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EIU Master of Arts in Communication Studies

Basic requirements for the M.A. in Communication Studies - Pedagogy Option

  • All students must complete a plan of study that includes a minimum of 39 semester hours (including the department core, but excluding CMN 5500, which is required of graduate teaching assistants). 
  • 3.0 or better grade point average in all coursework.
  • No more than 10 hours of "C" credit.
  • No more than six hours of classes 4750 to 4999.
  • Students must complete 6 hours of thesis or creative thesis credit.
  • No more than 9 hours of independent study, creative project, thesis, or creative thesis included on the study plan.
  • Completion of a capstone project – either a thesis or creative thesis.
  • Completion of the program within six years of the semester you start.
  • Completion of one pedagogy class outside the department.
  • Completion of Practicum I and II or Practicum I and Internship.

Required Coursework for the M.A. in Communication Studies - Pedagogy Option

Students must complete the department core

  • CMN 5020: Communication Theory
  • CMN 5040: Communication Research methods
  • CMN 5240: Communication Pedagogy
  • CMN 5550: Special Topics in Communication Studies

Students must complete one of the three concentration areas

Human Communication Processes

  • CMN 5510: Interpersonal communication
  • CMN 5520: Social interaction
  • CMN 5530: Intercultural communication
  • CMN 5150: Seminar in interpersonal communication

Strategic Communication

  • CMN 5700: Public relations
  • CMN 5710: Organizational communication
  • CMN 5720: Seminar in public relations
  • CMN 5170: Seminar in organizational communication

Critical/Cultural Studies

  • CMN 5610: Media criticism
  • CMN 5010: Rhetorical theory
  • CMN 5180: Seminar in rhetoric
  • CMN 5160: Seminar in mass media

Students must complete one pedagogy course outside the department

  • CSD 5770: The community college
  • CSD 5780: College teaching
  • EDF 5500: Theory into practice: Curriculum Development

Students must complete 6 hours of the following

  • CMN 5900: Practicum I
  • CMN 5901: Practicum II
  • CMN 5980: Internship

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Contact Information

Angela S. Jacobs, Ph.D.
Graduate Coordinator

Buzzard 2419

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