Student Art Association
The Art Association is an Eastern Illinois University, Department of Art & Design RSO and looks to promote student art and sponsor events that enrich the Doudna Fine Arts Center and EIU campus community.
Next Meeting: TBA
The Art Department Potluck is 4-6pm on April 13th. If you will be coming please bring a dish or donation of $2 or something like that. If you are broke I totally understand and you are of course still encouraged to come, just let me know.
Important! The St. Louis trip is Friday April 22nd. If you want to come you need to please get $10 to Anne Coddington or myself before then. There are only twelve spots so reserve your spot before it fills up.
If you end up not going on the trip Earth Day/ Resurgence is also taking place on the 22nd from 10-
2pm and volunteers and artists are needed for this event.
Thanks and I hope to see you in attendance in at least one of these events if possible.
Alysia Klein
Art Association President
Alysia Klein, Art Association President,
Alan Pocaro, Faculty Sponsor,
EIU ART Association on Gallery and Museum trip to St. Louis.