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EIU Board of Trustees

SECTION I. Board Procedures

Issued: April 21, 1997

A. Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees of Eastern Illinois University ("the Board") is a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois created to operate, manage, control, and maintain Eastern Illinois University ("the University").

B. Board Regulations

Board Regulations are general statements of policy or procedure adopted by the Board concerning the conduct and operation of the Board or the University under its jurisdiction within the framework of the Board's Governing Policies. Guidelines, policies, or other Board actions directed to specific situations are not to be construed as Board Regulations.

C. Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Board Regulations

  1. Board Regulations may be adopted, amended, or repealed at any regular meeting of the Board by a majority vote of the voting membership of the Board. Requests for the adoption, amendment, or repeal of Board Regulations shall be submitted to the Chairperson, who shall notify the Board of such requests. Except as specified in paragraphs 3. and 4. below, the adoption, amendment, or repeal of Board Regulations shall occur only after a proposal for adoption, amendment, or repeal has been presented to the Board for first reading.
  2. Board action on the proposal shall not be taken earlier than the next regular meeting following first reading, except as provided in paragraphs 3. and 4. below. Whenever practicable, such notices shall occur fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting at which action is taken. No less than (10) days prior to the Board meeting at which action is to be taken, members of the faculty, staff, and student body may submit their views and comments in writing, via a written correspondence or email, to the Chairperson for distribution to the Board together with a recommendation for action on the proposal. Public comment at any Board meeting at which action is taken that is consistent with Board Regulations and the Illinois Open Meetings Act, 5 ILCS 120/1, et seq., shall be permitted.
  3. The President is authorized to make non-substantive amendments to the Board Regulations as may be necessary for such purposes as name or title changes, correcting typographical errors and cross-references, and updating citations.
  4. When justified by timing considerations or the nature of the subject matter, proposals for adoption, amendment, or repeal of Board Regulations may be acted upon by the Board at the time of first reading.
  5. Subject to approval of the Board, interpretations of Board Regulations shall be issued in writing by the President upon request of Board members or upon the President's own initiative.

D. Compilation of Bylaws, Governing Policies, and Regulations

The President shall maintain an official written compilation of the Board's Bylaws, Governing Policies, and Regulations and shall provide copies to Board members. Copies shall be: (1) distributed to appropriate staff and student body officers of the University, (2) placed in the university library; and (3) posted on the University's official website for use by interested persons. The written compilation maintained by the President is the only official version of the Board's Bylaws, Governing Policies, and Regulations and shall be the final authority on all questions.

E. Delegation of Authority

  1. The authority delegated by the Board Regulations to the President may be further delegated in writing by the President to appropriate and responsible officials of the University.
  2. The President shall identify by position the persons authorized to act in his/her place in the event of absence from the office of more than a week or other unavailability. The President shall notify the Board in writing, via a written correspondence or email, of such delegation of authority.

F. Board Meetings

  1. Agenda

    The President, in consultation with the Chairperson of the Board, shall develop an agenda prior to each Board meeting. The President shall distribute meeting materials, via mail or email, to Board members and other appropriate parties at least seven (7) working days prior to the next scheduled meeting. Distribution of meeting materials may be subject to reasonable limitations in the case of special or emergency meetings.
  2. Reports

    The President shall develop a format and schedule for reports to the Board. Items presented to the Board shall be submitted either for action or information. Each item presented for action shall be accompanied by an appropriate resolution or recommendation to provide a clear record of the action taken by the Board.
  3. Presentations

    At each regular and special meeting that is open to the public, members of the public and employees of the university shall be afforded time to make comments or to ask questions of the Board subject to reasonable constraints; however, comments which interfere with the due process of law, or discussions on matters the Board is restricted from having will not be approved. Examples include pending grievances, student judicial proceedings, and bids or solicitations. The Board of Trustees in its discretion may allow public comment on matters deemed appropriate.

    At the end of each Board meeting, a period of time shall be set aside for public comment provided that the Board Chairperson may permit comments related to action items prior to a Board vote. Any individual desiring to address the Board shall be allowed up to five (5) minutes for comments or questions. Only one (1) person may speak on behalf of an organization.

    The Board Chairperson shall have the ability to limit comments if deemed irrelevant, repetitious or disruptive.

    The following procedures shall be followed:
    1. Persons desiring to address the Board shall contact the Board Secretary prior to the beginning of the Board meeting and provide their name and the subject of their comments.
    2. Because of heavy demands on the Board, the total time for presentations shall be limited to twenty (20) minutes unless the Board moves for and approves a longer period. Persons wishing to address the Board, but are unable to do so, may submit a signed written statement, including their phone number and/or email address, to the Board.
  4. Recording of Meetings

    Any person may record by tape, film, or other means the meetings of the Board or its committees required to be open by Illinois law, provided that, if the recording process interferes with the overall decorum and proceeding of a meeting, such recording shall be discontinued at the request of the Chairperson or other presiding officer.
  5. Publication of Proceedings

    A report of the Board proceedings shall be published for each fiscal year, and shall be placed in the university library and posted on the University's official website for use by interested persons.

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