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EIU Grade Appeal

Request for Dean Review

The student or faculty member may request Review by the Dean only by signing and submitting Part B of Form 4, "Request for Review by the Dean," to the dean of the appropriate college or school. Reviews for undergraduate students are completed by the dean of the college in which the course was offered. Reviews for graduate students are completed by the Dean of the Graduate School. Reviews for courses offered through the IDS (B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies) are submitted to the Dean of the School of Continuing Education. (Go to the list of deans and departments.)

Deadline for Request for Review by the Dean

The student or faculty member must provide Form 4, Part B to the dean of the appropriate college or school no later than five (5) working days after receiving the Summary of Fact Finding and Form 4. If, within five (5) working days after receipt of Form 4, neither the student nor the faculty member submits the Request for Review by the Dean, formal review of the grade terminates and the decision of the UGAC becomes final.


  • To determine whether the procedures used by the UGAC were in compliance with this Grade Appeal Policy.


Upon receipt of Form 4, Part B, the dean will:

  • Secure copies of all grade appeal documents from the UGAC Chair.
  • Review those documents and determine whether the procedures used by the UGAC were in compliance with this Grade Appeal Policy.
  • Notify the student, the faculty member, and the UGAC Chair of his/her determination no later than 10 working days after receipt of Form 4, Part B. The dean's determination is limited to either:
    • The UGAC correctly followed procedures and the decision of the UGAC will be implemented; or
    • The UGAC failed to correctly follow procedures and the UGAC must repeat its review using the correct procedures.

If the college dean concludes that the UGAC correctly followed procedures, the grade appeal process ends and the decision of the UGAC becomes final.

Reporting Requirements

Within thirty (30) days after the end of each fall semester and the end of each spring semester, each dean will submit a Summary Report of Grade Appeals. Undergraduate appeals will be forwarded to the Council on Academic Affairs and graduate appeals will be forwarded to the Council on Graduate Studies. The Summary Report of Grade Appeals will include the following information on each grade appeal for which the UGAC conducted a Fact Finding Meeting:

  • The date of the Grade Appeal Request;
  • The grounds for the grade appeal; and
  • The disposition of the grade appeal.

The Summary Report of Grade Appeals will not identify the student or faculty member by name and will not include the course number or name.


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