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EIU Historia


2017 Historia







Apollo-Soyuz Test Project: A Case Study in Cold War Détente
Sean Van Buskirk

Assessing Alexander
John P. Bays

Civil Liberties in a Time of Rebellion:  Lincoln’s Suspension of Habeas Corpus
Laura A. Seiler

The Development of Modern Sonata Form through the Classical Era: A Survey of the Masterworks of Haydn and Beethoven
B. Michael Winslow

A Bit of Brightness: Colored Glassware and the Experience of Women during the Great Depression
Claire J. Eagle

Nanny of the Maroons
Lauren T. Eberle

A Woman of Influence in 12th Century Christendom: the Case of St. Hildegard of Bingen
Rene N. Tovar

Peeling Away the Myth: How the Lincoln Bedroom Wallpaper Constructs an Identifiable Lincoln Family in Public Memory
Cayla N. Wagner

The Clubmen: Revolt, Violence, and Radical Neutrality
Nima Lane

Changing Social Spheres of Antebellum Women in America
Emma L. Dambek

General’s Legions: Marian Reforms and the Collapse of the Roman Republic
Thomas A. Hardy

The Inner Workings of Slavery
Ava I. Gillespie

Abraham Lincoln: Hero to the Slaves?
John A. Jaso

A Riot, A Rebellion, A Massacre: Remembering the 1948 Jeju Uprising
Brittany M. Dixon

Truman at Potsdam: The First Battle of the Cold War
Andrew M. Goldstein

The Colonial and Post-Colonial Transformation of African Chieftaincy: A Historiography
Moses A. Awinsong    

Wife or Revolutionary: Historiography of Abigail Adams
Andrew T. Daily

On the Anatolian Orientation of Troy
Michael Spencer 

Book Reviews

Review of The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848- 1898, by Lisa Tetrault

Lanita Johnson

Review of The Empire That Would Not Die: The Paradox of Eastern Roman Survival, 640–740, by John Haldon
Jacob T. Sainer

Review of The Zookeeper’s Wife: A War Story, by Diane Ackerman

Jordan Rowe



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