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Key Request Process Updated

Following user feedback, Facilities Planning & Management with the help of ITS has revised the process for key requests to better streamline the input and approval operations.  A maintenance work order will still be needed prior to the key request form being submitted, as well as the Key Code and Keyway; the programming will not allow it to go through until this information is entered.

Key Request Instructions:

  1. Go to the Maintenance Work Order.
  2. Click on the three dots next to "Request Type" and click the check mark next to "Keys".
  3. Fill out all the required boxes, indicated by a red asterisk.
    1. Requester Name: Who is entering the request into the system or manager name
    2. Requester Email: the email address of the person who will receiving notifications of the work order status
    3. Phone #: Contact phone number in case of questions
    4. Building Name: The drop-down menu includes all buildings on campus. Select the correct building.
    5. Building Floor Code: Sorted by room number per floor.
    6. Room #: Room number.
    7. Action Requested: Enter the name and E# of the person who needs the key(s).
  4. Click "Submit Request".
  5. Complete this key request form.

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Contact Information

Media Relations
Josh Reinhart,
Public Information Coordinator

Booth House
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

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