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EIU Humanities Center

HMH Upcoming Courses

The Health & Medical Humanities minor is an 18-hour interdisciplinary minor. For more information about the minor, please see the courses on our Curriculum Sheet, our "Why HMH?" page, and our Courses in Previous Semesters page. You can contact the Director of the Center for the Humanities, CC Wharram, at ccwharram [at]

Spring 2022 Courses

CORE Courses:

HIC 2190G - Introduction to the Health & Medical Humanities, Honors

Dr. C.C. Wharram                                                                                      MWF 10:00-10:50

The course examines how the humanities can contribute to a better understanding of critical issues in medical practice from a variety of perspectives: political, economic, cultural, anthropological, historical, social, and through creativity (theatre, literature, art, and music).

            This course satisfies the Gen Ed requirement for 1) the Humanities and 2) Cultural Diversity. All  majors welcome.

ELECTIVE Courses: 

BIO 3155G - An Introduction to Evolutionary Medicine - 36585                                

Dr. Zhiwei Liu                                                                                                Online

A survey of current topics in evolutionary medicine, such as cancer treatment, antibiotic resistance, asthma and diseases of civilization will be explored and analyzed using the mechanisms of evolution natural selection, generation of biological traits and evolutionary history "mismatch" to current lifestyles affecting human biology today. This course does not count toward Biological Sciences major or minor.

            This course satisfies the Gen Ed requirement for Scientific Awareness, Biological Science. All majors welcome, except Biological Sciences and BIO: Environmental Biology.

WLS 1112 - Spanish for the Health Professions - 37108                            Online

Dr. Irene Jacobsen

A second semester beginning Spanish course focused on the vocabulary and grammar needed in the health professions and allied fields. Speaking, listening, reading, writing, and culture are emphasized. Prerequisites and Notes: Must have successfully completed WLS 1101 or one year of high school Spanish language.


HCM 2910 - Introduction to Health Communication - 34224                       Online

Dr. Elizabeth Gill

An introduction to health communication that focuses on the health consumer’s perspective. The course highlights the social and communicative factors that influence our understanding of and behaviors related to health. Topics may include decision-making, media presentations, doctor-patient interaction, patient empowerment, social support, family communication and the effects of public and political discourse on health.


HCM 4910 - Applied Health Communication - 34224                                  Online

Dr. Lauri DeRuiter-Willems

An application of health communication principles and competencies focusing on the development and implementation of health campaigns used by health communication professionals.

PUBH 3500 – Human Sexuality - 36136                                  

Jennifer Yvonne Cannon                                                                             Online

Introduction, overview, and study of the biological, psychological, and cultural dimensions of human sexuality.


PUBH 3560G - Women's Health - 36138             

Misty Rhoads                                                                                                 Online

This course is designed to assist students in 1). Understanding the normal conditions and special problems of women's physiology, 2). Developing an awareness of the problems women face when dealing with the health care system, 3). Examining cultural attitudes toward women, and analyzing the impact of cultural stereotyping on women's physical and emotional health, 4). Identifying agencies, groups, and organizations which are potential resources when investigating women's health concerns.

            This course satisfies the Gen Ed Social/Behavioral Sciences requirement. All majors are welcome.

HST 3750 - Health Care Delivery Systems                        

Megan Ann Cotner, MS                                                                               Online 

Review of contemporary approaches to the delivery of health care services in the United States. Prerequisites and Notes: A grade of C or better in ENG 1002, HST 2270, and HST 2800 or admitted to the RN to BSN program.


HST 4800 - Drugs and Society                                                                   Online

Dr. Kathleen Phillips 

A study of drugs and drug use from an historical, biological and social perspective with emphasis on the physiological and pharmacological action of drugs in the body.


PLS 4763 - Environmental Politics and Policy

Dr. Melinda Mueller                                                                            TR 9:30-10:45am

The study of environmental, energy, and sustainability issues from the perspective of public policy and political science research, including policy models, alternative tools, case studies, and the role of political institutions, actors, organizations, and citizens.


SOC 4820 - Sociology of Health and Health Care

Dr. Darren Hendrickson                                                                          TR 11-12:15pm

This course provides a sociological analysis of health, illness, and health care systems. Substantive topics covered include the social distribution of health and illness, the illness experience, the socialization and development of health care workers, and the social organization of medicine. Prerequisites and Notes: SOC 1838G or permission of the instructor.


WGS 2310G - Introduction to the Studies of Sexuality and Gender Diversity

Dr. Angela Glaros                                                                                            Online

This course introduces students to studies in sexuality and gender diversity (GSD), focusing on the histories, cultures, and politics of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, asexual, etc. persons from diverse cultural perspectives. It examines the contributions of GSD scholarship to culture and social movements and places these within their historical and cultural contexts.

            This course satisfies the Gen Ed Social/Behavioral Sciences requirement. All majors are welcome.

Looking ahead...

Summer 2020 Courses

For those who would like to take summer courses, ECN 3875 – Health Economics, is offered online every summer. Other summer courses will be announced.


PHI 3080 - Medical Ethics.

Dr. Teresa Britton                                                                                                 Online

This course examines the application of ethics in the context of medical practice, policy and research. Basic ethical theories are applied to medical issues in a way that involves understanding the social context in which these problems arise. Issues may include personhood, our obligations to the sick and dying, the allocation of scarce resources, informed consent, autonomy, paternalism, and others.


Fall 2022 Courses

ELECTIVE Courses: 

BIO 3003G - An Introduction to Evolution - 34921                                 TBA


A survey of the history, evidence, mechanisms and implications of evolutionary theory. Topics covered include natural selection, fossil formation, Mendelian genetics, attitudes towards evolutionary theory, and evolution of Homo sapiens. This course does not count toward Biological Sciences major or minor.


BIO 3628 - Evolutionary Medicine                                                             TBA


A survey of current topics in evolutionary medicine, such as cancer treatment, antibiotic resistance, asthma and diseases of civilization will be explored and analyzed using the mechanisms of evolution natural selection, generation of biological traits and evolutionary history "mismatch" to current lifestyles affecting human biology today.

             This course is intended for Biological Sciences majors.


HIC 2100G - Introduction to the Health & Medical Humanities.

TBA                                                                                    TBA

The course examines how the humanities can contribute to a better understanding of critical issues in medical practice from a variety of perspectives: political, economic, cultural, anthropological, historical, social, and through creativity (theatre, literature, art, and music).

            This course satisfies the Gen Ed requirement for the Humanities and Cultural Diversity. All majors are welcome.


PHI 3080 - Medical Ethics.

TBA                                                                                                       Online

This course examines the application of ethics in the context of medical practice, policy and research. Basic ethical theories are applied to medical issues in a way that involves understanding the social context in which these problems arise. Issues may include personhood, our obligations to the sick and dying, the allocation of scarce resources, informed consent, autonomy, paternalism, and others.


HIS 3700G/3790G – History of Science and Medicine                                      TBA


What is nature? How do humans understand it and the place of humans within it? In Europe between 1500 and 1800, a revolution occurred in how humans came to answer these questions. Yet this was not just a "scientific revolution." Rather, ideas about nature were deeply intertwined with religious and political beliefs. This course investigates the relationships among political, religious, and scientific (specifically, medical and biological) developments during the age of the Scientific Revolution.

             This course satisfies the Gen Ed Social/Behavioral Sciences requirement. All majors are welcome.



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Contact Information

Director: C.C. Wharram

Doudna Fine Arts Center 1343
(217) 581-3968

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