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EIU First-Generation Student Resources

Faculty Resources

Pursuing a postsecondary education as a first-generation student can be difficult, but having support on campus can help them better navigate higher education. As faculty and staff, there are ways to make that process easier for students, learning more about their experiences as first-generation students and how to help them during their college career.

Below are some useful resources for working with first-generation students:

EIU's Making Excellence Inclusive: Terminology

A presentation on the terminology related to difference, diversity, and inclusion that is important to understand in order to create a more inclusive campus.

EIU's Faculty Development and Innovation Center: Student Support and Services

A list of resources at EIU that faculty can tell students about to help them during their college career.

Center for First-Generation Student Success: A Landscape Analysis of Programs & Services at Four-year Institutions

A report on the diverse identities of first-generation students, how institutions are shifting to better serve students, and recommendations for faculty and staff in higher education to help first-generation students.

Tactics to Support First-Generation Students

This infographic provides information on some of the issues impacting first-generation college students today and what universities can do to help fix those issues.

Inside Higher Ed: Supporting First-Generation Students

An article that touches on some policies and practices that faculty can implement to help first-generation students.

Chronicle: Let's Help First-Generation Students Succeed

An article on ways that faculty can help first-generation students succeed in their classes.

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