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EIU Department of Classification and Compensation

Audit Procedures

Thinking about a desk audit? Please review the 6 steps below.

1. Written request & Civil Service Position Description

(a). Employee/supervisor submits a written request for a desk audit to the Department of Human Resources.

(b). Employee/supervisor submits an updated “Civil Service Position Description” to the Department of Human Resources. 

**Note: The Department of Human Resources recommends that these forms be submitted together and must beaccompanied by appropriate signatures. If the “Civil Service Position Description” is not submitted with the request for a desk audit, the employee shall have 90 days from the original request date to submit a position description.

2. Schedule an Appointment

The Classifications/Compensation Manager, or a designated representative, will schedule an appointment with the employee/supervisor to clarify the job duties described in the position description.

3. Job Duties Analyzed & Written Recommendation

The Classifications/Compensation Manager, or a designated representative, shall analyze the job duties and render a written recommendation on the civil service classification title and level. This process is typically completed within 30 days upon receipt of completed position description form.

4. Written Report & a Possible PAR

(a) If the audit report indicates no change in classification, a written report shall be submitted directly to the employee, with copies sent to the area Vice President, supervisor, and department head.

(b) If the audit report indicates a change in classification, a written report, along with a “Personnel Authorization Request” (PAR) is sent to the area Vice President. This PAR is to be completed by the Department of Human Resources.

5. Results from Vice President

If the PAR is approved by the Vice President, the audit report and signed PAR are returned to the Department of Human Resources. Results of the approved audit are communicated to the employee by memorandum, with a copy sent to the supervisor and department head.

6. Qualify & Pass Civil Service Examination

Employees must be qualified for, and successfully pass, the appropriate civil service examination for the classification recommended in the audit report. These arrangements must be made with the Examinations Office. Results of the audit report cannot go into effect until the employee meets both criteria listed herein.




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Classification and Compensation

2010 Old Main
Fax: 217-581-3614

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