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Audio Technology Focus
Digital Media Technology

About Audio Technology

Students that choose the Audio Technology Focus in the Digital Media program have the option to take 3 of six different courses. Some courses teach a variety of music technology related concepts, such as acoustics, analog audio, digital audio editing and recording, MIDI sequencing and sampling, and soundtracking. Others are focused on digital audio recording, working with a DAW, microphone placement, editing, mastering, and audio recording production. Live Sound Reinforcement is also taught to show how audio technology is used to produce a variety of live events. All courses feature a hands-on approach, and utilize the state-of-the-art facilities available in the Dounda Fine Arts Center. See the BLS.GOV Website for more information on this Career Path.

Overall employment of broadcast, sound, and video technicians is projected to grow 21 percent from 2020 to 2030, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 18,000 openings for broadcast, sound, and video technicians are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Growth is expected to stem from businesses, schools, and entertainment industries seeking to improve their audio and video capabilities. They will need technicians to set up, operate, and maintain equipment.

Click here to see a complete list of coursework and descriptions for courses in Digital Media Technology.

Courses in Digital Media Technology are offered on rotated basis. Click here to see the current planned rotation

The following courses are offered in the Audio Technology Focus Area:

MUS 1070 - Introduction to Music Technology.(2-0-2) S. An overview of computers, peripherals, and software, and how they can be used effectively in a musical environment. Prerequisites & Notes: Course is limited to students in any music major or minor, or in the Digital Media Technology Audio Technology Focus. Credits: 2

MUS 2070 - Electronic Music Studio Techniques.(2-0-2) S. Principles of sound design, music composition, and performance by electronic means. Includes the utilization of various tools within a digital audio workstation (DAW) for audio processing, sampling, synthesis, and diffusion. Explores the concept of electronic music performance and interactive music technology. Prerequisites & Notes: MUS 1070; Music major status or permission of instructor. Credits: 2

MUS 2071 - Audio and Recording Techniques I.(3-2-3) F. Introduction to the processes, tools and techniques of audio engineering, with an emphasis on music recording. Students will learn from lectures, demonstrations, reading and research, hands-on projects, assisting with recordings and live sound, and field trips. Prerequisites & Notes: A “C” or better in MUS 1070. Course is limited to students in any music major or minor, or in the Digital Media Technology Audio Technology Focus. Credits: 3

MUS 3071 - Audio and Recording Techniques II.(3-0-3) On Demand. In this course, students will examine advanced recording, mixing, and mastering techniques. Students will experiment with unconventional recording techniques, explore advanced mixing topics (such as multiband compression and sidechain processing), and incorporate analog outboard gear into the recording and mixing process. Prerequisites & Notes: A “C” or better in MUS 2071; Course is limited to students in any music major or minor, or in the Digital Media Technology Audio Technology Focus. Credits: 3

MUS 3072 - Live Sound Reinforcement.(2-0-2) On Demand. This course will cover live production techniques for amplifying music in many different acoustic settings. Topics include signal flow of small and large live systems and best practices to setting up and running sound in a live sound environment. Prerequisites & Notes: A “C” or better in MUS 1501 and MUS 1070; Course is limited to students in any music major or minor, or in the Digital Media Technology Audio Technology Focus. Credits: 2

MUS 3070 - Electronic Music Studio Techniques II: Interactive Electronics and Multimedia.(3-0-3) On Demand. This course explores the use of computers and audio technology to create interactive music performance tools. It will also examine the possibilities of combining electronic music, video, and other art forms. Prerequisites & Notes: A “C” or better in MUS 2070, and a Music major or minor. Credits: 3

Students with this focus are encouraged to pursue a minor in Music Technology.

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