Spanish Activities and Organizations
Our Spanish students, faculty, and student workers form a strong and close-knit learning community that fosters relationships with related groups across campus.
All of the organizations provide leadership opportunities and the chance to form relationships with faculty and students that share your curiosity and interests, whether they be improving your oral proficiency, exploring the cultures of Latin America and Spain, fostering close social bonds with others interested in Latinx identity, or delving into scholarly topics over literature and culture. Here are some of the organizations that interest Spanish students:
Spanish Club
The Spanish Club meets weekly to polish their verbal communication skills with informal conversation, restaurant date nights, Skype nights with friends they have made abroad, and other cultural activities.
Sigma Delta Pi
Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, provides more academic programming for the EIU and Charleston communities. Members from EIU’s Zeta Eta chapter regularly win the study abroad scholarships offered by the National Office. Most recently, Zac Call won the competitive grant which he used to study in Córdoba, Argentina, and Shana Sánchez was awarded participation in a program in Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
Latin American Student Organization (LASO)
The Latin American Student Organization is an active group for students who identify as Latinx and those who are interested in Latino issues. The provide social events for their members and cultural and educational programming for the EIU and Charleston communities, such as their annual Día de los muertos celebration.
Check out Day of the Dead 2015.
Latin American Student Organization (LASO) facebook
Alpha Psi Lambda
Alpha Psi Lambda is EIU’s new colony of the co-ed, Latino-interest fraternity.
Looking for an alternative to traditional Greek life? Find life-long friendships as well as service and leadership opportunities with this Greek-life organization.
Coleman Hall, First Floor
Fax: 217-581-3113