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EIU Master of Business Administration

Research Option

Students in the Research Option are encouraged to plan for a minimum of two calendar years with four semesters minimum in the program.  A typical schedule is identified below.

Suggested Degree Plan for Research Option (RO) Students


MBA Core

Course Progress

(courses may vary)


Research Option



MBA 5000

MBA 5010

MBA 5550

 a)   Select major field of interest for project

 b)   Meet with graduate faculty in discipline one at a time to gauge mutual interest and expertise

 c)    Complete 2 – 3 page description of project

 d)   Secure commitment with faculty mentor

 e)   Complete paperwork for MBA 5515

 f)    Identify appropriate Research Methods course*



MBA 5640


MBA 5510*

MBA 5515


 a)   Enrolled in Research Methods course*

 b)   Enrolled in MBA 5515 – Research Proposal

 c)    Develop literature review, hypotheses, plan method and research design with faculty mentor

 d)   Complete requirements for IRB, if needed

 e)   Discuss/prepare conference paper for submission to conference and/or journal



MBA 5500

MBA 5660


 a)   Complete paperwork for MBA 5905

 b)   During Summer term, full-time status is maintained with two courses; often RO students will continue editing document, perhaps collecting data, working on conference or journal manuscripts



MBA 5670

MBA 5680

MBA 5905


 a)   Enrolled in MBA 5905

 b)   Data collection and analysis, writing up results, discussion, and completion of paper

 c)    Presentation of work to faculty and students at end of semester research forum

 d)   Submit final paper to MBA office for EIU Library resources

*The MBA program's Research Methods course is MBA 5510.  However, other Research Methods courses are available throughout campus depending on anticipated type of study and/or sample, including CMN 5000, CMN 5005, CSD 5505, ECN 5900, FCS 5900, PLS 5053, PSY 5710, PSY 5711, and TEC 5143.  The student, faculty mentor, and coordinator of Graduate Business Studies should determine that appropriate substitution on a case-by-case basis.

Research Option Forms

Students in the Research Option must prepare descriptions and timelines of their planned research, complete the forms below, and obtain the faculty mentor's signature for two courses in the Research Option.  Upon approval from both the Coordinator of Graduate Business Studies and the Chair of the School of Business, the student will be registered for their Research Option course.

Each form is due to the MBA Office no later than the last week of regular class meetings of the semester prior to which you wish to take the course. Please see attached forms for more information.

MBA 5515: Business Research Proposal Approval Request form

MBA 5905: Business Research Project Approval Request form

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Contact Information

MBA Program School of Business

600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920

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