Faculty Leader: Trina Becker, M.S., CCC/SLP, tmbecker@eiu.edu
Co-Faculty Leader: Beth Bergstrom, M.S., CCC/SLP, blbergstrom@eiu.edu
When: May 8, 2017 through May 16, 2017 (dates subject to change but will be sometime in that time frame)
Where: London and Paris (9 day trip: 2 travel days, 5 days in London and 2 days in Paris)
Students will need to register first through EF tours and then register through the study abroad office at EIU. To register through EF please call 877-485-4184 or go to efcst.com/1798022NT.
The ability to communicate effectively is a powerful tool, one which crosses geographic borders and cultural divides. Students majoring in Communication Disorders and Sciences are strongly encouraged to consider studying abroad during their undergraduate career. Students in CDS who study abroad gain life-changing experiences that translate directly into future work as speech-language pathologists and audiologists. Learning to see the world through the perspective of others provides the opportunity to develop skills needed to work effectively with clients and patients. Simply listening to the sounds and rhythms of another language offers practice for critical analysis of speech patterns. Working to interpret meaning from gestures and body language serves to emphasize the value and importance of nonverbal communication. And, if you choose to travel in a land where you do not speak the native language, you gain first-hand experience dealing with the impact of being communicatively disadvantaged. Living and studying in an unfamiliar culture also challenges critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Students in CDS may plan ahead to study abroad during the spring semester of their junior year, or they may elect to spend time during Intercession or Summer terms.
CDS students may elect to travel to a country where a university offers courses which can be vetted as offering curriculum and content which meet requirements for the CDS undergraduate degree. Or, students may elect to enroll in coursework which meets requirements for upper division electives, instead. This option may offer more flexibility to the student.
In the CDS Department, please contact Ms. Jill Fahy, jkfahy@eiu.edu, for more information, or visit the EIU Study Abroad website.
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-2712
(217) 581-7105t