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EIU MBA Online

MBA Online Degree Options

Your MBA, your way for your career. We offer programming flexibility into our MBA Online program and offer the following degree choices:

  • MBA with Applied Management Option
  • MBA with Research Option
  • MBA with GIS Option
  • MBA with Accountancy Concentration

All MBA options identified above require 11 courses. All students take a set of seven MBA Core classes that are listed and described below. The additional four required courses in each Option and Concentration are identified below.


MBA Core (fully online) 7 courses 

MBA Core 7 Classes

MBA 5500

Quantitative Modeling

A study of practical statistics and operations research topics using spreadsheet models. Statistical concepts include confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, chi-square tests, t-tests, ANOVA’s, and correlation analysis. Operations research topics will integrate finance, marketing and operation management models using spreadsheets. Prerequisites: BUS 2810, BUS 3950

MBA 5550

Marketing Management

Analysis of the strategic marketing problems confronting managers in the evaluation of marketing opportunities, selection of target markets, development of marketing strategies, planning of marketing tactics, and implementation and control of the marketing effort. Prerequisite: BUS 3470

MBA 5640

Financial Management

An investigation of the firm’s acquisition and financing activities, to include working capital management, capital budgeting, capital structure strategies, and valuation theory. The practical application of financial policy is stressed for decision-making purposes. Prerequisites: BUS 2101, BUS 2810, BUS 3710

MBA 5660

Operations Management

An integrative course that is concerned with the production and distribution of goods and services. Topics that are covered in depth are operations strategy, service and product design, quality, lean manufacturing management, supply chain management and integrative technologies in operations. Cases are used to analyze situations and to understand the impact of operations on other functional areas. Prerequisites: BUS 2810, BUS 3950

MBA 5670

Management of Information Technologies

An analysis of managerial issues related to information technologies. Topics include information strategies, information systems methodologies, management of information resources, and management of innovation and change. Prerequisite: BUS 3500

MBA 5680

Organizational Behavior and Group Dynamics

Organizational and business application of theory and research in individual differences, interpersonal relations, and small group dynamics. Prerequisite: BUS 3010

MBA 5900

Management Simulation

Capstone course of the M.B.A. program requiring integration of knowledge and skills for business problem solving. Utilizes a nationally recognized simulation widely used in university programs and in industry. This course focuses on functions of top management, major issues affecting organizational success, decisions determining direction of the enterprise, and ethical and social responsibility implications of strategic decisions. Prerequisites: MBA 5010, MBA 5640, MBA 5660 (taken as your final MBA Class)


Choose a Concentration Below

MBA with Applied Management Option

MBA 5000

Strategic Management

The major functions of top management, the major problems that affect the success in the total organization, and the decisions that determine the direction of the enterprise. Heavy emphasis on the ethical-social responsibility with implications in strategic decision making, including value chain analysis, and internal, external, and global considerations. Includes case studies, special reports, and seminar discussion of firm management problems. Prerequisites: BUS 3010, BUS 2101, ECN 2801

MBA 5010

Accounting from a Management Perspective

Effective uses of accounting information in managerial decision-making. Applications include tasks both internal (managerial) and external (financial) to the organization. Prerequisites: BUS 2101, BUS 2102

Elective 1

At least four elective courses will be offered during the MBA Online program. Recent electives offered by the Graduate Faculty in the School of Business have included courses such as:

MBA 5520: Strategic Human Resource Management

MBA 5540: International Business

MBA 5880: MBA Special Topics Seminar with a focus on a) Finance for Start-ups, b) Product Development and Brand Management

MBA 5997: Study Abroad

MIS 5105: Electronic Commerce

OSC 4820: Business Analytics and Data Mining

*Please note: MBA 5980 (Internship), MBA 5990 (Independent Study), and other non-MBA graduate-level courses are not approved as electives for the MBA Online program. Students will be restricted to choosing two from the four electives offered by the School of Business for the MBA Online cohort, unless otherwise noted or arranged.


Elective 2


MBA with Research Option

Our MBA with Research Option is unique compared to most MBA programs and we share EIU's strong commitment to Master's level research between faculty and students.

The Research Option is designed for students who want to focus on business research and quantitative methods for research. Students would want to complete the Research Option if their goals are to continue their education and pursue a Ph.D., to conduct an intensive research study project related to their career objective, or if they have an interest in conducting research with a faculty mentor.

Students in the Research Option are encouraged to plan for a minimum of two calendar years with four semesters minimum in the program. A suggested semester-by-semester schedule for the Research Option as well as the Research Option course required forms is available as linked.

In addition to the MBA Core, the required courses in the Research Option are:

Course Prerequisite(s)
MBA 5000, Strategic Management BUS 2101, Financial Accounting; ECN 2801, Principles of Economics I; BUS 3010, Mgt & Org Behavior
MBA 5010, Accounting from a Management Perspective BUS 2101, Financial Accounting; BUS 2102, Managerial Accounting
MBA 5510, Business Research Methods MBA 5500, Quantitative Modeling
MBA 5515, Business Research Proposal Consent of approved instructor and approval of completed application by Graduate Business Studies Coordinator
MBA 5905, Business Research Project MBA 5510, Business Research Methods; MBA 5515, Business Research Proposal; Consent of approved instructor and approval of completed application by Graduate Business Studies Coordinator
Total: 33 Semester Hours  
MBA with GIS Option
MBA with GIS Option (fully online)
The Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) Option is designed to support careers using computer systems to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage and present spatial or geographical data in a variety of fields including management, logistics, insurance, and telecommunications. Find out more about GIS at EIU and GIS from a business perspective as presented by one of our MBA alumna.

MBA 5010

Accounting from a Management Perspective

Effective uses of accounting information in managerial decision-making. Applications include tasks both internal (managerial) and external (financial) to the organization. Prerequisites: BUS 2101, BUS 2102

GEG 5810

Introduction to Geographic Information Science

An advanced introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) using ESRI ArcGIS to attain a level of proficiency to merge into the mainstream GIS community. Students will learn how to create, manage, edit, query, analyze and georeference spatial and attribute data and produce informative, functional cartographic output in a variety of formats. Supplemental to this course, students may optionally work towards and obtain the ESRI Introduction to ArcGIS I Certificate. Prerequisites: None

GEG 5820

Remote Sensing I

An in-depth study of the physical principles and common applications of remote sensing. All steps in the process, including image acquisition, correction, enhancement, classification, and analysis, will be examined. A focus will be placed on directing these skills to research applications in the student’s home discipline. Additional readings and discussion from the literature will be expected of graduate students. Laboratory exercises will feature a variety of applied examples drawn from biology, geography, geology, atmospheric sciences, and human impacts/planning. Prerequisites: None

GIS Elective

Those listed are available online; others may be available at Charleston's campus


GEG 5830: Building Geodatabases (Prereq: GEG 5810)

GEG 4910: GIS Programming (Prereq: GEG 5810)


MBA with Accountancy Concentration (Core online + 4 ACC classes only available at Charleston main campus)

ACC 5200 (Spring only)

Financial Accounting Standards

A study of the standards which comprise generally accepted accounting principles in the financial accounting area. Includes a study of the standards-setting process and the roles of such groups as the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Emerging Issues Task Force, and the International Accounting Standards Committee. Prerequisite: ACC 3250

ACC 5400 (Spring only)

Advanced Auditing & Assurance Services

This is the second of two integrated courses on auditing and assurance services. This course focuses on collection, analysis and evaluation of audit evidence, auditing procedures and tests, assessment of risks, required disclosures, reports, and case studies. Prerequisite: ACC 4700

ACC 5450 (Fall only)

Legal Environment of Accounting

A study of federal and state laws and regulations that significantly affect the accounting profession including contract law, sales, debtor creditor relations, bankruptcy, secured transactions, negotiable instruments and securities regulation. Includes overview of accountants’ liability to clients and third parties and AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. Prerequisite: BUS 2750

ACC Elective (Fall only)

Varies each year

ACC 5000: Fraud Examination

ACC 5100: Special Topics in Accounting

ACC 5300: Strategic Cost Management




MBA (Applied Management Option; fully online) and MS in Cybersecurity Dual Degree (online with limited on-campus requirement)

The MBA degree is partnered with the MS in Cybersecurity degree program from EIU's School of Technology. MBA 5670, MIS 4850, and MIS 4860 are required courses for the MS in Cybersecurity AND the MBA program (as core class and two electives) receiving shared credit for both degrees. This turns two online degree programs with 33 and 32 credit hours each into the ability to earn both degrees with a total of 56 credit hours (instead of 65!). More information about the MS in Cybersecurity and our partnership can be found in the press release of October 13, 2016: "Designed with the Working Professional in Mind: EIU to Offer Graduate Program in Cybersecurity Beginning in Fall 2017". 

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MBA Program
School of Business

600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL

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