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EIU Identity Protection Act (IPA)

Identity Protection Act (IPA)


The Identity Protection Act (IPA) (5 ILCS 179) became effective June 1, 2010 to protect the privacy and rights of the individual in regards to Social Security Numbers and to properly train employees to protect the information.

The Act focuses on three aspects:

  • Restricting the use of Social Security numbers at public institutions and agencies
  • Requiring security and protection of allowed Social Security number use
  • Allowing the public to know exactly how Social Security numbers are used

As part of the Act, the State requires annual training for designated employees of the state and local government agencies, such as EIU, to protect the confidentiality of social security numbers from the time of collection through the destruction of the information. All employees are to be made aware of the Act and its purpose. Additional training is required for those who collect, use and/or disclose SSNs as part of their daily duties.

EIU implemented an Internal Governing Policy (IGP 133.2) to relay the importance of working with social security numbers and to further detail the process to ensure security.

Please view the Summarized IPA training document.

IPA training at EIU?

Awareness Training for All Employees:

EIU has designated that all employees (including student employees) are made aware of the Act, educated on ways to handle social security numbers appropriately, and the consequences of misuse. The training is administered through email, departmental documentation, and this website.

Computer-based Training:

In addition, those identified employees who process, disclose, or distribute information containing Social Security numbers are required to take an in-depth computer-based training. The departments are listed in the Stated Purpose List. The training is administered through a Computer-Based training open at all times for new employees and existing to meet the yearly requirement. If you are an identified employee as described above, you will be notified by your department to take the training.

Why am I required to take the computer-based training?

The computer-based training is for the employee who collects, uses and/or discloses SSN as part of your daily duties. You have a responsibility for the safety and privacy of the individuals providing the protected information. Understanding the Act and how to properly collect, use and /or disclose the SSN is very important. The individual who supplies the social security number is relying on you to keep their information safe. The training will also help you to look at your departmental practices and adjust those accordingly.

The external auditors include the Act and IGP as part of their annual audit to ensure compliance.

When do I take the computer-based training?

For those designated by the Stated Purpose List, the training is annual per the calendar year (Jan1 – Dec 31). To meet the Act requirements, you will take the training anytime beginning January 1 through December 31. All employees who are identified MUST complete the training by December 31 to be compliant with the Act.

All new employees to EIU who are identified to take the training will complete it as soon as they are hired along with the other two mandatory trainings of Sexual Harassment and Ethics.

Please go to to take the Computer Based Training.

Who do I contact for questions regarding the Identity Protection Act?

Office of General Counsel
2102 Blair Hall
Eastern Illinois University

Who do I contact to report misuse or mishandling?

Information Security
Student Services Building
Eastern Illinois University

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