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Former EIU Student Body President Joins EIU Development Staff


A former Eastern Illinois University student body president has returned to her alma mater to work in the Development Office.

As a development director, Alison M. Mormino will be meeting and visiting face-to-face with alumni and friends of the university to share philanthropic opportunities available at EIU; attending events to further charitable efforts; and building lasting relationships with alumni, friends and community leaders.

”I am very happy to be back on campus and working for an institution that I dearly love,” Mormino said. “I had an amazing undergraduate experience here. Coming back to Charleston and EIU is like coming home.”

Mormino graduated from EIU in 2002 with a bachelor’s degree in political science. Among her accomplishments as student body president was starting the annual Bucket Brigade, now called Panther Service Day, which brings community and university volunteers together to make property improvements in Charleston.

Mormino returns to EIU after working for three years as an in-district legislative aide for the Illinois House Democrats under Speaker of the House Michael J. Madigan. There, she worked with state representatives Brandon Phelps (D-Harrisburg) and Bob Flider (D-Mt. Zion), both EIU alumni. She was also a member of Flider’s election campaign staff in 2004 and 2006.

“Coming from a legislative background, I understand the funding pressures placed on state institutions as state funds become scarcer, and assisting with the development of the philanthropic funding of the university is an opportunity I am eager to undertake,” Mormino said.

She said she is looking forward to hearing fellow alumni and friends’ stories about their memories of EIU and to helping them reconnect with the university.

Mormino is a former member of the EIU Alumni Association board of directors.

Mormino serves as a Big Sister for a fourth grader through Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Macon County. She's also a member of the Decatur 501 Club, a young professionals organization.

Mormino, originally from Alton, currently resides in Decatur. A 1998 graduate of Alton High School, she is the daughter of Joseph and Joyce Mormino and granddaughter of Ray and Juanita Robinson and Joseph S. and Frances Mormino, all of Alton.



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Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
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Charleston, IL 61920

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