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EIU Facilities Planning and Management

Energy Guidelines

Vision Statement
At Eastern Illinois University, knowledge and experience shared through responsible campus-wide involvement in utilities conservation promotes a lifelong commitment to preserving our precious natural resources for future generations.

The Eastern Illinois University campus community is committed to a policy of conserving electricity, fossil fuels and water. The goal of reducing campus utilities consumption continues to be considered a priority. Ways to attain this goal are outlined in the following sections of this policy, formulated from the ideas and suggestion of the members of the university community and the university's campus energy and sustainability coordinator (ESC). The ESC anticipates this policy will be reviewed periodically as public awareness, management techniques and technology change.

Energy Management Advisory
For the purpose of establishing a focus group for campus utilities management matters, a utilities advisory group (UAG) will be formed, comprised of university Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) employees and chaired by the ESC. At a minimum, the UAG shall be comprised of one representative from each of the maintenance shops with responsibility for the ultimate end use of individual utilities, one representative from Academic Affairs, one student senator, and one representative from Housing and Dining.

The UAG shall meet on a regular basis to discuss items concerning the conservation of campus utilities through improved maintenance practices, projects development, consideration of conservation suggestions, establishment and modification of campus energy policy, setting goals, monitoring results of conservation efforts, and tracking campus utilities consumptions. UAG meeting proceedings will be shared with and reviewed by the director of FPM. Any requests brought out of the UAG are subject to the director's approval. Access to the UAG will be available through the FPM/utilities website, or by phone or e-mail contact to the ESC.

The Buildings
Windows and doors should be kept closed during the heating season and during the summer in areas with mechanical cooling (i.e., air conditioning systems). Every member of the university community should assume the responsibility of closing windows, turning off personal computers and other office equipment when not in use, and shutting off the lights when leaving a room. One should not assume someone else will do it.

Insulation and weatherproofing efforts will continue, as resources permit, in areas needing improvements. As time and budget allow, the FPM central temperature control and monitoring system will continue to add buildings and features. Buildings not presently connected to the central environmental control system will continue to add and utilize energy management devices and strategies.

Class schedules, meetings and other campus activities will endeavor to minimize energy use. Evening classes should be concentrated in the fewest possible buildings, and, where appropriate, the buildings used should be those lacking night temperature setback capabilities. Summer class schedules should consider assignment of time with maximum utilization of the hours before or after peak cooling occurs (noon to 4 p.m.)

Space utilization efforts need to consider filling buildings as completely as possible so HVAC systems can be scheduled off in unused areas whenever possible. If occupants of spaces are slightly cool in the winter, they should be encouraged to consider wearing a sweater; if occupants of spaces are slightly warm in summer, they should be encouraged to consider wearing lighter clothing as opposed to requiring the entire building temperature be adjusted. When the combined effects are considered, this small personal effort makes a big difference in our energy consumption.

Central Heating Plant & Underground Service Mains
While providing complete service reliability, the central heating plant will be operated in the most efficient manner possible, using the most cost-effective fuels and operated in full compliance with current state and federal regulations. Whenever economically possible, underground heating distribution mains and infrastructure will be upgraded with energy-efficient designs to minimize distribution energy losses.

Wherever possible, interior lighting will be fluorescent or light emitting diodes (LEDs). Whenever economically feasible and appropriate, current design energy saving fixtures, lamps and ballasts will replace existing less efficient types. Exterior lighting sources will be florescent, metal halide or LED, whenever appropriate and possible, and will meet minimum current safety, environmental and illumination requirements. Decorative lighting will be kept to a minimum.

The lighting levels recommended in the most recent edition of the IES Lighting Handbook shall be used as guidelines. Lighting shall not exceed the median recommended levels using mean lamp lumens in the calculations. Occupancy/motion sensors (ultrasonic and/or infrared) wired to control selected lighting will be installed to reduce and/or turn off lights in unoccupied areas, wherever economically feasible and appropriate. Day-lighting controls will be installed to automatically adjust lighting levels, wherever economically feasible and appropriate. Lighting shall conform to the FPM lighting guidelines.

Room temperature will be a minimum of 68 degrees Fahrenheit (minimum sustained) during periods in which a building is occupied. Whenever possible and feasible or if a building is unoccupied, the temperature will be reduced. Temperatures in storerooms, hallways, stairwells and other infrequently occupied areas will be maintained lower or, if feasible, unheated.

Exceptions may be made to the above requirements if special areas, such as animal facilities or certain research areas, require constant or warmer temperatures. Occupants suffering from medical disorders may also be reason for exceptions.

Electric heaters are not allowed in university buildings except with special permission from the ESC. Electric heaters are expensive to operate and may pose a safety risk. Requests for any supplemental heat will be evaluated as needed on an individual basis and in consultation with the ESC or FPM director.

Mechanical Cooling
In general, mechanical cooling at EIU is provided where it is required for human health, animal care, research conditions, proper functioning of equipment, or the preservation of materials or artifacts. In addition, areas essential to EIU's academic program (e.g., classrooms, offices, lecture halls, and general places of assembly) are also provided with mechanical cooling.

All areas equipped with mechanical cooling will have temperature settings of 75 degrees Fahrenheit or as required for special animal quarters outlined by current regulation. Economizer cycles on air handling units, where provided, will provide "free cooling” to offset the use of mechanical cooling equipment whenever possible. Requests for mechanical cooling (i.e., air conditioning units) in applications other than those listed above must be approved by the ESC or the FPM director. Vending machines using mechanical cooling shall abide by the FPM guidelines.

Areas equipped with ventilation systems will be operated in the most economical way to provide acceptable indoor air quality and meet state and local code requirements. During times of reduced occupancy, there may be cycling of fans or reduced fan speeds, and systems may be shut off entirely during times of minimal or no occupancy. Air will be recirculated within the guidelines of safe ventilation as outlined in the current ASHRAE Standard No. 62 Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality.

Water Usage
Shower facilities will be equipped with water-saving showerheads with flow not to exceed 2.0 gallons/minute. Single-pass water cooling units will not be used in any new construction projects. Laundry facilities will be configured to employ cold water wherever possible. Water closets designed to save water will be used. New plumbing units will be equipped with water-limiting devices. Flush valves on urinals and water closets will be set for the lowest possible per-flush flow rates consistent with proper operation of the sewage handling system.

In order to reduce fuel consumption and expenditures for parking lot maintenance, faculty, staff and students are encouraged to walk, use carpools/vanpools, bicycles and public transportation. The acquisition of new or replacement university vehicles is subject to the review and approval of the FPM director and the FPM associate director for support services.

Consideration of need, use, vehicle size and efficiency, and the availability of alternative transportation will be carefully examined before approval of acquisition or replacement. In all cases, replacement vehicles of the same general type must have a fuel efficiency rating better than the vehicle being replaced.

Solid Waste
Reducing solid waste through source reduction, improved purchasing practices, reuse, recycling and composting has direct implications on energy conservation in terms of reduced energy usage, handling and transportation requirements. Therefore, reducing solid waste will be promoted and encouraged. EIU is committed to reducing its solid waste and the associated cost of disposal. The Office of Energy and Sustainability has developed a successful program for paper, cardboard, plastic and metal materials. Continued success and further expansion in the area of solid waste reduction and recycling will depend upon the efforts and cooperation of all members of the campus community.

Education and Research
The intent of this policy is to encourage optimization of energy and utilities usage through communication with campus groups and incorporation of efficiency improvement opportunities. The knowledge gained shall be continually refined. Eastern Illinois University encourages and endorses the use of new, sound energy management techniques and equipment and will continue to provide guidance for energy conservation at its campus.

All renovations shall comply with the current ASHRAE 90.1, 60.2, IES and IECC.

Lighting Guidelines
In general, the guidelines of current IES and IECC standards will prevail.

All exit signs must be LED or photo-luminescent and consume two watts or less per face. All high intensity discharge fixtures must use metal halide ballasts and bulbs unless sodium is deemed necessary in special applications. The lamp CRI for metal halide shall be a minimum of 65.

All linear fluorescent fixtures must use T-8 or T-5 lamps and electronic ballasts. Programmed start ballasts shall be used unless operating temperatures may fall below 50 degrees under normal operating conditions. Preference will be given to new longer life lamps, subject to life cycle cost advantage. Lamp color temperature will be 3500K with a minimum of 80 CRI. Exceptions will be considered where specialty lighting is required.

All rooms and corridors with a total fixture wattage of at least 200 watts must have lighting controlled by occupancy sensors, timers, or photocells as design and use dictates. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis and may include rooms such as: lecture halls, auditoriums, fine arts performance areas, gymnasiums, mechanical rooms, etc. Harvesting of ambient lighting is encouraged where exposures allow.

No incandescent/halogen lamps will be allowed unless specific program requirements dictate otherwise. In cases where such dimmers or aesthetic qualities dictate the necessity of such, specific approval shall be requested prior to being incorporated into designs.

Alternatives to incandescent sources must always be offered. All fixture lenses must be made of a non-discoloring material.

Application of task lighting rather than “spill” from over lighting in spaces is required. Subject to approval by EIU, use of low voltage systems shall be limited to theatrical or specialized applications.

In the event low voltage systems are approved for use in an EIU project, voltage transformation shall be made at readily accessible locations and clearly identified on drawings. Fixtures should use light sources (lamps) which EIU currently stocks as regular inventory. Application to add new lamps to standard inventory may be made to EIU, but should not be implemented into the design unless permission given by EIU.

Outdoor area lighting shall utilize full-cutoff lighting fixtures. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis and may include the following applications: statues, sports, in ground-up lights, landscape, and architectural highlighting. For general exterior lighting, Holophane Granville poles and luminaries are standard. Up lights shall include shielding so as to control spill light. Use of tilt head fixtures shall be minimized.

In general, outdoor fixtures should not use lamps over 250 watts.

The number of different kinds of lamps in a building shall be minimized for ease of maintenance.

In hallways, every 4th fixture or one for every 40 linear feet of corridor whichever is of a lesser wattage shall be wired to the emergency power panel so as to remain on for egress even when the other fixtures in a hall have been switched off.

Light fixtures should have at least one inch between bulbs. Any deviation should be approved prior to incorporation into design.
Revised January 2010

Vending Machine Guidelines
Vending machines shall be placed at least six feet from the following items: wall thermostats, areas of rescue assistance call boxes, other ADA equipment, doorways, and fire equipment. Vending machines placed in hallways must not consume more than a third of the hallway width and in no case reduce clear passageway to less than six feet.

Beverage vending machines must be EPA Energy Star compliant with current tier standards. Machine light and motor energy saving features must be turned on except for units with products subject to spoilage. For units containing products subject to spoilage, the lighting energy-saving feature shall still be turned on. It is required that products subject to spoilage be combined to a single machine per building where possible.

If there is an alcove for vending machines, there should not be more vending machines in a space than that alcove has space for and the machines must be placed in the alcove.

Requests for additional alcove space to be constructed, if necessary, should be directed to the Department of Procurement Disbursements and Contract Services.

Vending machines in unoccupied areas, buildings that are under renovations, or do not have normal occupancy must have the product removed and the machines unplugged.

Each time a vending machine is serviced or refilled, the vendor must ensure that there is proper spacing at the rear of the machine for ventilation.
Under-performing machines must be assessed for validity of location.
Vendor shall perform routine cleaning of condenser coils, vents, and fans to insure highest operating efficiency.

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Contact Information

Facilities Planning and Management

408 West Hayes Charleston, IL 61920
Central Stores Phone: 217-581-2899
Fax: 217-581-5716

Office Hours: 8 am to 4:30 pm
Property Control: 4 am to 11:30 am

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