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EIU Department of History

Major & Minor Requirements

The History department offers over 60 courses, ranging from sweeping surveys of long periods to tightly focused seminars on specific topics and countries. Most courses offer students the opportunity to improve their writing skills.

Students may choose from several degree options:

Bachelor of Arts in History Requirements
  • Students majoring in history must take the following required courses:
    • History 1101: Introduction to Historical Studies  
    • History 2010G: History of the United States to 1877 or History 2020G: History of the United States since 1877
    • History 2500: Historical Research and Writing
    • History 2560: Early Modern World History
    • History 3555: Modern World History
    • History 3600G: The U.S. Constitution and the Nation
    • History 4375: History Capstone Seminar
  • Students majoring in history must also take an additional 24 semester hours of electives, with at least 21 hours numbered above 3000 to include at least six semester hours in U.S. history, six hours in non-U.S. history, six hours numbered above 4000, and three hours of inclusive history.

Bachelor of Arts in History with International Studies Requirements

  • Students majoring in history must take the following required courses:
    • History 1101: Introduction to Historical Studies (1 credit)
    • History 2020G: History of the United States since 1877
    • History 2500: Historical Research and Writing
    • History 3555: Modern World History
    • History 4375: History Capstone Seminar
  • Students majoring in history with interniatonal studies must take 18-21 Hours of History Electives: Selected electives must include at least two 4000-level courses and one U.S. history course. 
  • Students also take 6-9 hours of interdisiplinary electives
  • Students must show proficiency in a foreign language (of their choosing) at the intermediate level or completion of foreign language courses (2202G - WLF 2202G, WLG 2202G, or WLS 2202G) at the intermediate level.

Bachelor of Arts in History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science Requirements

  • A History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science degree allows students to pursue a degree in History while training and becoming licensed to teach high school social studies. Please visit the History with Teacher Licensure page for more information. 

Minor in History Requirements
  • Students minoring in History must take at least 18 semester hours. Students take 12 hours of electives, with at least nine hours above 3000. Students also take one of the following US History courses: HIS 2010G, HIS 2020G, HIS 2030G, HIS 2040G, HIS 2050G, HIS 2060G, or HIS 3600G, and one of the following non-US History courses: HIS 1500G, 1521G, HIS 1522G, HIS 1523G, HIS 1524G, HIS 1525G, HIS 1526G, HIS 1527G, HIS 2560, or HIS 3555.
Minor in History for Teacher Licensure Requirements
  • Students minoring in History for Teacher Licensure must take at least 18 semester hours. Students take 1 of HIS 1101, SOS 3400, or HIS 4295; 2 of HIS 2010G, 2020G, 2030G, 2040G, 2050G, and 3600G; 2 of HIS 1500G, 2560, and 3555; and 1 upper-division 3 CU History elective course (numbered 3000 or 4000).  

For more information, please contact the History Department's Undergraduate Advisor, Professor Brian Mann (

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Contact Information

History Department

2744 Coleman Hall
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920

Grant Sterling, Chair

3531 Coleman Hall

Brian Mann, Undergraduate Advisor

2566 - Coleman Hall

Lee Patterson, Graduate Coordinator

2572 - Coleman Hall

Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz
History with Teacher Licensure in Social Science Coordinator

2556 Coleman Hall

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