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EIU Office of General Counsel

Higher Education Opportunity Act


Section Title


405 Academic Achievement Incentive Scholarships (REPEALED) VPAA
430 Areas of national need: List requirements. VPAA, VPSA
430 Areas of national need: Loan forgiveness for service. VPSA
492 Articulation agreements VPAA
1104 Articulation agreements: Report and study. VPAA
707 Center for best practices to support single parent students VPSA
435 Consumer education information VPBA
488 Copyright infringement: Institutional information for students - Policies/sanctions against copyright infringement  VPAA
486 Criminal offenses VPSA
113 Database of student information prohibited VPAA
109 Diploma mills VPAA, VPSA
824 Disaster and emergency relief loan program. VPBA
823 Disasters Plan: Preparation for future disasters plan by the secretary. VPBA
1107 Distance Education: Independent evaluation of distance education programs. VPAA
107 Drug and alcohol abuse prevention VPSA
822 Emergency response policies, procedures, and practices. VPBA
119 Federal Funds, Prohibited Uses of VPBA
403 Federal TRIO Programs VPSA
483 Financial Aid: Early Application Demonstration Program VPSA
490 Financial Aid: Early awareness of financial aid eligibility VPSA
483 Financial Aid: EZ FAFSA  VPSA
422 Financial Aid: Federal payments to reduce student interest costs VPSA
401 Financial Aid: Federal Pell Grants VPSA
424 Financial Aid: Federal PLUS loans VPSA
110 Financial Aid: Improved information concerning the Federal student financial aid website VPSA
483 Financial Aid: Improvements to paper and electronic forms and processes. (FAFSA)  VPSA
484 Financial Aid: Model institution financial aid offer form VPSA
489 Financial Aid: National Student Loan Data System VPSA
466 Financial Aid: Sense of Congress regarding Federal Perkins loans. VPSA
485 Financial Aid: Student eligibility & distance education VPSA
433 Financial Aid: Student loan information for eligible lenders VPSA
1123 Financial Aid: Study for student loan clearinghouse. VPSA
451 Financial Aid: Terms and conditions of loans VPSA
404 Gaining early awareness and readiness for undergraduate programs VPAA
443 Grants for Federal work-study programs VPSA
120 Institution and lender reporting and disclosure requirements VPBA
702 Jacob K. Javits Fellowship program  VPSA
410 Low-income student. VPAA
825 Mental health disclosures guidance for student safety. VPSA
106 National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity VPAA
493 Program participation agreements VPAA
432 Reports to consumer reporting agencies and institutions of higher education VPAA
152 Responsibilities of covered institutions, institution-affiliated organizations, and lenders.  VPBA
104 Student speech and association rights, Protection of. VPAA, VPSA
1113 Study of aid to less-than-half-time students. VPSA
1109 Study of minority male academic achievement. VPSA
1115 Study of the impact of student loan debt on public service. VPSA
1110 Study on bias in standardized tests. VPAA
1103 Study on IPEDS. VPBA
412 TEACH Grants VPAA
201 Teacher quality partnership grants VPAA
112 Textbook information - Because EIU students rent their textbooks, this section applies only to those materials that students are required to purchase. VPAA, VPSA
112 Textbooks: Publisher Requirements VPAA
112 Textbooks: Information for college bookstores VPSA
112 Textbooks: ISBN College Textbook Information VPAA
830 Tuition: Incentives and rewards for low tuition. VPAA
114 Tuition: In-State tuition rates for Armed Forces members, spouses, and dependent children VPSA
116 Tuition: State commitment to affordable college education VPAA
111 Tuition: Transparency in college tuition for consumers. Calculations for Public Institutions. VPSA
111 Tuition: Transparency in college tuition for consumers. College Affordability and Transparency Lists. VPSA
111 Tuition: Transparency in college tuition for consumers. Consumer Information.  VPSA
111 Tuition: Transparency in college tuition for consumers. Net Price Calculator.  VPSA
111 Tuition: Transparency in college tuition for consumers. State Higher Education Spending Chart. VPSA

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General Counsel/FOIA Officer
Austin Hill

Eastern Illinois University
Blair Hall - Room 2102
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-7264

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