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EIU Ethics Office

Economic Interest Statements


The Illinois Governmental Ethics Act [5 ILCS 420/Art. 4A] requires certain employees to annually complete a Statement of Economic Interests, based on criteria identified in the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act (5 ILCS 420/Art 4A). Since 2020, the form is filed electronically at:

This form is a retroactive filing to the prior calendar year and must be filed electronically by all identified employees by May 1st annually (May 2 for 2022). Additionally, all required filers must also complete a Supplemental form to comply with Ill. Exec. Order 15-09, issued in January 2015 and is filed with the Illinois Executive Ethics Commission. It is important that all filers recognize and understand the differences between the two filings, as they require very distinct disclosures and are filed with two separate entities.


You are asked to complete a Statement and Supplemental form if you met one of the following criteria in the prior calendar year:

  • persons who serve as a member of the Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University
  • persons who are or who function as the head of a department or other administrative unit
  • those who have supervisory authority over or direct responsibility for the negotiation, issuance or execution of contracts entered into by the State (BANNER approval authority, etc.)
  • those who are Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI on a grant
  • those who have supervisory responsibility for 20 or more employees
  • those who have authority over, or direct responsibility for the formation, negotiation, issuance, or execution of contracts entered into such as the procurement of goods and services (p-card, Best Buy, etc.)
  • those who have authority to issue or adopt rules and regulations within areas under the authority of their department or other administrative unit


The Statement of Economic Interests instructions will be mailed directly to your home mailing address, which is supplied based on the mailing address listed in BANNER at 12/31. The Supplemental Statement of Economic Interests forms will be emailed to employees at their EIU email address, along with a link and unique pin, and should be filed electronically by the May 1st deadline (May 2 for 2022).

For more details related to the Supplemental Form, please visit


Filing Procedures

  1. Receive instructions and the filing website, from the Secretary of State via US Postal Mail (For first time online filers, this will contain a password and access code. For returning filers, the mailing will contain the email address you filed with previously.)
    • You will also be sent an email notification of this requirement by the University
  2. Visit the website and log in with your university email and the password provided in the Secretary of State Mailing (returning filers will use the access code and password they filed with previously. If you cannot recall this detail, you will enter your email address in the "retrieve password access number" to have that information emailed to you. This option will ONLY work for those who have filed electronically in a prior year. The email address you filed with last year is also listed on the mailing you received from the Secretary of State. If your email address has since changed, please email to have your email and password reset. You will then be sent a new US Mailing to reinitiate the filing process, as if you are a first-time filer.)
    • If you cannot locate your letter and password, please contact the Secretary of State at Be sure to include your question, name, and a phone number where you can be contacted, if necessary.
  3. Use the form-specific questions page for reference when completing your filing.
  4. The Secretary of State will provide you with a confirmation email once your form has been successfully filed. You will receive a second email once the university Ethics Officer has reviewed your form (as required by law). These communications will be sent from and will contain the subject line: "User Information from Illinois Statement of Economic Interest Filing System to confirm accurate email address."
  5. Please visit the FAQ Statements section of our website to learn more about penalties for late filing and other common questions.

    For information specific to the Supplemental Statement form, please visit the Supplemental Statement of Economic Interest Form page of our website.


    Details related to the Statement of Economic Interests can be found in the links below.

    General Information

    The Secretary of State does not accept any faxes or copies of Statements of Economic Interests (Statements). The form you submit must be completed to the best of your ability and must include your original signature and date. If you have no entry for an item, please enter "N/A" or "none" after each such item. Any incomplete or unsigned Statements will be returned for a signature and will not be considered filed until completed and returned.

    In addition, any person who willfully files a false or incomplete statement shall be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor.

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