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EIU Board of Trustees

A. Admission Policies

The Eastern Illinois University ("the University") shall develop policies for the admission of undergraduate and graduate students. The policies shall become effective when approved by the President and shall be:

  1. Consistent with the Board of Trustee's ("the Board") commitment to equal opportunity for qualified students to attend the University.
  2. Consistent with admission standards approved by the Board of Higher Education.
  3. Published in appropriate university catalogs and posted on the University's website.

The President shall submit to the Board a report of any change in the admission policies.

B. Student Financial Aid

  1. Definition

    Student financial aid includes: tuition waivers, scholarships, grants, loans, and employment opportunities which are provided for students to assist them in meeting the costs of university attendance whether from university, state, federal, or private resources.
  2. Financial Aid Policies

    The University shall develop policies for the administration of its financial aid program. The policies shall become effective when approved by the President.

    Financial aid policies shall be consistent with the Board's commitment to provide an equal opportunity to qualified Illinois residents to attend the University. The policies shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:
    1. Policies and procedures concerning the award of tuition waivers. The policies and procedures shall describe all tuition waivers issued by the University and the criteria for their award. The policies and procedures shall comply with Board of Higher Education tuition waiver policies and the other applicable laws, policies, rules, or requirements.
    2. In compliance with Eastern Illinois University Law on partial tuition waivers,110 ILCS 665/10-90, the University's policies and procedures for the award of tuition waivers shall provide that each eligible child of any Illinois Public University employee who has been employed for at least seven (7) years by an Illinois Public University shall, upon proper application and verification of eligibility, be offered a fifty percent (50%) tuition waiver for any academic year for which he/she:
      1. is under the age of twenty-five (25) at the commencement of the academic year during which the partial tuition waiver is to be effective. Eligibility for this purpose will be verified on a year-by-year basis;
      2. qualifies for admission to a degree program as a matriculated student under the same admissions requirements, standards, and policies which the University generally applies to applicants for admission to its respective undergraduate programs;
      3. is the natural, adopted, or step-child of a current University employee who has been employed for a total of at least seven (7) cumulative years. Academic years shall count as calendar years for those employees normally employed on an academic year basis. Employment which is or was contingent upon an individual's status as an enrolled student shall not be counted as part of this seven (7) cumulative years of employment;
      4. has, if the application is for a renewal of the award, maintained satisfactory academic progress toward graduation as this would be determined by the established rules of the University; and
      5. has not expended a total of four (4) years of undergraduate fifty percent (50%) tuition waiver benefits as provided under this section. For purposes of this subsection, four (4) years shall be considered to be either twelve (12) academic terms or the number of hours necessary to complete an undergraduate degree as defined by the University, whichever is completed first.
    3. Policies and procedures concerning the employment and compensation of student hourly workers. The policies and procedures shall comply with the rules of the State Universities Civil Service System and with applicable state and federal employment law.
    4. Policies and procedures concerning the appointment, hours of work, and compensation of graduate assistants. Graduate assistants may not hold faculty rank and must hold at least the baccalaureate degree or its equivalent.
  3. Financial Aid Report

    The President shall submit to the Board an annual report on student financial aid programs at the University.

C. Residency Status

  1. Definition of Residence

    "Residence" means legal domicile. The University shall establish criteria to document a student's establishment of legal domicile.
  2. Residency Determination

    The University shall determine the residency status of each student enrolled in the University for the purpose of determining whether the student is assessed in-state or out-of-state tuition. Each applicant for admission to the University shall submit at the time of application evidence for determination of residency. The office responsible for admissions shall make a determination of residency status. The University shall establish policies to handle changes in residency status and address any errors made in such determination.
  3. Residency Status Appeal Procedure

    Students who take exception to their residency status classification shall pay the tuition assessed but may file a claim in writing to the university office responsible for reconsideration of residency status. The written claim must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the tuition bill or the student loses all rights to a change of residency status for the term in question. If the student is dissatisfied with the ruling in response to the written claim made within said period, the student may file a written appeal within ten (10) calendar days of receipt of the decision to the responsible university office. Such written appeals shall be forwarded to the appropriate university vice president, who shall consider all evidence submitted in connection with the case and render a decision which shall be final.

    Special Situations
    1. Upon recommendations of the President, the Board may, in special situations, grant residency status for the purpose of tuition to categories of persons otherwise classified as non-residents under this regulation.
    2. For employees and their immediate families, the President, in special situations, may grant in-state residency status for the purpose of tuition to categories of persons otherwise classified as non-residents under this regulation.

D. Student Conduct

  1. The University shall develop policies concerning student rights and conduct. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.
  2. The policies shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:
    1. Recognition of basic student rights.
    2. Clarification of the distinction between university conduct standards and standards established by civil and criminal statutes.
    3. Specific prohibited conduct, with sanctions that may be imposed for such conduct.
    4. Procedures for presenting complaints of prohibited conduct and a due process for determining whether violations have occurred.
    5. Grievance procedures.

E. Student Activities and Organizations

  1. The University shall develop policies concerning student activities and organizations. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.
  2. The policies shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:
    1. Procedures for recognition of approved university activities and organizations.
    2. Procedures for the approval of allocations and expenditures of student activity funds.

F. Student Publications and Broadcasting Policies

  1. The University shall develop policies consistent with Illinois law concerning the operation of all student media that are supported in whole or in part by university funds. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.
  2. The policies shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:
    1. Necessary management elements for the conduct of student media organizations, including specifying the line of authority and responsibility from the President to the staff of each organization.
    2. Method of funding and procedures for budget approval.
    3. Establishment of a staff organization, of fiscal authority responsibility, and of guidelines for the conduct of operations.
    4. Provisions for a faculty/staff advisor and for selection of principal student staff and advisors.
    5. Establishment of appropriate ethical and professional standards.
    6. Complaint procedures.
    7. Requirements for assuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

G. Student Legal Services

  1. The University may develop policies concerning the provision of student legal services. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.
  2. The policies shall include the following provisions and such other provisions as are necessary and appropriate:
    1. That the attorney may be an independent contractor or an employee of the University.
    2. That the attorney acts on behalf of students and not as an attorney or agent for the Board or the University.
    3. Functions of the attorney, types and limitations of legal service that may be provided.
    4. Establishment of an Advisory Board.

H. Student Housing

  1. The University shall develop policies concerning student housing. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.
  2. The policies shall include the following provisions:
    1. Eligibility for housing.
    2. Procedures for assignment of housing.
    3. Billing and refund procedures.
    4. Sanctions for violations of housing policies.
    5. Any other provisions as deemed necessary.

I. Military Service

  1. The University shall develop policies concerning credit for students who are called into active military service. The policies and any changes shall become effective when approved by the President.
  2. The policies shall include the following provisions:
    1. Provisions for course credit and residence credit for students who withdraw during the term.
    2. Provisions for make up of coursework missed while attending annual training.
  3. Provisions permitting a tuition freeze for those full-time students called into active duty.
  4. Any other provisions as deemed necessary and appropriate.

J. Intercollegiate Athletics Policy

  1. An intercollegiate athletics program is an important and worthwhile activity. A properly administered program can make a significant contribution to the quality of campus and student life.
  2. The primary responsibility for management of an intercollegiate athletics program rests with the University President. The President's exercise of that responsibility is subject to applicable law and Board policies, including the following:
    1. The President shall inform the Board in advance of any action or proposal significantly affecting the intercollegiate athletics program, including: (1) proposals to change conferences; (2) athletic associations or divisions; or (3) to add or drop sports.
    2. State appropriations may be used to support the intercollegiate athletics program, but no more than one and a half percent (1.5%) of the University's annual state appropriation may be expended for intercollegiate athletics unless approved by the Board.
    3. Student athletic fees may be used to support the intercollegiate athletics program, but increases in such fees should normally not exceed the projected rate of inflation for the year in which the increase is to take effect. Proposals to increase student athletic fees should not be presented for Board approval without prior consultation with appropriate student advisory bodies.
    4. Every effort should be made to minimize reliance on state appropriations and student fees as revenue sources for intercollegiate athletics.
    5. The President shall prepare an annual report for the Board on intercollegiate athletics that shall include appropriate financial and program information.

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