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EIU Rural School Initiative

Rural Teacher Corps

Feature Students

The EIU Rural Teacher Corps consists of many members,
some of which go above and beyond with planning, volunteering, and event attending!


Liberty Watson - March 2021

Brianna GastonIn March, the Rural School Initiative would like to recognize Liberty Watson as an outstanding Rural Teacher Corps member. Liberty has volunteered to participate in “Why Wednesday” videos and works in the EIU GYO office!

Liberty is a freshman Elementary Education major with an endorsement in Early Childhood Education. She is from Camargo, IL. Liberty says, "My favorite part of being in the RTC is the sense of community I can get from it. I know if I have any questions they will be more than willing to answer and help me out. It also gives me an inside into the world of teaching when I am just a freshman. Additionally, I get to learn about the schools in the area!"


Brianna Gaston - February 2021

Brianna GastonFebruary's outstanding member is Brianna Gaston. Brianna has volunteered to take-over the Rural Schools’ Instagram story, participated in “Why Wednesday” videos, and volunteered for the Rural Teacher Corps Forum.

Brianna is a senior Elementary Education major from Shelbyville, IL. Her favorite part of the RTC is “the opportunity for professional development. The Teacher Tech Tuesdays are beneficial because it allows me to become familiar with the newest technology and how I can utilize it in my future classroom.” She also writes, “Although I have not received a placement yet, I am looking forward to student teaching next semester in the Charleston area. I have had many influences growing up in a rural area and I am looking forward to gaining new perspectives during this next journey. As I wrap up my time at EIU, I am reflecting on what I have experienced and how it will benefit me for my future.” 


Alicia Buerster - January 2021

Alicia BuersterJanuary 2021's outstanding member is Alicia Buerster. Alicia is a senior Early Childhood Education major from Newton, Illinois.

Alicia's favorite part about the Rural Teacher Corps is hearing from various schools, learning about the programs they offer, and how they help students receive the best education possible!



Holly Higgins - December 2020

Holly HigginsDecember 2020's outstanding member is Holly Higgins. Not only does Holly work in the Rural School Initiative office, she also works hard to volunteer for "Why Wednesday" videos, plans virtual site visits, takeover the RSI Instagram, and has exceeded expectations by organizing several professional development opportunities this fall.

Holly is a sophomore at EIU majoring in middle-level education with concentrations in science and math. Holly is from Charleston, Illinois and hopes to teach in a rural school one day. Her favorite part about being in the Rural Teacher Corps is "the opportunity to meet and make connections with administrators and teachers as an undergraduate student!"



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