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EIU Transfer Admissions

Academic Requirements for Transfer Students

To earn a baccalaureate degree, a student must complete the following requirements:

  1. General Education Requirements

  2. Three Semester Hours of a Senior Seminar

    • Senior seminar is a capstone course that must be taken by all students during their senior year.
    • Senior seminar must be taken outside of your chosen major.
  3. Degree Program

    • All department requirements for a major must be met.
  4. At Least 12 Semester Hours in Your Major at EIU

  5. At least 40 Upper-Division Semester Hours

    • Courses from a community college or other two-year institution will not count toward this total.
    • Upper-division courses at EIU are numbered 3000 or higher.
  6. At least 30 Semester Hours From EIU

    • Thirty (30) must be taken during the junior and senior years.
    • Twelve (12) must be taken during the senior year.
    • Degrees with Distinction require at least fifty-six (56) semester hours of coursework at EIU.
  7. At Least 120 Cumulative Semester Hours

    • Cumulative grade-point average must be 2.00 or higher.
    • All college-level credit, including electives, count toward your 120 hours.
  8. Foreign Language

    • Students may be exempt from this requirement based on foreign language classes taken while in high school or at their previous college(s).
      • Exemption 1 — Any student who, while in high school, completed two years in a single foreign language with a "C" average.
      • Exemption 2 — Any student who, while in college, has completed the second semester of a single foreign language with a passing grade.
  9. Grade of "A", "B" or "C" in English and Communication Studies (Speech)

    • Associate in Arts or Associate in Science degrees do not exempt students from this requirement.
    • A student receiving a grade of "D" or "F" in English 1001G, 1002G or Communication Studies 1310G (or their substitutes) will have to repeat the course.
  10. Writing Competency

    • All students must complete the Electronic Writing Portfolio.

Choosing Your Catalog Year

Choosing the catalog year is very important. A student must follow the graduation requirements and the major requirements from the same catalog. A curriculum may be different from year to year.

Optional Catalog Rule — An undergraduate transfer student may choose to graduate under the requirements stated in the EIU catalog at the time he/she initially enrolled at another college, provided that catalog did not precede his/her enrollment at EIU by more than three years. Students may also choose any subsequent catalog. In no case may a student combine or choose various requirements from several catalogs.

Application for Degree Requirements Review

Students should apply for review of their degree requirements by the first semester of their junior year. A student may expect to receive a degree requirements review, indicating his/her progress toward completion of degree requirements. This will help the student define exactly what should be completed to earn a degree at Eastern Illinois University.

Application forms are available in the dean's office in the college of your major. The four colleges of Eastern Illinois University are:

The application form is completed by the student, approved by the certifying dean, and validated by the cashier when the non-refundable graduation fee is paid.

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Contact Information

Office of Transfer Relations

1221 Old Main
600 Lincoln Ave.
Charleston, IL 61920
Fax: 217-581-6452

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