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EIU Master of Business Administration



GIS Option

The Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Option is designed to support careers using computer systems to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage and present spatial or geographical data in a variety of fields including management, logistics, insurance, and telecommunications.  Find out more about GIS at EIU and GIS from a business perspective as presented by one of our MBA alumna.  

In addition to the MBA Core, the required courses in the GIS Option are italicized below: 

Course Course Descriptions and Prerequisite(s)

MBA 5500, Quantitative Modeling

BUS 3950, Operations Management; prerequisites to BUS 3950 are BUS 2810, BUS 3010

MBA 5550, Marketing Management

BUS 3470, Principles of Marketing

MBA 5640, Financial Management

BUS 2810, Business Statistics; BUS 3710, Business Financial Mgt; prerequisites for these courses are BUS 2101, BUS 2102, ECN 2802

MBA 5660, Operations Management

BUS 3950, Operations Management; prerequisites to BUS 3950 are BUS 2810, BUS 3010

MBA 5670, Information Systems

BUS 3500, Management Information Systems or ACC 3900, Accounting Information Systems

MBA 5680, Organizational Behavior

BUS 3010, Management and Organizational Behavior

MBA 5010, Accounting from a Management Perspective

BUS 2101, Financial Accounting; BUS 2102, Managerial Accounting and Admission to MBA degree program 

MBA 5900, Management Simulation

Capstone course of the M.B.A. program requiring integration of knowledge and skills for business problem solving. Utilizes a nationally recognized simulation widely used in university programs and in industry. This course focuses on functions of top management, major issues affecting organizational success, decisions determining direction of the enterprise, and ethical and social responsibility implications of strategic decisions.  Prereqs: Admission to the MBA program and completion of at least 15 hours of MBA coursework, including MBA 5010 or 3 hours of ACC 5000 or higher, MBA 5640 and MBA 5660

GEO 5810: Introduction to Geographic Information Science

A graduate-level introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Science (GIScience) emphasizing broad software competency, foundations of spatial information theory, project design and management, and awareness of current trends in GIS research & technology. Hands-on labs will focus on conceptual understanding of how spatial entities and processes are modeled in a GIS environment, and will expose students to both commercial and open source GIS. In addition, students will learn how to identify relevant literature and case studies, plan and develop a project to meet a functional GIS analysis objective, and prepare high-quality written and cartographic output for presentation within the broader GIS community. This course is intended for graduate-level students who have not taken undergraduate GIS coursework.  Prereq: None

GEG 5820: Remote Sensing


An in-depth study of the physical principles and common applications of remote sensing. All steps in the process, including image acquisition, correction, enhancement, classification, and analysis, will be examined. A focus will be placed on directing these skills to research applications in the student’s home discipline. Additional readings and discussion from the literature will be expected of graduate students. Laboratory exercises will feature a variety of applied examples drawn from biology, geography, geology, atmospheric sciences, and human impacts/planning. Prereq: None

Choose one of the electives (others may be made available):

GEG 5830: GIS: Building Geodatabases


GEG 4910: GIS Programming

GEO 5880: Geospatial Data Models

GEG 5830: This course covers the fundamental concepts of building geographic databases and focuses on the storage, management, and quality control of GIS data. Students will learn how to create Esri Geodatabases, how to migrate existing data to a geodatabase, and how to edit data stored in a geodatabase. Prerequisite: GEG 5810 or permission from the instructor

GEG 4910: An introduction to programming techniques used in spatial data management and analysis. This course is intended for students with some experience in geographic information systems (GIS) who want to learn how to extend GIS to perform custom analyses, to automate common GIS tasks, or just to learn how spatial data is structured and managed “under the hood”. Topics will include visual models and diagrams of GIS workflows, automation, web mapping, spatial data structures and spatial algorithms. No prior programming experience is required. Prerequisite: GEG 3810 or GEG 5810, or equivalent, or permission of instructor

GEO 5880: no description available at this time; contact Dr. Barry Kronenfeld at


Total: 33 Semester Hours  

Click here for a printable, checklist version of these courses.

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MBA Program School of Business

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Charleston, IL 61920

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