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EIU Department of Training and Development


Training & Development Library

The Office of Training and Development would like to share our resources with you! Over the years we have collected a variety of books, DVDs, VHS tapes, and guides. To check out one of the items below, please contact the Office of Training and Development at 581-8415. If the item is currently checked out, your name will be put on a wait list and we will notify you when the item is returned.

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Title Author Media
212 The Extra Degree S.l. Parker book
Becoming a Coach Guidebook book
I Quit, But Forgot to Tell You Terri Kabachnick book
Managerial Skills Barcharts booklet
Orchestrating Attitude Lee Colan booklet
The Manager's Coaching Handbook David Cottrell & Mark Layton booklet
When the Coach is You CRM video


Title Author Media
Crucial Confrontations McMillan/Switzler booklet
Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high Kerry Patterson book
Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high Kerry Patterson audio
Dealing With Difficult Customers Permacharts booklet
How to Say It Rosalie Maggio book
Telephone Skills from A to Z Nancy Friedman book


Title Author Media
Access XP Permacharts booklet
Don't Make Me Think Steve Krug book
Excel XP Permacharts booklet
Making E-mail Work for You IWCC Training in Communication booklet
Power Point XP Permacharts booklet
Web-Based Training Cookbook Brandon Hall book
Windows XP Permacharts booklet


Title Author Media
Crucial Confrontations McMillan/Switzler booklet
Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high Kerry Patterson book
Crucial Conversations: Tools for talking when stakes are high Kerry Patterson audio
How to Reduce Workplace Conflict and Stress Anna Maravelas book
Humor by the Dozen Steve Kissell book
Managing Stress CRM Learning video
Motivational Speaker: Bobbie Staten Bobbie Staten video
No Hard Feelings Dennis O'Grady audio
Stress Busters Amanda Gore video
The Magic of Conflict Thomas Crum book
The Manager's Conflict Resolution Handbook Illayne Gellar & David Cottrell booklet

Customer Service

Title Author Media
An Invisible Man Meets the Mummy CRM video
Back Health at Work Permacharts booklet
Customer Service: Career Success Through Customer Service Paul Timm book
JukeBox Journey With Vibes CRM Learning video
So Help Me (Employee Edition) Video Visions Inc video
So help Me (Supervision Edition) Video Visions Inc video
The Big Book of Customer Service Training Games Peggy Carlaw book
The Power of Service Dale Henry video
Training Ziggets (Customer Service) Zig Ziglare book

Human Resources

Title Author Media
Client Centered Consulting Peter Cockman book
Copyrights Scott Petersen booklet
HR Director Arthur Andersen book
Human Resource Champions Dave Ulrich book
Managing Human Resources Wayne Cascio book
Premiere Speakers Bureau 2005 Speaker Catalog PSB book
Speak XXII Keppler book
Total Quality Management Dale Besterfield book


Title Author Media
CEO Exchange: Conversations in Leadership (1&2) Houghton Mifflin video
Courageous Followers, Courageous Leaders CRM video
Decide and Conquer Stephen Robbins book
Escape from Cluelessness Lee Bolman book
Escape from Management Land Ken Carnes & Davis Cottrell book
GO Put Your Strengths to Work Marcus Buckingham book
Goal Setting for Results Gary Blair booklet
Gung Ho Ken Blanchard book
Hard Optimism Price Pritchett book
Heads Count People Soft book
How Good People Make Tough Choices Rushworth M. Kidder book
How in Hell Do We Manage CRM Learning video
I Wish You Would Just.... Todd McDonald & Kyndra Wilson booklet
If you want it done right, You don't have to do it yourself Donna M. Gennet book
Implementation Alan P. Brache & Sam Bodley-Scott book
Leadership and Self Deception The Arbinger Institute book
Leadership Through People Skills R. E. Lefton book
Leading at the Edge Dennis Perkins book
Leading to Ethics Harvey, Smith, Sims booklet
Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest Scott Blanchard book
Living the 7 Habits Stephen Covey audio
Management Insights Ken Carnes book
Nuts N Bolts Leadership Eric Harvey & Paul Sims booklet
Organizational Ethics LearnCom video
Primal Leadership Daniel Goleman book
Quality Leadership Skills Standards of Leadership Behavior Leatherman book
Quality Leadership Skills- Second Edition Leatherman book
Shaping Corporate Culture Price Pritchett booklet
Success Talks Peter Lowe audio
The Book on Brainstorming John Storm book
The Employee Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions Price Pritchett book
The Employee Handbook for Organizational Change Pritchett, Pound book
The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus Mike Hourigan book
The Radical Leap Steve Farber book
The Serving Leader Ken Jennings book
The Stress of Organizational Change Pritchett, Pound book
The Three-Dimensional Interview Video Visions Inc video
The Work Mattes tompeters booklet
They Just Don't Get It Yerkes & Martin book
Walk the Talk Eric Harvey book
When Opposites Dance Roy Williams book
Who Moved My Cheese? Spencer Johnson book
Why the Bottom Line Isn't Dave Ulrich book
YES Lives in the Land of NO BJ Gallagher & Steve Ventura book
You Don't need a Title to be a Leader Sanborn book

New Employee/Career Planning

Title Author Media
Developing an Employee Orientation and Training Program Charles Caldwell audio
Eastern Illinois University EIU video
Employee Development Handbook HR Training Office book
Get Ahead and Stay Ahead Dianna Booher book
Legal and Effective Interviewing Coastal HR booklet
Start Right Stay Right CRM Learning video

Performance Appraisal

Title Author Media
Effective Phrases for Performance Appraisals Neal, James E. Jr. book
Implementation Matters Sherwin, Folkman, Zenger book
Passionate Performance Lee Colan booklet
The Appraisee Preparation Video Arts video
The Dreaded Appraisal Video Arts video

Respectful Workplace

Title Author Media
Flashpoint Morris Massey video
Its About Respect Coastal HR booklet
MEET on Common Ground Vision Point video
The Death Knell for Tom Peters book


Title Author Media
1001 Ways to Reward Employees Bob Nelson book
1001 Ways to Reward Energize Employees Rob Nelson book
180 Ways to Walk the Recognition Talk Eric Harvey book
5 Keys to Igniting Motivation & Success Zig Zagler video
A Kick In The Attitude Sam Glenn book
Bragging Rights Franklin Covey book
Bringing Out the Best in Others Thomas Connellan book
Changing the Picture Zig Ziglar audio
Developing the Qualities of Success Zig Ziglar audio
Encouraging the Heart CRM Learning video
Get Motivated booklet
Life Is a Canvas...Paint Your Success Sam Glenn video
Love Em or Lose Em Coastal HR booklet
Mega Motivation with a Twist Doug Dvorak video
Monday Morning Leadership David Cottrell book
Motivation Permacharts booklet
Over the Top Zig Ziglar book
Reach for the Stars Coastal HR booklet
The Goals Program Zig Ziglar audio
The Power of Acknowledgement Judith W. Umlas book
The Pygmalion Effect CRM video
Who Put a Lizard in my Lasagna? Sam Glenn book

Self Improvement

Title Author Media
12 Choices That Lead You to Success David Cottrell book
Love it Don't Leave It Kaye & Jordan-Evans book
Portion Size Me Learning Zone Xpress video
Portion Size me Too! Learning Zone Xpress video
Saving for Retirement Gail Marks Jarvis book
Training Ziggets Zig Ziglar book
Women & Breast Health Positive Promotions booklet


Title Author Media
After All, You're the Supervisor CRM Learning video

Team building

Title Author Media
Group Techniques Corey/Callanan/Russell book
How to Work with People Rockhurst University book
Team Building Activities for Every Group Alanna Jones book
Team Building: What Makes a Good Team Player Glenn Parker video


Title Author Media
12 Habits of Successful Trainers ASTD booklet
50 Creative Training Closers Bob Pike, Lynn Solem book
50 Creative Training Openings & Energizers Bob Pike, Lynn Solem book
A Trainers Guide to Web-Based Instruction Jay Alden book
Accelerated Learning ASTD booklet
All New Tricks for Trainers Arch, Dave book
ASTD Trainers Toolkit ASTD book
Basic Training Fortunato/Bradford book
Beyond Free Coffee and Donuts ASTD book
Building Learning Communities ASTD booklet
Creative Training Techniques Handbook Robert Pike book
Designing a High-Performance Organization William Lytle book
Developing Adult Learners Taylor/Marienau/Fiddler book
Facilitating With Ease Ingrid Bens book
Instructional Systems Development ASTD book
Management Development ASTD book
Managing Difficult Participants ASTD booklet
Mapping the Future ASTD book
Marketing Training Programs ASTD booklet
New Supervisor Training ASTD book
Team-Building Activities for Every Group Alanna Jones book
Telling Ain't Training ISPI book
The Art of Storytelling John Walsh book
The ASTD Trainer's Sourcebook Anne Coyle book
The Manager and the Change Leader William Rothwell book
The New Basic Training for Trainers ASTD book
The Trainers Handbook for Participative Learning Margolis/Swan book
The Training Trilogy Leatherman book
Train The Trainer Boot Camp Bob Pike book
Trainer Games in Action University of Oklahoma video
Training Ain't Performance Harold Stolovitch book
Training on the Job Diane Walter book
Training Resource Guide AMA book
Tricks for Trainers Dave Arch book
Workforce Education: Improving Educational Skills ASTD booklet

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Training and Development

Old Main Room 2010
Fax: 217-581-3614

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