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EIU Office of Accessibility and Accommodations

Faculty Frequently Asked Questions



First and foremost... We are here for you! Please call, email, stop by with questions or concerns. If you would like a group meeting, we would love to oblige.

  • We are at the mercy of students disclosing. We do not always know things in advance, but we will work with you as soon as we know what needs there are.
  • Students with special needs must meet the same criteria as their non-disabled peers for admittance to EIU.
  • Student expectations: We ask the student to have a conversation with you about their accommodation letter at the beginning of the semester, but please note, students may register with us at any time during the semester. This conversation is voluntary and can take place via email, in person, Zoom, etc. However, accommodations should be provided once the letter is received. You may ask the student how you can best support them at any time (privately). 
  • There is no deadline to register with our office so you may receive a letter at any time during a semester.
  • Often professors will see the same accommodations for multiple students. This is because in K-12 education students with a special need had services to assist with leveling the learning playing field. At this level of education, they must rely solely on accommodations. What works for a student with ADHD, often works for a student with a learning disability or anxiety, hence similar accommodations. There is only so much we provide at this level. Please see it for what it is, a need. Accommodations are based on paperwork from K-12 education, psychiatrists, psychologists, neuropsychologist, MD, therapist, etc. The process is not taken lightly.
  • One accommodation you may see is alternate test/quiz environment. This means a quiet place outside of the classroom environment, it does NOT mean individual testing space. So if you have three students who require this accommodation, they may all three be in the same space.If a student requires individualized testing environment, the letter will state that.
  • What should you do if you have a student whom you feel should have services, but you do not have a letter for? Email/Call our office. The student could have services and have been hesitant to share the letter for whatever reason, the student may have had previous services, but did not realize we are a resource here, the student may have late onset disability and when we contact them we may be able to get them help.
  • Our office organizes CART services (Communication Access Real-time Translation) for students who are hard of hearing. A&A will schedule this service for the appropriate semester. CART is a real-time captioning service where live audio of your lecture is transmitted to a “writer” off campus, who instantly translates the audio into text using a stenotype machine. The student then uses an iPad to see real time text of your lecture. The student will provide you with a lapel microphone to wear at the beginning of each class when these services are needed. Please clip it to your shirt and return it to the student at the end of class. It is important that you clip it on your shirt so that the writer can hear you clearly. The student is responsible for making sure the mic is on and ready to go. Please call Heather at 581-6583 to discuss further.

Please call or email us with any questions, ideas, helpful hints that work for you, etc. We are here as a support for you as well as for our students.

We look forward to working with you!
A&A - Team

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Contact Information

Accessibility and Accommodations

McAfee Gym, Room 1336
Fax: 217-581-7208


Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. & 1 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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