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EIU Office of International Students and Scholars

Frequently Asked Questions – Optional Practical Training (OPT)


1. What is F-1 Optional Practical Training (OPT)? OPT allows F-1 students to apply the knowledge gained in their degree programs to off-campus employment related to their major field of study (not their minor). The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) grants authorization, which can take 2-3 months to process. Students can use up to 12 months of OPT per degree level, with potential extensions such as the H-1B cap gap extension or a 24-month extension for eligible STEM graduates. You can apply for post-completion OPT up to 90 days before your graduation date and no later than 60 days after your graduation date or the end date of your I-20, whichever comes first. Applications must be sent within 30 days of obtaining a new I-20 from the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS). USCIS OPT Overview


2. What are the Eligibility Requirements for F-1 Optional Practical Training? To qualify for OPT, you must have been enrolled as a full-time student in the U.S. for at least one academic year by the requested OPT start date and be in F-1 status at the time of application.


3. Can I receive additional OPT if I start a new degree program after using 12 months of OPT for a previous degree? Yes, if you start a new degree program at a higher level, you are eligible for another 12 months of OPT. This does not apply if you are pursuing a second master’s degree. 


4. How can I use OPT while still enrolled in my degree program? You can utilize OPT while still enrolled by:

  • Working part-time when school is in session.
  • Working full-time during official school breaks.
  • Working full-time after completing all course requirements but while a thesis or dissertation requirement remains.
  • Pre-completion OPT will be deducted from the total 12-month limit, with part-time work counting at half the rate of full-time work.


5. How long does it take to receive OPT authorization, and when should I apply? OPT authorization can take 2-3 months. It is recommended to apply well in advance of your intended start date. For post-completion OPT, apply up to 90 days before your graduation and no later than 60 days after graduation or the end of your I-20. Your application must be submitted within 30 days of receiving a new I-20 from OISS. 


6. Do I need a job offer to apply for OPT? For the initial 12 months of OPT, a job offer is not required at the time of application. However, for the 24-month STEM extension, you must have a job offer from an employer registered with E-Verify. 


7. Do I need to be employed while on OPT? Yes, during post-completion OPT, you must be employed. You are allowed up to 90 days of unemployment during the initial 12-month period, or 120 days if you receive the 24-month STEM extension. Employment must be reported to OISS using the OPT Report Form.


8. Does employment on OPT have to be paid? For the first 12 months of post-completion OPT, employment does not have to be paid. Unpaid internships, volunteering, or self-employment in your field of study are acceptable. However, for the 24-month STEM extension, employment must be paid. 


9. Can I begin working before receiving my Employment Authorization Document (EAD)? No, you must wait until you receive your EAD card from USCIS before starting any employment. Working before receiving authorization is illegal and can jeopardize your F-1 status. 


10. Do I need to keep in touch with OISS while on OPT? Yes, you are required to report any changes in your employment or address to OISS by submitting the OPT Report Form


11. Can OPT be extended after the initial 12 months? Yes, there are two extensions available:

  • A 24-month extension for STEM graduates.
  • An H-1B cap gap extension for students whose OPT ends between the H-1B petition filing and the start of the H-1B status.
  • The H-1B cap-gap extension is automatic if you have a pending or approved H-1B petition.


12. What is the 24-month STEM extension of OPT? The 24-month STEM extension allows eligible F-1 students with degrees in specified STEM fields to extend their OPT by an additional 24 months. This extension must be applied for within the last 3 months of your initial OPT period.


13. How do I apply for the 24-month STEM extension? To apply for the 24-month STEM extension, ensure that:

  • Your employer is enrolled in E-Verify.
  • You have graduated with a degree in an eligible STEM field.
  • You have maintained F-1 status during your OPT.
  • Apply through your school's international office within the last 90 days of your initial OPT period.


14. What fields qualify for the STEM extension? Eligible fields for the STEM extension include:

  • Actuarial Science
  • Computer Science Applications
  • Engineering and Engineering Technologies
  • Biological and Biomedical Sciences
  • Mathematics and Statistics
  • Physical Sciences
  • Military Technologies
  • Science Technologies
  • Medical Scientists (MS, PhD)
  • A comprehensive list is available at the ICE STEM Designated Degree Program List


15. What is E-Verify? E-Verify is an online system operated by USCIS in partnership with the Social Security Administration. It allows employers to verify the employment eligibility of their employees. Enrollment in E-Verify is required for employers of students seeking the 24-month STEM extension.


16. What additional requirements exist for the 24-month STEM extension? Students on the 24-month STEM extension must report to their school every six months and confirm their employment and address information.


Travel and OPT


17. Can I travel outside the U.S. while my OPT application is pending? You may travel, but re-entry requires the following documents: a valid passport, an F-1 visa, a signed I-20 form (signed within the last 6 months), and a job offer letter or proof of employment. Traveling without these documents can lead to difficulties in re-entering the U.S.


18. Can I enter the U.S. with a tourist visa while waiting for my OPT card? No, entering the U.S. with a different visa status (e.g., B2 tourist visa) while waiting for your EAD will invalidate your F-1 status and OPT authorization. Always enter the U.S. with your F-1 status.


19. What documents are needed to re-enter the U.S. while on OPT? For re-entry, you need:

  • A valid passport.
  • A current F-1 visa stamp.
  • Your OPT EAD card.
  • An I-20 form signed by OISS within the last six months.
  • A job offer letter or proof of employment.


20. Can I travel while my 24-month STEM extension application is pending? USCIS advises against traveling outside the U.S. while your 24-month STEM extension application is pending. Re-entering without your new EAD card can be problematic.


21. Do I need a new visa stamp if my current one has expired but I need to travel outside the U.S. while on OPT? If traveling to Canada or Mexico for less than 30 days, you might re-enter the U.S. with an expired F-1 visa. For information regarding automatic revalidation, click here. For other destinations, you will need a new visa stamp. Check with the embassy for specific requirements and ensure you carry all necessary documents.


22. How does being on OPT affect my visa renewal at an embassy? Renewing a visa while on OPT can be more challenging as you must demonstrate non-immigrant intent and your plans to return to your home country after completing your program. Be prepared to explain how your job experience in the U.S. will benefit your career in your home country.


23. What documents should I present at the embassy for a new visa stamp while on OPT? You need to present:

  • A valid passport.
  • Your EAD card.
  • An I-20 form was created by OISS for your OPT.
  • A job offer letter or proof of employment.
  • Be prepared to discuss your plans to apply your U.S. work experience in your home country.


24. Do I need to get the travel line on my I-20 signed by OISS during the year of OPT? Yes, while on OPT, you need to have the travel line on your I-20 signed every six months if you plan to travel outside the U.S.

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Office of International Students and Scholars

2170 Blair Hall
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, Illinois
61920-3099 USA

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