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EIU Rural School Initiative

Past Professional Development

Fall 2023


Holiday Lights to Teach Simple Circuits & Coding
Come make lighted decorations and clothing. Simple, safe, and easy battery projects!
Session starts with paper circuits that fit a shoestring budget. It's just fun - but can lead to computational thinking activities. (info)
Link to slides presentation
Recorded Session

Flying and Using Drones in Education
Drones are high-interest and engagement for students. We will discuss classroom lesson applications for integrating into almost any subject. This is a hands-on session with a chance to use the devices for those able to join in person. More Info, handout
Link to live set
Link to video

Best Practices for Using Video in the Classroom
--Bookmarking important timestamps in video
--Inserting questions throughout the video
--Allowing students to take notes in video
--Options for using closed captions
Recorded Session
Using Video in the Classroom, Video Lesson Tools, Slides


Using Digital Maps in the Classroom
Appropriate for All Ages

Teaching with maps means using maps to help students learn key concepts & relationships. Teaching with maps enables students to think spatially in various contexts. Appropriate for all grades. Activities can be integrated into any content area because maps present information about the world in a simple, visual way. Maps show sizes, shapes, direction, distance, and relationships. Add GIS layers and maps become interactive, allowing free exploration of geographic space or guiding students through a temporal sequence of events to organize and visualize information.

Certificate of attendance available upon request.
Recorded Session


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