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Drake Named Acting Vice President for Student Affairs at EIU


Lynette DrakeLynette Drake, once an Eastern Illinois University student herself, has been chosen to serve as acting vice president for student affairs at her alma mater.

Drake, who will continue to perform some of her duties as EIU's director of health service, will begin the six-month appointment on Feb. 1, as a national search begins for a permanent replacement.

"I've worked with Lynette a long time," said EIU President Lou Hencken after announcing his decision. "Lynette has broad experience in student affairs, working both in housing and, for the past nine years, as the director of the Health Service."

Drake succeeds Shirley Stewart, who retired Jan. 1. Stewart had served as acting vice president for student affairs since 2001.

"I've really enjoyed working at the university," Drake said. "I can't think of anything else I'd rather do. The people I work with are what I like the most, and that includes the students. It's somewhat rewarding to be a graduate of Eastern and to see the young professionals starting off their careers here. There's a certain pride in that, knowing you may have played some small role."

Drake earned her bachelor's degree in mathematics from EIU in 1984, and she received her master's degree in guidance and counseling, with an emphasis in college student personnel, from EIU in 1985.

She served as a resident assistant and hall director at EIU before moving to the University of North Dakota to work as a complex director from 1989 to 1991.

In 1991, she returned to EIU as director of orientation and coordinator of AIDS, alcohol and drug information. In 1995, she was named the first nonmedical director of health service.

The vice president for student affairs oversees 14 departments: campus recreation; career services; counseling center; financial aid; greek life; health service, including the health education resource center; university housing and dining services; judicial affairs; orientation; student legal services; student life; textbook rental; university police; and the university union.

"I hope to continue to move the division forward so it will be well-prepared for the next person to step in," Drake said.

Drake and her husband, Mike, also an EIU employee, have two children, Hannah, 11, and Michael, 8. They live in Charleston .

All student affairs directors were notified of the acting position opening in December. Hencken said he wanted the acting position to go to one of the directors in the division, as their familiarity with the university would enable the acting vice president to make the most of the six-month appointment.

The candidates who expressed interest in the position were interviewed before their fellow student affairs directors and student government officers. Hencken also sought input from the vice presidents.

The position will be advertised nationally in early February, and the field should be narrowed to about 15 by mid-March. Plans call for three to five finalists to be chosen at the beginning of April, giving candidates time to interview that month while students are still on campus. A decision should be made in May, with the new vice president starting the job at the first of August.

The search committee will be led by Mona Davenport, director of EIU's Office of Minority Affairs.

The suggested composition of the search committee is as follows: one member appointed by Faculty Senate, one member appointed by the Staff Senate, one vice president appointed by the president, three students appointed by the student body president, two student affairs administrators elected by the student affairs directors, one dean selected by the Deans' Council, one chair selected by the Council of Chairs and one ex-officio member from the Office of Civil Rights.



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