The Facilities Reinvestment Committee has released its final report outlining a multiyear, phased approach to enhancing EIU’s facilities. Additionally, the external assessment conducted by Cordogan Clark is now available for campus review.
As part of Plan 2028, EIU’s strategic plan, this reinvestment initiative aligns with the "Create" theme, emphasizing the need for comprehensive campus-wide facilities and capital planning. The last campus Master Plan was commissioned in 2010, and in the past 15 years, EIU has undergone significant changes in student and employee demographics, population and space utilization. However, campus facilities and landscapes have seen minimal updates. This reinvestment plan is designed to address these evolving needs and align with EIU’s long-term strategic goals.
You can review the full Facilities Reinvestment report here.
Many of the identified action items will require further campus engagement, with opportunities for input in the coming months. Please watch for additional updates soon.
If you have any questions about Facilities Reinvestment, please submit them using the following form: EIU Facilities Reinvestment Question Form.
Thank you for your engagement in shaping EIU’s future.
Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920