-campus. Often, her face was the first one arriving students saw as they climbed off the buses or trains which brought them to Coles County, and she continued to provide that support and encouragement - in both personal and academic matters -- throughout the students' university experiences.

Her motivation was two-fold: "I wanted the students to love their university. I wanted them to share their talents and culture. But I also wanted to be able to promote international understanding and goodwill throughout the area."

In addition to her multitude of other accomplishments, Anderson has also managed to attend and/or volunteer at each EIU commencement since 1961. She is scheduled to receive her honorary doctorate at the 3 p.m. ceremony on Saturday.



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