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110 ILCS 920/4 Baccalaureate Savings Act Issuance and Sale of College Savings Bonds. In order to provide investors with investment alternatives to enhance their financial access to Institutions of Higher Education located in the State of Illinois, and in furtherance of the public policy of this Act, bonds authorized by the provisions of the General Obligation Bond Act, in a total aggregate original principal amount not to exceed $2,200,000,000 may be issued and sold from time to time, and as often as practicable, as College Savings Bonds in such amounts as directed by the Governor, upon recommendation by the Director of the Governor's Office of Management and Budget.
110 ILCS 205/8 Board of Higher
Education Act
The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University, and the Illinois Community College Board shall submit to the Board not later than the 15th day of November of each year its budget proposals for the operation and capital needs of the institutions under its governance or supervision for the ensuing fiscal year. Each budget proposal shall conform to the procedures developed by the Board in the design of an information system for State universities and colleges. 
    In order to maintain a cohesive system of higher education, the Board and its staff shall communicate on a regular basis with all public university presidents. They shall meet at least semiannually to achieve economies of scale where possible and provide the most innovative and efficient programs and services. 
    The Board, in the analysis of formulating the annual budget request, shall consider rates of tuition and fees at the state universities and colleges. The Board shall also consider the current and projected utilization of the total physical plant of each campus of a university or college in approving the capital budget for any new building or facility. 
    The Board of Higher Education shall submit to the Governor, to the General Assembly, and to the appropriate budget agencies of the Governor and General Assembly its analysis and recommendations on such budget proposals. 
    Each state supported institution within the application of this Act must submit its plan for capital improvements of non-instructional facilities to the Board for approval before final commitments are made. Non‑instructional uses shall include but not be limited to dormitories, union buildings, field houses, stadium, other recreational facilities and parking lots. The Board shall determine whether or not any project submitted for approval is consistent with the master plan for higher education and with instructional buildings that are provided for therein. If the project is found by a majority of the Board not to be consistent, such capital improvement shall not be constructed.
110 ILCS 205/9.21 Board of Higher
Education Act
Human Relations. 
    (a) The Board shall monitor, budget, evaluate, and report to the General Assembly in accordance with Section 9.16 of this Act on programs to improve human relations to include race, ethnicity, gender and other issues related to improving human relations. The programs shall at least: 
    (1) require each public institution of higher education to include, in the general education requirements for obtaining a degree, coursework on improving human relations to include race, ethnicity, gender and other issues related to improving human relations to address racism and sexual harassment on their campuses, through existing courses;
    (2) require each public institution of higher education to report monthly to the Department of Human Rights and the Attorney General on each adjudicated case in which a finding of racial, ethnic or religious intimidation or sexual harassment made in a grievance, affirmative action or other proceeding established by that institution to investigate and determine allegations of racial, ethnic or religious intimidation and sexual harassment; and
    (3) require each public institution of higher education to forward to the local State's Attorney any report received by campus security or by a university police department alleging the commission of a hate crime as defined under Section 12-7.1 of the Criminal Code of 1961.
20 ILCS 3110/4 Building Authority Act Any department, board, commission, agency or officer of this State or the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University, or any public community college district board may transfer jurisdiction of or title to any property under its or his control to the Authority when such transfer is approved in writing by the Governor as being advantageous to the State.  
20 ILCS 3105/12 Capital Development
Board Act
Nothing in this Act shall be construed to include the power to abrogate those powers vested in the boards of the local public community college districts and the Illinois Community College Board by the Public Community College Act, the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, The Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, and the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University, hereinafter referred to as Governing Boards.
    In the exercise of the powers conferred by law upon the Board and in the exercise of the powers vested in such Governing Boards, it is hereby provided that (i) the Board and any such Governing Board may contract with each other and other parties as to the design and construction of any project to be constructed for or upon the property of such Governing Board or any institution under its jurisdiction; (ii) in connection with any such project, compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Purchasing Act by either the Board or such Governing Board shall be deemed to be compliance by the other; (iii) funds appropriated to any such Governing Board may be expended for any project constructed by the Board for such Governing Board; (iv) in connection with any such project the architects and engineers retained for the project and the plans and specifications for the project must be approved by both the Governing Board and the Board before undertaking either design or construction of the project, as the case may be.   
110 ILCS 26/10 Credit Card Marketing
Act of 2009. 
Financial education. Any institution of higher education that enters into an agreement to market credit cards to students pursuing an undergraduate education, or that allows its student groups, alumni associations, or affiliates to enter into such agreements must make a financial education program available to all students. Additionally, an institution of higher education shall make available to all its students, via posting in a conspicuous location on its web pages, the financial education information required by this Section. 
110 ILCS 30/1 Educational Corporations Act Whenever property, real or personal, heretofore has been or hereafter shall be bequeathed by will or granted, conveyed or donated by deed or other instrument, to trustees with direction that the property shall be applied by them to the foundation and establishment of an educational institution in this State, it shall be lawful for the trustees in such case, in order to promote better establishment, maintenance and management of such institution, to cause a corporation not for pecuniary profit under the provisions of this Act to be formed, with the rights, powers and privileges hereinafter provided for. 
20 ILCS 1105/3 Energy Conservation & Coal
Powers and Duties. 
    (a) In addition to its other powers, the Department has the following powers: 
    (1) To administer for the State any energy programs and activities under federal law, regulations or guidelines, and to coordinate such programs and activities with other State agencies, units of local government, and educational institutions.
    (2) To represent the State in energy matters involving the federal government, other states, units of local government, and regional agencies.
    (3) To prepare energy contingency plans for consideration by the Governor and the General Assembly. Such plans shall include procedures for determining when a foreseeable danger exists of energy shortages, including shortages of petroleum, coal, nuclear power, natural gas, and other forms of energy, and shall specify the actions to be taken to minimize hardship and maintain the general welfare during such energy shortages.
    (4) To cooperate with State colleges and universities and their governing boards in energy programs and activities.
110 ILCS 47/10 Fire Sprinkler Dormitory Act Fire sprinkler systems required. Subject to the establishment of a fire sprinkler dormitory revolving loan program under Section 15 of this Act, fire sprinkler systems are required in the dormitories of all post-secondary educational institutions by 2013. This includes current structures as well as newly constructed dormitories. Nothing in this Act may be construed to abrogate any statute, rule, or ordinance requiring that a fire extinguisher be present in a dormitory. 
5 ILCS 410/4A-101 Illinois Governmental
Ethics Act
Persons required to file. The following persons shall file verified written statements of economic interests, as provided in this Article:
    (f) Persons who are employed by any branch, agency, authority or board of the government of this State, including but not limited to, the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority, the Illinois Housing Development Authority, the Illinois Community College Board, and institutions under the jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, Board of Trustees of Governor's State University, Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University, or Board of Trustees of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, and are compensated for services as employees and not as independent contractors and who:
    (1) are, or function as, the head of a department, commission, board, division, bureau, authority or other administrative unit within the government of this State, or who exercise similar authority within the government of this State;
    (2) have direct supervisory authority over, or direct responsibility for the formulation, negotiation, issuance or execution of contracts entered into by the State in the amount of $5,000 or more;
    (3) have authority for the issuance or promulgation of rules and regulations within areas under the authority of the State;
    (4) have authority for the approval of professional licenses;
    (5) have responsibility with respect to the financial inspection of regulated nongovernmental entities; 
    (6) adjudicate, arbitrate, or decide any judicial or administrative proceeding, or review the adjudication, arbitration or decision of any judicial or administrative proceeding within the authority of the State;
    (7) have supervisory responsibility for 20 or more employees of the State; or 
    (8) negotiate, assign, authorize, or grant naming rights or sponsorship rights regarding any property or asset of the State, whether real, personal, tangible, or intangible.    
30 ILCS 705/13 Illinois Grant Funds
Recovery Act
Notwithstanding the requirements of any other State law or regulation, an institution of higher education which conducts annual audits of its own operations may elect to fulfill any audit requirements with respect to any or all State grants which it receives by having such audit conducted at the time of its own annual audit at its own cost. 
    The institution of higher education shall make such election at the time that it receives each grant. The institution of higher education shall not be required to elect that all State grants be included in its annual audit. Such election may be for either financial or compliance audits, or both. In the event of such election, such audits shall fulfill the audit requirements of the applicable State law or regulation authorizing such grants except for the reporting dates required for such audits. Such audits shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by licensed Certified Public Accountants permitted to perform audits under the Illinois Public Accounting Act. 
    The provisions of this Section do not limit the authority of any State agency to conduct, or enter into contracts for the conduct of, audits and evaluations of State grant programs, nor limit the authority of the Auditor General. Such State agency shall fund the cost of any such additional audits. 
40 ILCS 5/15-106 Illinois Pension Code -
State Universities Retirement
Employer. The University of Illinois, Southern Illinois University, Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, the State Board of Higher Education, the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, the University Civil Service Merit Board, the Board of Trustees of the State Universities Retirement System, the Illinois Community College Board, community college boards, any association of community college boards organized under Section 3-55 of the Public Community College Act, the Board of Examiners established under the Illinois Public Accounting Act, and, only during the period for which employer contributions required under Section 15-155 are paid, the following organizations: the alumni associations, the foundations and the athletic associations which are affiliated with the universities and colleges included in this Section as employers. 
    A department as defined in Section 14-103.04 is an employer for any person appointed by the Governor under the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois who is a participating employee as defined in Section 15-109. The Department of Central Management Services is an employer with respect to persons employed by the State Board of Higher Education in positions with the Illinois Century Network as of June 30, 2004 who remain continuously employed after that date by the Department of Central Management Services in positions with the Illinois Century Network, the Bureau of Communication and Computer Services, or, if applicable, any successor bureau. 
    The cities of Champaign and Urbana shall be considered employers, but only during the period for which contributions are required to be made under subsection (b-1) of Section 15-155 and only with respect to individuals described in subsection (h) of Section 15-107.  
30 ILCS 500/1-5 Illinois Procurement Code Public policy. It is the purpose of this Code and is declared to be the policy of the State that the principles of competitive bidding and economical procurement practices shall be applicable to all purchases and contracts by or for any State agency.
30 ILCS 500/53-25 Illinois Procurement Code Public institutions of higher education. Each public institution of higher education may enter into concessions, including the assignment, license, sale, or transfer of interests in or rights to discoveries, inventions, patents, or copyrightable works, for property, whether tangible or intangible, over which it has jurisdiction. Concessions shall be reduced to writing and shall be awarded at the discretion of the institution with jurisdiction over the property. The duration and terms of concessions and leases shall be at the discretion of the institution with jurisdiction over the property. Notice of the award of a concession shall be published in the higher education volume of the Illinois Procurement Bulletin. 
110 ILCS 62/4 Public University Energy
Conservation Act
Applicability. In order to protect the integrity of historic buildings, no provision of this Act shall be interpreted to require the implementation of energy conservation measures that conflict with respect to any property eligible for, nominated to, or entered on the National Register of Historic Places, pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, or the Illinois Register of Historic Places, pursuant to the Illinois Historic Preservation Act. 
225 ILCS 460/3(b)1 Solicitation for Charity Act Exemptions. 
    (b) The following persons shall not be required to register with the Attorney General: 
    1. The University of Illinois, Southern Illinois University, Eastern Illinois University, Illinois State Normal University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, all educational institutions that are recognized by the State Board of Education or that are accredited by a regional accrediting association or by an organization affiliated with the National Commission on Accrediting, any foundation having an established identity with any of the aforementioned educational institutions, any other educational institution confining its solicitation of contributions to its student body, alumni, faculty and trustees, and their families, or a library established under the laws of this State, provided that the annual financial report of such institution or library shall be filed with the State Board of Education, Governor, Illinois State Library, County Library Board or County Board, as provided by law.
    2. Fraternal, patriotic, social, educational, alumni organizations and historical societies when solicitation of contributions is confined to their membership. This exemption shall be extended to any subsidiary of a parent or superior organization exempted by Sub-paragraph 2 of Paragraph (b) of Section 3 of this Act where such solicitation is confined to the membership of the subsidiary, parent or superior organization.
415 ILCS 20/3.1 Solid Waste Management Act Institutions of higher learning. 
    (a) For purposes of this Section "State-supported institutions of higher learning" or "institutions" means the University of Illinois, Southern Illinois University, the colleges and universities under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, the colleges and universities under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents of Regency Universities, and the public community colleges subject to the Public Community College Act. 
    (b) Each State-supported institution of higher learning shall develop a comprehensive waste reduction plan covering a period of 10 years which addresses the management of solid waste generated by academic, administrative, student housing and other institutional functions. The waste reduction plan shall be developed by January 1, 1995. The initial plan required under this Section shall be updated by the institution every 5 years, and any proposed amendments to the plan shall be submitted for review in accordance with subsection (f). 
    (c) Each waste reduction plan shall address, at a minimum, the following topics: existing waste generation by volume, waste composition, existing waste reduction and recycling activities, waste collection and disposal costs, future waste management methods, and specific goals to reduce the amount of waste generated that is subject to landfill disposal. 
    (d) Each waste reduction plan shall provide for recycling of marketable materials currently present in the institution's waste stream, including but not limited to landscape waste, corrugated cardboard, computer paper, and white office paper, and shall provide for the investigation of potential markets for other recyclable materials present in the institution's waste stream. The recycling provisions of the waste reduction plan shall be designed to achieve, by January 1, 2000, at least a 40% reduction (referenced to a base year of 1987) in the amount of solid waste that is generated by the institution and identified in the waste reduction plan as being subject to landfill disposal. 
    (e) Each waste reduction plan shall evaluate the institution's procurement policies and practices to eliminate procedures which discriminate against items with recycled content, and to identify products or items which are procured by the institution on a frequent or repetitive basis for which products with recycled content may be substituted. Each waste reduction plan shall prescribe that it will be the policy of the institution to purchase products with recycled content whenever such products have met specifications and standards of equivalent products which do not contain recycled content. 
    (f) Each waste reduction plan developed in accordance with this Section shall be submitted to the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity for review and approval. The Department's review shall be conducted in cooperation with the Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Community College Board. 
    (g) The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity shall provide technical assistance, technical materials, workshops and other information necessary to assist in the development and implementation of the waste reduction plans. The Department shall develop guidelines and funding criteria for providing grant assistance to institutions for the implementation of approved waste reduction plans.  
110 ILCS 15/1 State College Housing
Construction Act
No State supported college or university may construct or operate, directly or indirectly through any other public or private organization, any new housing project nor acquire any property for such construction without the prior determination by and approval of the General Assembly that the specific project or acquisition of property is in the public interest. However, no prior determination or approval of the General Assembly is necessary for a State supported college or university to reconstruct or rebuild any building that has been damaged or destroyed by a tornado, flood, wind or other act of God.
110 ILCS 65/5 State Colleges and
Universities Gasohol Use Act
Requirement. All gasoline burning motor vehicles owned or leased by any State college or university shall be equipped to operate on ethanol blended gasoline as defined in Section 3-40 of the Use Tax Act and are required to be operated on ethanol blended gasoline whenever ethanol blended gasoline is available. 
15 ILCS 405/13.1 State Comptroller Act Compliance with State Employment Records Act. The Comptroller, for the purpose of facilitating an accurate compilation of the entire State work force as defined and required by the State Employment Records Act, shall report, on a fiscal year basis, the total number of payroll warrants drawn for the payment of salaries for State employees, including contractual payroll system CO-2 vouchers (or their administrative equivalent) or any other information necessary to comply with that Act. The State Employment Records (SER) report shall be maintained and kept on file as public information within the Office of the Comptroller. 
    The total number of payroll warrants drawn by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, the Board of Regents and all educational institutions governed by those boards to be paid from funds retained in their own treasuries shall be filed with the Office of the Secretary of State by the respective boards and educational institutions in the same manner. 
    Multiple payroll warrants issued to the same person shall be noted with multiple warrants counted and reported as one payroll warrant count for the purposes of the State Employment Records Act. The total State remuneration to persons paid by multiple payroll warrants or, if applicable, contractual payroll system CO-2 vouchers, or both, shall be reported separately by agency.
15 ILCS 405/16 State Comptroller Act Reports from State agencies. The comptroller shall prescribe the form and require the filing of quarterly fiscal reports by each State agency. Within 30 days after the end of each quarter, or at such earlier time as the comptroller by rule requires, each State agency shall file with the comptroller the report of its receipts and collections during the preceding quarter, including receipts and collections of taxes and fees, funds and fund authorizations from sources other than appropriation by the General Assembly, gifts, grants and donations, and income from revenue producing activities or property of or under the control of the agency. The report shall specify the nature, source and fair market value of any assets received, any increase or decrease in its security holdings (other than those held by the State Treasurer), and such other related information as the comptroller, by rule, requires. 
    The report shall, consistent with the uniform State accounting system, account for all encumbrances, transfers, and releases of encumbrances upon assets held by the State agency, except any assets held in trust for another State agency or person, and any additional accounting as may be determined by the comptroller to be necessary for his maintenance of accurate encumbrance accounts for State agencies. The report shall include a separate accounting for each revenue bond issue administered by the particular agency, and shall indicate any changes in authorized or outstanding indebtedness of the agency or of the State through the agency. This Section does not require the duplication of reports concerning security holdings and investment income of the State Treasurer which are issued by the Treasurer pursuant to law. 
    In addition to the quarterly reports required by this Section, each agency shall on an annual basis file a report giving that agency's best estimate of the cost of each tax expenditure related to each of the revenue sources administered by the agency. This annual report shall include the agency's best estimate of the cost of each tax expenditure including: (a) a citation of the legal authority for the tax expenditure, the year it was enacted, the fiscal year in which it first took effect, and any subsequent amendments; (b) to the extent that it can be determined, the total cost of the tax expenditure for the preceding fiscal year together with an estimate of the projected cost for the next succeeding fiscal year along with a description of the methodology used to determine or estimate the cost of the tax expenditure; and (c) an assessment of the impact of the tax expenditure on the incidence of the tax in terms of the relative shares of revenue received under the provisions of the tax expenditure and the revenue that would have been received had the tax expenditure not been in effect. 
    For purposes of this Act, the term "tax expenditure" means any tax incentive authorized by law that by exemption, exclusion, deduction, allowance, credit, preferential tax rate, abatement, or other device reduces the amount of tax revenues that would otherwise accrue to the State.
15 ILCS 405/21 State Comptroller Act Rules and Regulations - Imprest accounts. The Comptroller shall promulgate rules and regulations to implement the exercise of his powers and performance of his duties under this Act and to guide and assist State agencies in complying with this Act. Any rule or regulation specifically requiring the approval of the State Treasurer under this Act for adoption by the Comptroller shall require the approval of the State Treasurer for modification or repeal. 
    The Comptroller may provide in his rules and regulations for periodic transfers, with the approval of the State Treasurer, for use in accordance with the imprest system, subject to the rules and regulations of the Comptroller as respects vouchers, controls and reports, as follows: 
    (a) To the University of Illinois, Southern Illinois University, Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, and State Community College of East St. Louis under the jurisdiction of the Illinois Community College Board, not to exceed $200,000 for each campus.
30 ILCS 105/6a-1d State Finance Act (1) Beginning on the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1996, the following items of income received by Eastern Illinois University for general operational and educational purposes shall be retained by the University in its own treasury and credited to an account known as the University Income Fund that it shall establish in its treasury for purposes of this paragraph: (a) tuition and laboratory fees not pledged to discharge obligations arising out of the issuance of revenue bonds, library fees, and all interest which may be earned thereon; and (b) excess income from auxiliary enterprises and activities as provided in paragraph (2) of this Section, and all other income arising out of any activity or purpose not specified in paragraph (2), (3), (4) or (5) of this Section upon receipt of the same without any deduction whatever. 
    Within 10 days after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1996, all moneys then held in the Eastern Illinois University Income Fund established in the State Treasury that have been covered and paid into that fund by or on behalf of that University shall be repaid to the University upon the warrant of the State Comptroller, directed to the State Treasurer as an order to pay the sum required to be repaid under this paragraph and shown as due on the warrant. The University shall deposit the amount so repaid to it in a university bank account within the time period established for like amounts in Section 2 of the State Officers and Employees Money Disposition Act, to be credited to the University Income Fund established by the University in its own treasury for purposes of this paragraph. 
    All moneys from time to time held in the University Income Fund in the treasury of the University shall be used by the University, pursuant to the order and direction of the Board of Trustees of the University, for the support and improvement of the University, except for amounts disbursed from that University Income Fund for refunds to students for whom duplicate payment has been made and to students who have withdrawn after registration and who are entitled to such refunds. 
    (2) The following items of income shall be retained by the University in its own treasury: endowment funds, gifts, trust funds, and Federal aid; funds received in connection with contracts with governmental, public, or private agencies or persons, for research or services including funds which are paid as reimbursement to the University; funds received in connection with reserves authorized by Section 10-60 of the Eastern Illinois University Law; funds received in connection with its operation of research and high technology parks and with the retention, receipt, assignment, license, sale or transfer of interests in, rights to, or income from discoveries, inventions, patents, or copyrightable works; funds retained by the University under the authority of paragraph (3), (4) or (5) of this Section; and funds received from the operation of student or staff residence facilities, student and staff medical and health programs, Union buildings, bookstores, farms, stores, and other auxiliary enterprises or activities which are self-supporting in whole or in part. 
    Any income derived from such auxiliary enterprises or activities which is not necessary to their support, maintenance, or development shall not, however, be applied to any general operational or educational purposes but shall be retained by the University in its own treasury and credited to the University Income Fund that it shall establish in its treasury as provided in paragraph (1) of this Section. 
    (3) The Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University may retain in its treasury any funds derived from rentals, service charges and laboratory and building service charges or other sources, assessed or obtained for or arising out of the operation of any building or buildings or structure or structures and pledged to discharge obligations created in order to complete or operate such building or structure, or for the payment of revenue bonds issued for such University by the Teachers College Board, the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities or the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, such funds to be disbursed from time to time pursuant to the order and direction of the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, and in accordance with any contracts, pledges, trusts or agreements heretofore made with respect thereto by the Teachers College Board or the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, or hereafter made by the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University. 
    (4) The Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University may also retain in its treasury, out of student fees and tuition, such sums annually as the Board determines are necessary to supplement revenue derived from any building or buildings constructed or acquired on or after the effective date of this amendatory Act of 1995, or to supplement revenues derived from any building or buildings having bonds outstanding thereon which bonds have heretofore been issued for the University by the Teachers College Board or the Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities and which bonds are refunded under the provisions of the Act under which they were issued or under the provisions of any other law of this State authorizing the refunding of such bonds, and may pledge or by resolution may make a supplementary allocation of the funds so retained out of students' fees and tuition for the retirement of such bonds as may be issued under any such Act or law. 
    Such funds as are so pledged shall annually be credited to the account to which the pledge applies. 
    Such funds as are supplementarily allocated by Board resolution subsequent to the resolution creating the bonds shall be credited in accordance with the terms of the resolution making such supplementary allocation to the account to which the allocation applies. The Board may authorize such supplementation only after a determination by it that the maximum revenues which may reasonably and economically be derived from the operation of a building proposed to be constructed or acquired under the Act under which the bonds therefor are issued will be insufficient to meet the costs of operation and maintenance and to pay the principal of and interest on bonds so issued for such building, or after a determination by it that the maximum revenues which may reasonably and economically be derived from the operation of a building already constructed or acquired under the Act under which the bonds therefor were issued are or will be insufficient to meet the costs of operation and maintenance and to pay the principal of and interest on bonds issued for such building. 
    In no event shall the supplementation from University income be in excess of an amount which, when added to the revenues to be derived from the operation of the building or buildings, will be sufficient to meet the annual debt service requirements on the bonds issued in respect to such building or buildings, the annual cost of maintenance or operation of such building or buildings, and to provide for such reserves, accounts or covenants which the resolution authorizing the issuing of such bonds may require. 
    (5) The Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University may also retain in its treasury (a) all moneys received from the sale of all bonds issued under the Eastern Illinois University Revenue Bond Law, (b) all fees, rentals and other charges from students, staff members and others using or being served by, or having the right to use or the right to be served by, or to operate any project acquired under the Eastern Illinois University Revenue Bond Law, (c) all tuition, registration, matriculation, health, hospital, medical, laboratory, admission, student activities, student services, and all other fees collected from students matriculated, registered or otherwise enrolled at and attending the University pledged under the terms of any resolution authorizing bonds, or authorizing a supplemental allocation of fees for debt service of bonds theretofore issued pursuant to the Eastern Illinois University Revenue Bond Law, and (d) all rentals from any facility or building acquired under the Eastern Illinois University Revenue Bond Law and leased to the United States of America. 
    (6) Whenever funds retained by the University in its own treasury as provided in this Section are deposited with a bank or savings and loan association and the amount of the deposit exceeds the amount of federal deposit insurance coverage, a bond or pledged securities shall be obtained. Only the types of securities which the State Treasurer may, in his discretion, accept for amounts not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation under Section 11 of the Deposit of State Moneys Act may be accepted as pledged securities. The market value of the bond or pledged securities shall at all times be equal to or greater than the uninsured portion of the deposit. 
    (7) The Auditor General shall audit or cause to be audited all items of income referred to in this Section and all other income and expenditures of the University. 
5 ILCS 365/3 State Salary & Annuity
Withholding Act
Whenever a Department whose payroll is processed by the Comptroller, or an Office other than the Comptroller, is authorized in writing by a State employee or annuitant to withhold a specified portion of such employee's or annuitant's salary, wages or annuity for a designated period of time for any one or more of the purposes specified in Section 4, such Department shall direct the Comptroller to withhold and such Office other than the Comptroller shall withhold from such employee's salary, wages or annuity for each pay period the amount specified in the authorization during the period of time therein designated.
5 ILCS 365/4 State Salary & Annuity
Withholding Act
Authorization of withholding. An employee or annuitant may authorize the withholding of a portion of his salary, wages, or annuity for any one or more of the following purposes:
    (1) for purchase of United States Savings Bonds; 
    (2) for payment of premiums on life or accident and health insurance as defined in Section 4 of the "Illinois Insurance Code", approved June 29, 1937, as amended, and for payment of premiums on policies of automobile insurance as defined in Section 143.13 of the "Illinois Insurance Code", as amended, and the personal multiperil coverages commonly known as homeowner's insurance. However, no portion of salaries, wages or annuities may be withheld to pay premiums on automobile, homeowner's, life or accident and health insurance policies issued by any one insurance company or insurance service company unless a minimum of 100 employees or annuitants insured by that company authorize the withholding by an Office within 6 months after such withholding begins. If such minimum is not satisfied the Office may discontinue withholding for such company.
    For any insurance company or insurance service company which has not previously had withholding, the Office may allow withholding for premiums, where less than 100 policies have been written, to cover a probationary period. An insurance company which has discontinued withholding may reinstate it upon presentation of facts indicating new management or re‑organization satisfactory to the Office;
    (3) for payment to any labor organization designated by the employee;
    (4) for payment of dues to any association the membership of which consists of State employees and former State employees;
    (5) for deposit in any credit union, in which State employees are within the field of membership as a result of their employment;
    (6) for payment to or for the benefit of an institution of higher education by an employee of that institution;
    (7) for payment of parking fees at the underground facility located south of the William G. Stratton State Office Building in Springfield, the parking ramp located at 401 South College Street, west of the William G. Stratton State Office Building in Springfield, or at the parking facilities located on the Urbana‑Champaign campus of the University of Illinois;
    (8) for voluntary payment to the State of Illinois of amounts then due and payable to the State;
    (9) for investment purchases made as a participant in College Savings Programs established pursuant to Section 30‑15.8a of the School Code;
    (10) for voluntary payment to the Illinois Department of Revenue of amounts due or to become due under the Illinois Income Tax Act;
    (11) for payment of optional contributions to a retirement system subject to the provisions of the Illinois Pension Code;
    (12) for contributions to organizations found qualified by the State Comptroller under the requirements set forth in the Voluntary Payroll Deductions Act of 1983;
    (13) for payment of fringe benefit contributions to employee benefit trust funds (whether such employee benefit trust funds are governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, 29 U.S.C. §1001 et seq. or not) for State contractual employees hired through labor organizations and working pursuant to a signed agreement between a labor organization and a State agency, whether subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act or not; this item (13) is not intended to limit employee benefit trust funds and the contributions to be made thereto to be limited to those which are encompassed for purposes of computing the prevailing wage in any particular locale, but rather such employee benefit trusts are intended to include contributions to be made to such funds that are intended to assist in training, building and maintenance, industry advancement, and the like, including but not limited to those benefit
    trust funds such as pension and welfare that are normally computed in the prevailing wage rates and which otherwise would be subject to contribution obligations by private employers that are signatory to agreements with labor organizations.  
110 ILCS 70/36b State Universities Civil
Service Act
    (1) A classified civil service system to be known as the State Universities Civil Service System is hereby created, and is hereinafter referred to as the University System. 
    (2) The purpose of the University System is to establish a sound program of personnel administration for the Illinois Community College Board, State Community College of East St. Louis, Southern Illinois University, Chicago State University, Eastern Illinois University, Governors State University, Illinois State University, Northeastern Illinois University, Northern Illinois University, Western Illinois University, University of Illinois, State Universities Civil Service System, State Universities Retirement System, the State Scholarship Commission, and the Board of Higher Education. All certificates, appointments and promotions to positions in these agencies and institutions shall be made solely on the basis of merit and fitness, to be ascertained by examination, except as specified in Section 36e. 
110 ILCS 73/10 State University Certificates
of Participation Act
Certificates of participation. 
    (a) The power of the Board of any State University to enter into contracts includes the power to enter into financing agreements in connection with the financing of capital improvements (including technology or other related improvements) by selling certificates of participation in the installment payments made under such financing agreements. Such financing agreements may be entered into for any period of time less than or equal to 30 years, but not to exceed the useful life of the capital improvement. Nothing in this Act authorizes the Board of any State University to incur "State debt" as that term is defined in subsection (a) of Section 9 of Article IX of the Illinois Constitution of 1970. This subsection (a) is declaratory of existing law.
    (b) Upon determination by the Board of a State University to undertake a transaction for the sale of certificates of participation and enter into related financing agreements in connection with the financing of capital improvements, the Board shall adopt a resolution or resolutions describing in a general way the contemplated facilities or a combination thereof designated as the project, the estimated cost thereof, and any additional relevant information. 
110 ILCS 73/15 State University Certificates
of Participation Act
Accountability and review of proposed certificate issuance. Before issuance of any certificate of participation, a State University shall appear before the Commission and present the details of the proposal. This presentation shall include such information as the Commission may request in relation to the proposed certificate of participation issuance. This information shall include, but is not limited to, the amount being financed, the nature of the project being financed, the proposed funding stream to pay for the certificate issuance, the current outstanding indebtedness of the State University, and the status of all currently issued certificates of participation. 
    Upon receipt of a request by a State University for a certificate of participation presentation, the Commission shall hold a public hearing and, upon adoption by a vote of the majority of appointed members, issue a record of findings in regards to the issuance of the certificate within 60 days after the request.
    The Commission shall report the findings within 15 days after the hearing to all of the following:
    (1) The Speaker of the House of Representatives.
    (2) The Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
    (3) The President of the Senate.
    (4) The Minority Leader of the Senate.
    (5) The Governor's Office of Management and Budget.
    (6) The President of the State University that had requested the certificate presentation.
    Upon a finding of "non-support of issuance", a State University may not proceed with the issuance of the certificate involved in the finding without the approval of the General Assembly through the adoption of a joint resolution.  
110 ILCS 73/20 State University Certificates
of Participation Act
Annual reporting. Prior to December 31 of each year, each State University shall file with the Commission a report stating the status of all outstanding certificates of participation the State University has issued and a copy of the annual budget as approved by the Board. 
760 ILCS 51/1 Uniform Prudent Management
of Institutional Funds Act
Short title. This Act may be cited as the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act. 
110 ILCS 85/1 University - Building
Authority Leased Lands Act
The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, and the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University, may construct, complete, remodel, maintain and equip buildings and other facilities, with funds available to them from any source, upon land heretofore or hereafter leased by them from the Illinois Building Authority. 
110 ILCS 85/2 University - Building
Authority Leased Lands Act
Expenditures by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Chicago State University, the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Governors State University, the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University, the Board of Trustees of Northeastern Illinois University, the Board of Trustees of Northern Illinois University, and the Board of Trustees of Western Illinois University for the construction, completion, remodeling, maintenance and equipment of buildings and other facilities are not subject to any law requiring that the State be vested with absolute fee title to the premises, if those expenditures are made in connection with and upon premises owned by the Illinois Building Authority. 
110 ILCS 95/2 University Employees
Custodial Accounts Act
The governing board of any public institution of higher education has the power to make payments to custodial accounts for investment in regulated investment company stock to provide retirement benefits as described in Section 403(b)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code for eligible employees of such institutions. Such payments shall be made with funds made available by deductions from or reductions in salary or wages of eligible employees who authorize in writing deductions or reductions for such purpose. Such stock shall be purchased only from persons authorized to sell such stock in this State. 
110 ILCS 95/3 University Employees
Custodial Accounts Act
Any income deferred under this Act shall continue to be included as regular compensation for the purpose of contributing to and receiving benefits from the retirement system of such employee. Any sum so deferred shall not be included in the computation of any federal or State income taxes withheld on behalf of such employee. 
110 ILCS 115/1a University Credit and
Retail Sales Act
Prohibition; exceptions. 
    (a) The governing board of a State institution of higher learning may not permit or authorize a retail store carrying any line of general merchandise to be operated by that institution or to be operated on property held or leased for the use of the institution when such an operation can reasonably be expected to be in competition with private retail merchants in the community, unless the goods sold by that store are unavailable in quantities sufficient to meet the reasonably expected student demand, are unavailable on a year round basis or were commonly sold by the institution or on such property before January 1, 1980.
    The governing board of a State institution of higher learning also may not permit or authorize any person to conduct a business of selling goods, services, or a combination thereof to the general public on property held or leased for the use of the institution when such an operation can reasonably be expected to be in competition with private retail merchants in the community unless such merchants have the opportunity to compete for the operation of such a business on such property. "Person" means an individual, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, cooperative, or any other legal entity. This Act does not prohibit the sale by such an institution or on such property of items commonly sold by such institutions before January 1, 1980.
110 ILCS 115/1b University Credit and
Retail Sales Act
(b) The governing board of a State institution of higher learning may not permit that institution or a retail store operated by that institution or operated on property held or leased for the use of the institution to make credit sales when the credit extended is the credit of the retail store or the institution itself. This subsection (b) does not prohibit the retail store from making credit sales through an independent credit organization not affiliated with the institution or the retail store, such as by means of a bank or other credit card or through the use of a debit card issued by the institution or otherwise, so long as private retail merchants in the community are afforded a reasonable opportunity to participate in such debit card sales through appropriate agreements with the institution. 
    This subsection (b) does not prohibit the sale on credit to students receiving financial assistance by such an institution of textbooks, food, beverages, or educational items required for use in classroom activities, so long as private retail merchants in the community are afforded a reasonable opportunity to participate in such credit sales through appropriate agreements with the institution. 
110 ILCS 115/2 University Credit and
Retail Sales Act
Enforcement; violations. Whenever the Attorney General of this State has reason to believe that any person or retail store operated by a State institution of higher learning or operated on property held or leased for the use of the institution is using, has used, or is about to use any method, act or practice in violation of this Act and that proceedings would be in the public interest, he may bring an action in the name of the State against any person or retail store operated by a State institution of higher learning or operated on property held or leased for the use of the institution to restrain and prevent any violation of this Act. In the enforcement of this Act, the Attorney General may accept an assurance of discontinuance of any act or practice deemed in violation of this Act from any person or retail store operated by a State institution of higher learning or operated on property held or leased for the use of the institution engaging in, or that has engaged in, that act or practice.  
    Failure to perform the terms of any such assurance constitutes prima facie proof of a violation of this Act.
110 ILCS 120/1 Vacated Grounds for
Universities Act
When parks, squares or other public grounds have been legally vacated by ordinance of any municipality, and any university or college in this state, incorporated in pursuance of the laws thereof, has been hereby authorized to erect buildings for educational purposes on such vacated grounds, with a limitation in the ordinance of vacation that said grounds and the buildings erected thereon shall be used for the education of one sex, or in any other particular and limited manner, and such university or college shall have erected buildings on such vacated grounds, and when the municipality which passed the ordinance of vacation has by subsequent ordinance modified or repealed the limitation in such ordinance, or has by ordinance, or conveyance of such vacated ground to such university or college, estopped itself from insisting upon such limitation, such estoppel shall be valid against the general public to the same extent as against said municipality; and it shall be lawful for such university or college to use and control such grounds for any purpose authorized by its act of incorporation or by such subsequent ordinance or conveyance in as full and ample a manner as other grounds held by such university or college for the objects for which the same was incorporated. 
110 ILCS 122/10 Volunteer Emergency
Worker Higher Education
Protection Act
Accommodation policy. Each public institution of higher education must adopt a policy that reasonably accommodates any student who is a volunteer emergency worker in regard to absence from class caused by the performance of his or her duties as a volunteer emergency worker. This policy shall include a grievance procedure by which a student who believes that he or she has been unreasonably denied this accommodation may seek redress. 
110 ILCS 122/15 Volunteer Emergency
Worker Higher Education
Protection Act
Publication of policy. Each institution of higher education must publish the policy adopted under Section 10 of this Act in a handbook, manual, or other similar document regularly provided to faculty and students. 
5 ILCS 340/8 Voluntary Payroll
Deductions Act
    (a) The Comptroller shall annually prepare a report on the number of State and university employees and State annuitants who have contributed to qualified organizations and united funds under this Act during the prior calendar year. The report shall set forth (i) the number of payroll deductions received by each qualified organization and united fund, (ii) the total amount of the contributions received by each qualified organization and united fund, and (iii) the State agencies, universities, and retirement systems from which the contributions were received. The report shall be prepared no later than April 1 of each year and shall be available to the public upon request. 
    (b) By March 1 of each year, each university shall submit to the Comptroller a report containing the information required for the preparation of the Comptroller's report under subsection (a) with respect to that university and its employees. 
    (c) By March 1 of each year, each retirement system shall submit to the Comptroller a report containing the information required for the preparation of the Comptroller's report under subsection (a) with respect to that retirement system and its participating State annuitants. The Comptroller may waive this reporting requirement for any retirement system if the Comptroller performs the retirement processing for the retirement system.  

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Austin Hill

Eastern Illinois University
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600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-7264

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