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EIU Panther Marching Band

Frequently Asked Questions

More than just an activity, participation in the PMB can become part of your college experience. As a new student, you will be surrounded by friends before classes even begin. The sense of family in the band will help you adjust to life on campus, and lead to many life long friendships and personal growth. 

Do I have to be a music major to be a member of the marching band?

No. Approximately 75% of the 2024 Panther Marching Band was comprised of non-music majors, representing every academic discipline offered at Eastern. We welcome diversity, and enjoy members who are there because they love making music, and love supporting EIU!

Does membership in the marching band take a lot of time?

No. In fact, it probably takes much less time than your high school marching band.  Rehearsals are held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, from 4:00 to 5:50 PM and on game days for 60-75 minutes.

Is there an audition for membership in the marching band?

There is no audition for wind players. Students interested in drum line and color guard are required to audition. Visit the Auditions page for more information. 

What costs are involved with membership in the Panther Marching Band?

Apart from regular per credit costs (paid in tuition), there are two main fees for PMB; $100 course fee for new members (covers t-shirts, caps, and other uniform parts), $40 instrument fee (if you need to rent an instrument from the university), and a $35 marching band shoe fee (if you need to purchase black marching band shoes).  After your first year in the PMB, student can register for a 0-credit option, and the course fee is reduced to $65.

Students must also supply solid black athletic shorts for preseason performances. Instrument requirements such as reeds and valve oil, as well as any other maintenance are also the responsibility of the student. 

Additional PMB merchandise (t-shirts, sweatpants, and hoodies) is available for purchase.  

When is Preseason Camp held?

Preseason Camp is traditionally held the week before classes begin in the fall. Attendance at camp is mandatory for all members.  See the Pre-Season Camp website for more information.

What if I have a class conflict with rehearsal?

Band members are asked to schedule all classes outside marching band rehearsal times. In most cases, alternatives to conflicting classes can be found.  The main thing to remember is that all conflicts must be approved by the director, Prof. Boggs.   

What instruments are provided by the University?

We can provide piccolos, flutes, clarinets, alto saxophone, tenor saxophones, mellophones, trumpets, trombones, baritones, sousaphones, percussion, and guard equipment.  We recommend using your own instrument if you play flute, clarinet, alto saxophone or trumpet.  Due to increased maintenance costs on instruments, students will be required to pay a $40 rental fee for the semester. 

Do I receive academic credit for participating in the marching band?

Yes. Marching band is an academic class offered through the university.  To receive credits, students must register for MUS 0202R for 1 credit hour before classes begin. After one semester of participation, students are able to register for a 0-credit option (MUS 0202X).

I'm a high school senior. How can I truly experience what it's like to be a member of the Panther Marching Band?

We invite high school band members who are serious about attending Eastern to be our guest at Panther High School Band Day held annually in November. This is an opportunity to spend the day as member of the Panther Marching Band family by taking part in all of our game day activities; from the parade to the stadium, to halftime, to singing the Alma Mater at the clock tower. We guarantee there is no better way to experience the Panther Marching Band and OVC Football than enjoying it with other Panther fans at O'Brien stadium! More information can be found here

Do I have to be in a concert band to be in marching band?

No. You may be in marching band or concert band, or both.  We highly encourage you to be in marching band in the fall and a concert group in the spring. More information can be found on the EIU Bands Webpage.

What about the Panther Basketball Band?

The basketball band performs at all men's and women’s home basketball games while classes are in session, and sometimes travels to tournaments with the teams. Details about participation will be available in October. 

How do I obtain more information?

Click here to ask a member or contact PMB Director, Prof. David Boggs today at

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