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EIU Master of Arts in English

Applying for the Master’s Degree in English

Are you an international applicant? You will need to 1) complete the graduate admission checklist and 2) submit a minimum TOEFL score of 600 (paper-based), 250 (computer-based), or 100 (internet-based)

After completing Step One, return to your MyEIU account and fill out the MA in English Application, which includes the following requirements:

1) Personal Information

2) References: Make sure that you double-check the accuracy of the email addresses of your two recommenders. Click “I waive any rights to inspect this recommendation.” Notify your recommenders that they will receive an automated email once you submit your application.

3) Attachments:

  • statement of purpose (no more than 1000 words) that explains your reasons for undertaking graduate study, your academic preparation, your interests and goals
  • résumé/CV
  • critical writing sample (no more than 30 pages in length): Submit a writing sample that shows us your ability to think and write critically. Essays may address a subject related to English studies or any other academic/professional area in which you have research and writing experience. Students interested in the Creative Writing concentration are strongly encouraged to submit a second creative writing sample.

4) Other Information: For “Concentration,” select Literary Studies, Literary Studies with Creative Writing Emphasis, or Composition/Rhetoric. All concentrations can be completed fully online. Check “Certificate Programs” if you are interested in earning the Graduate Certificate in the Teaching of Writing.

5) Submit: Don’t forget to hit “submit” after you are finished!

If you need to pause and return to complete your application, you may click the red link: “MA in English INCOMPLETE.”

MyEIU will let you know when your admission file is completed. Once it is complete, the Graduate School and English Department will review your material and be in contact with you soon.

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