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EIU Media Relations

Community Update: Artificial Intelligence Implications for Teachers Discussion February 23




EIU - G.Y.O Staff with consultation from Joe Fatheree (Doctoral student & teacher at Effingham HS). 
Location: EIU, Buzzard 1140; 4:30-5:30 pm 
Artificial Intelligence is becoming a primarily driver of all our interactions in society. It controls the content and pacing of online individualized student learning programs. It manages public health decisions and impacts all public policy.  It is a driver of the world students are being prepared for. They need to understand how big-data and A.I. work. There are major ethical consequences they need to be exposed to. The same is true for the teachers preparing students for a world dominated by big-think.

Session to be offered in-person, but streamed and recorded for those not able to attend.. The G.Y.O. staff will lead a discussion of A.I. in society. Examples will be provided. Participants will have time to try a free online lab where data is “fed” into an A.I. engine for training. The system then makes decisions based on the data sets submitted. It is appropriate for student use. This discussion leads into many of the big questions around A.I.  Issues of reliability and ethics in both education and society will be an anchor discussion topic.




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Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
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Charleston, IL 61920

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