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EIU Rural School Initiative

Past Professional Development

Fall 2024


20+ Classroom Uses for Visualizers (flyer)
Free Apps and Lesson Ideas for:
document camera
digital cameras

To request a certificate, you will need to view and watch the session
(At the Login Screen, choose to join with Google or Microsoft)


Drones in the Classroom (flyer)
Drones are high-interest and engaging forstudents. Discuss classroom lessonapplications for integrating drones intoclasssroom learning. Join a hands-on sessionwith a chance to use the devices.

To request a certificate, you will need to view and watch the session
(At the Login Screen, choose to join with Google or Microsoft)

Classroom Lessons with Infographics using Canva 
Infographics in the classroom can break down complex information into easily digestible visual components, enhance engagement, and present data in a clear/accessible way. Leads to better retention and critical thinking skills. (slides)

To request a certificate, you will need to view and watch the session
(At the Login Screen, choose to join with Google or Microsoft)

Use stars, planets, comets, and other night sky objects in classroom lessons
Stellarium is the ideal planetarium program for teachers. Students are naturally interested in the stars and in the last year we've seen an eclipse, northern lights, a nova, and a comet. Use that interest! Stellarium is intuitive and easy for young students but offers features needed by professionals. Learn about the night sky, planets facts, identify constellations, stars, and view the sky from any location or any time in history. (slides)

To request a certificate, you will need to view and watch the Stellarium session
(At the Login Screen, choose to join with Google or Microsoft)

Free and Easy to Use
Edpuzzle is the easiest way to make any video interactive and student-centered. Teachers can embed notes and ask questions to promote, track progress, and prevent students from skipping sections. (flyerslides

To request a certificate, you will need to view and watch the Edpuzzle session.
There are a few simple questions to verify you watched.
The class Code is  voetedi

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