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EIU Board of Trustees

SECTION VI. Physical Facilities

Issued: April 21, 1997


A. Use of University Facilities

  1. Eastern Illinois University (“the University”) shall develop policies concerning the use of university facilities. The policies and any changes thereto shall become effective when approved by the President.
  2. The policies shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate. All such policies shall comply with the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (“Ethics Act”), 5 ILCS 430/1-1 et seq.
  3. Protection of the right of free speech, subject to reasonable limitations on the time, place, and manner of exercise of that right.
    1. Restriction of the use of university facilities to events and meetings sponsored by: (a) university groups and organizations; (b) non-university groups and organizations; and (c) individuals.
    2. Only when the event or meeting is of educational, cultural, or social significance or serves the general community welfare may non-university individuals, groups, and organizations use University facilities. Use of university facilities for official activities or by university groups and organizations shall have priority over use by individuals or non-university groups and organizations.
    3. Prohibition of fundraisers, canvassers, solicitors, vendors, and their agents from pursuing their occupations on university property except on official university business or in accordance with approved university regulations and relevant state law.
    4. Provisions concerning compliance by individuals, groups, and organizations using university facilities with university requirements regarding insurance to protect the Board of Trustees (“the Board”), its members, and employees.

B. Construction

  1. Selection Procedures for Architects and Engineers

    The University shall develop policies and procedures for the selection of architects and engineers for university projects. The policies and procedures shall become effective when approved by the President.
  2. Change Orders

    The provisions of Section V.B.5. of these Regulations shall govern construction contract change orders.

C. Naming of Property

  1. The University shall develop policies for the naming of property. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.
    1. Property may be named for notable former employees of the University, distinguished former Board members, donors of substantial funds, or any notable public persons.
    2. Property shall not be named for persons holding elective or appointive office in national, state, or local government, current Board members or employees, or members or employees of the Board of Higher Education during the term of their office or employment.
  2. The President shall make recommendations to the Board regarding the naming of property for individuals.
  3. The Board shall approve the naming of all University facilities. “University facilities” include buildings, major portions of buildings, rooms or areas within buildings, campus streets, grounds, and campus areas.

D. Alcoholic Beverage Policy

The University shall develop policies concerning the sale, delivery, possession, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages on University property. The policies shall require compliance with all applicable statutes and shall become effective when approved by the President.


E. Campus Disturbances or Demonstrations

  1. To ensure that normal educational processes can continue without interruption and to ensure that individual safety, personal freedom, and property rights can be enjoyed without impairment, the Board has established this policy:
    1. Unauthorized Activities
      1. Criminal Damage
        Criminal damage to State property is committed by any of the acts specified in the Illinois criminal statute addressing criminal damage to government supported property, 720 ILCS 5/21-4.
      2. Criminal Trespass
        1. Criminal trespass to State property is committed by one who enters upon the campus or a building with legal notice that entry is forbidden or who remains in an area after notice to depart.
        2. Persons who violate established university regulations for the use of university facilities shall be notified to depart. This notification should be given publicly and orally by an authorized university representative. If such persons remain, a police officer or other authorized university representative should read applicable portions of the Illinois criminal trespass statute 720 ILCS 5/21-5, and advise them that they are in violation of the law and may be arrested. In appropriate circumstances, court action of an injunctive or criminal nature should be sought.
      3. Interference
        Interference with a public institution of higher education is committed by one who, without authority from the institution, through force or violence, actual or threatened, willfully acts as prohibited by law under the Illinois criminal statute addressing interference with public institution of higher education, 720 ILCS 5/21.2-2. In appropriate circumstances court action of an injunctive or criminal nature should be sought.
    2. Penalties
      1. Persons who willfully damage State property, commit trespass on the campus, or interfere with the University's operations shall be penalized in accordance with the Illinois Criminal Code, 720 ILCS 5/21-1 et seq.
      2. Members of the campus community who participate in unlawful activities disrupting educational functions shall be dealt with in accordance with established disciplinary and administrative processes. Such processes may be invoked regardless of either civil or criminal actions arising out of the same event.
    3. Outside Assistance

      When the President believes that unlawful activities are disrupting educational functions, he/she is authorized by the Board to make prompt application to those agencies provided by the State for the purpose of dealing with those who break the law.


F. Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Regulatory Policies

The University shall develop policies concerning the registration and use of motor vehicles on university property and may develop policies concerning the registration and use of bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, etc. on university property.

The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President. The policies shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:
  1. Regulations which govern the use of vehicles on university property in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws, which preserve the safety and protect the property of both individuals and the university, and which provide for enforcement by authorized university personnel.
  2. Sanctions to be imposed for violations, with an appropriate appeal process for those sanctions.
  3. Registration and parking regulations with fees, which shall stipulate that such fees shall be devoted to defraying costs associated with registration and parking activities.
  4. Disposal of abandoned vehicles, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, roller blades, etc.

G. Use of University Personal Property

The University shall develop policies concerning the use of university personal property that shall comply with all Illinois constitutional provisions and statutes, including the Illinois State Property Control Act, 30 ILCS 605/1 et seq. and the Ethics Act. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.

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