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EIU Department of Economics

About Us

Economics is the study of the social systems that interact to determine the production and distribution of goods and services in a society. The goal of economics is to understand the allocation of natural, technological, financial, and human resources among competing uses.


Economics requires a broad knowledge of the world as well as the economic tools with which to apply this knowledge. The curriculum in Economics, therefore, fosters dual academic goals. The University's Integrated Core Curriculum introduces the student to ideas in the humanities, arts, and sciences. The relatively low number of required economics courses permits the economics student to elect a course of study further including the humanities, arts, sciences and other interests. Courses in economic theory, mathematics and statistics provide the requisite methods of analysis, and elective economics courses apply this material to offer insight into topics including the following.

Multiple Career Opportunities

The careers of Economics majors tend to follow one of four patterns. Economics provides excellent preparation for post-graduate professional training, especially in law, business administration, and public administration. Students of economics obtain a broad understanding of important social issues and the strategies for solving problems; such a background is preferred by many graduate schools over the narrower training of pre-professional undergraduate curricula. A second path leads directly to employment with business, government agencies, or consulting firms as an economic analyst. In addition, many firms choose economics majors for their management training programs; these firms, like graduate schools, often prefer the broad background of the economics student to the narrower training offered in other disciplines. Finally, some Economics majors elect to pursue a Ph.D. in Economics.

Degree and Programs

The Department of Economics offers a program of study leading to the Bachelor of Arts degree. The program is designed to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for our students to become successful in private industry, government agencies, international organizations, graduate school and law school.


Admission to the program requires a 2.25 GPA in Economics course work with at least six semester hours of Economics earned.
For more detailed information, please check the Undergraduate Admissions at Eastern Illinois University.


Graduation from this program requires at least a "C" in each of Economics 3971, 3972, 3702, 4689, 4801, and 4802. ECN 2800G may not be counted as part of the 36 semester-hour requirement for an economics major.

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Contact Information

Department of Economics

Coleman Hall
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920

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