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EIU Dual Credit Program

Dual Credit Courses

Course offerings vary based on availability and partnership agreements. Contact Amy Morris, Dual Credit Coordinator for information on current courses.

Some classes we have offered in the past include:

  • CMN 1310G: Introduction to Speech Communication
  • BIO 2002G: Environmental Life Sciences
  • ENG 1009G: Stories Matter
  • MAT 1160G: Mathematics: A Human Endeavor
  • ENG 2705G: African American and Africana Literatures
  • WLS 2201 (Fall only): Intermediate Spanish I
  • SED 2000: Inquiry Into Teaching
  • EDF 2555G: Education in a Diverse Society: The Multilingual/Multicultural Classroom
  • ECN 2801G (Fall only): Principals of Macroeconomics
  • ECN 2802G (Spring only): Principles of Microeconomics
  • MAT 2250G: Elementary Statistics
  • MAT 2443: Calculus & Analytic Geometry III
  • PLS 2503: Legal Research and Argument
  • MAT 3501 (Spring only): Differential Equations I
  • KSR 1600 (Fall only): Introduction to Resistance Training and Conditioning
  • MAT 1271: College Algebra 

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Contact Information

Amy Morris

Assistant Registrar, Office of the Registrar

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