William V. Weber Program in Study Abroad
Making the decision to study abroad is life-changing. Several studies show the correlation
between international experience and higher employability rates, higher salaries,
expanded academic and professional networks, and increased self-confidence, among
many other benefits. Eastern Illinois University offers more than 700 study abroad
programs, so one of them is bound to catch your interest!
Explore Study Abroad at EIU
EIU's William V. Weber Program in Study Abroad is here to help students every step
of the way. Students will meet one-on-one with a WWSA Advisor to discuss student learning goals,
learn about available program options, the application process, financing options,
and the payment/registration process. |
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Study Abroad Eligibility Requirements
Eastern Illinois University provides equality of opportunity in international education
for all students. |
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Study Abroad Parent Information
We know you want the best for your student, and the experience of study abroad offers
them the opportunity to grow and gain important resume-building skills. |
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