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Luft Honored with EIU's 2005 Distinguished Faculty Award


Roger Luft, a professor in Eastern Illinois University’s Lumpkin College of Business and Applied Sciences, has earned a reputation as a caring, inspiring mentor in his 34 years of teaching.

Luft has been honored for his dedication and excellence by being chosen as the recipient of EIU’s 2005 Distinguished Faculty Award.

Luft will formally receive his award – a plaque and monetary gift – during the 6 p.m. commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 7, in Lantz Arena.

“I am honored and humbled to have been selected as the Distinguished Faculty Award recipient,” Luft said. “Having received the Faculty/Staff Member of the Year Award from the Panhellenic Council (a Greek student organization) last year, and now this award from a faculty group, is rather overwhelming. It is wonderful to be recognized for doing what I love to do in such a rewarding profession.”

Former student Jamie Kleinschmidt said Luft’s efforts have a significant impact on his students.

“His genuine passion for education and for student achievement certainly contributes to his reputation as an outstanding professional and mentor,” Kleinschmidt said. “Above all, Dr. Luft goes beyond what is expected to ensure student learning.

“Dr. Luft undoubtedly exemplifies every aspect of an outstanding professor – motivating and encouraging students, changing lives through his interest and caring nature, and making a difference in the world through his efforts and passion that is transferred to his students.”

Luft joined the EIU faculty in 1989. In addition to working in the classroom, Luft coordinates the Career and Technical Education Program in the School of Technology.

He has written grant proposals that have been funded for more than $2.5 million.

Luft’s research has led to the authorship of more than 70 articles, books and other works. He has presented more than 90 papers nationally and internationally, and he has also served as editor for several journals.

“His knowledge of the latest developments in technology and trends in the field of education is both impressive and inspiring,” Kleinschmidt said.

Luft was honored as Faculty/Staff Member of the Year in 2003-2004 by the EIU Panhellenic Council. In 2002, he was named Outstanding Local Chapter Advisor for Phi Beta Lambda on the state and national levels.

Other honors include the EIU School of Technology chair’s Outstanding Service Award in 2004; the Illinois Business Education Association Distinguished Service Award in 1998; and the North Central Business Education Association Distinguished Service Award for the collegiate level in 1997.

A former president of the Illinois Business Education Association, Luft also once led the national Joint Committee on Economic Education.



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Josh Reinhart,
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Eastern Illinois University
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