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Minor in Africana Studies at EIU

Africana Studies Minor

Minor in Africana Studies is available to all undergraduate students regardless of major. The requirements consist of 18 credit hours.

Summary of Minor Requirements

  • 3 Courses from the core - 9 hours
  • 3 Courses from only one area of concentration - 9 hours

Core: Total Semester Hours - 9

  • AFR 1000G - Introduction to Africana Studies. Credits: 3
  • AFR 2000G - African American Social Movements. Credits: 3
  • AFR 2200G - Pan Africanism. Credits: 3

Electives: Total Semester Hours - 9

  • 9 Semester hours from a single area of concentration.

Concentration in History and Culture

  • GEO 3050 - Geography and Culture of Africa. Credits: 3
  • HIS 1522G - World History: Slavery and Freedom. Credits: 3
  • HIS 3750 - African-American History: A Survey. Credits: 3
  • JOU 3970 - Race, Gender, and the Media. Credits: 3
  • SOC 2840 - Race and Ethnic Relations. Credits: 3

Concentration in Fine Arts (Art, Music, Theater and Dance)

  • AFR 3000 - Special Topics in Africana Studies. Credits: 3
  • AFR 3300 - African Cinema. Credits: 3
  • ART 2300 - African-American Art. Credits: 3
  • ART 3610G - African Art. Credits: 3
  • MUS 3562G - Non-Western Music. Credits: 3
  • THA 3755G - African-American Theatre: Historical and Contemporary. Credits: 3

Concentration in Literature

  • ENG 2705 - African-American Literature. Credits: 3
  • ENG 2850 - Postcolonial Literatures in English. Credits: 3
  • ENG 3705 - American Multicultural Literatures. Credits: 3
  • ENG 4750 - Studies in African-American Literature. Credits: 3
  • ENG 4850 - Studies in Postcolonial and Third World Literatures. Credits: 3

Concentration in Politics and International Development

  • AFR 3600 - HIV/AIDS and Development in Africa. Credits: 3
  • AFR 3700 - Race and Neighborhood Development. Credits: 3
  • AFR 3970 - Study Abroad. Credits: 1 to 15
  • (Only 3 hours will count towards the Africana Studies Minor)
  • PLS 2253G - Introduction to International Relations. Credits: 3
  • PLS 3223 - International Organizations. Credits: 3

Concentration in Gender

  • AFR 2400 - Black Women in the Diaspora. Credits: 3
  • AFR 2600 - African American Men. Credits: 3
  • AFR 3150 - Women and Development in Africa. Credits: 3
  • AFR 4275 - Internship in Africana Studies. Credits: 1 to 15 (Only 3 hours will count towards the Africana Studies Minor)
  • AFR 4400 - Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 3 (Only 3 hours will count towards the Africana Studies Minor)

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Contact Information

Dr. James Ochwa-Echel, Coordinator

3165 Blair Hall
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue Charleston, IL 61920
(217) 581-6433
Fax: (217) 581-6598

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