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EIU Office of International Students and Scholars

Employment Opportunities for F-1 Students

As an F-1 student at Eastern Illinois University (EIU), understanding your employment options is crucial to maximizing your academic experience and gaining valuable work experience while complying with U.S. immigration regulations. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the types of employment available to you, including the eligibility requirements and application processes for each.

On-Campus Employment

On-campus employment is one of the most accessible work options for F-1 students. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Eligibility:
    • You must be in good academic standing.
    • You can begin working immediately upon starting your program.
    • Employment must be directly with EIU or an affiliated entity (e.g., campus dining services, research labs).
  • Work Hours:
    • During the academic year: Up to 20 hours per week.
    • During school breaks and vacations (e.g., summer, winter holidays): Full-time, which is defined by EIU as up to 30 hours per week.
  • Duration:
    • You can work on-campus as long as you maintain your F-1 status and are enrolled in a program of study.
    • Employment must cease upon the completion of your program of study.
  • Examples of On-Campus Jobs:
    • Library assistant
    • Teaching or research assistant
    • Campus dining staff
    • Student office assistant


  1. Search for Jobs: Check the EIU Handshake or visit departments directly to inquire about available positions.
  2. Apply: Submit your resume and any other required application materials.
  3. Verify Eligibility: Once you are offered a position, verify your employment eligibility with the Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS).
  4. Begin Working: Start your on-campus job, keeping track of your hours to ensure compliance with the 20-hour limit during the academic year.

Note: On-campus employment does not require authorization from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) but must be reported to and authorized by OISS.

Off-Campus Employment Due to Severe Economic Hardship

If you experience an unforeseen financial hardship that significantly impacts your ability to fund your education, you may be eligible for off-campus employment based on economic necessity.

  • Eligibility:

    • You must have been in F-1 status for at least one full academic year (nine months).
    • Demonstrate an unexpected change in your financial situation (e.g., loss of funding, unexpected medical expenses).
    • Document your financial hardship to justify the need for employment.
  • Work Hours:

    • During the academic year: Up to 20 hours per week.
    • During school breaks and vacations: Full-time.
  • Application Process:

    1. Consultation: Schedule a meeting with OISS to discuss your situation and determine eligibility.
    2. Documentation: Provide evidence of your financial hardship (e.g., letters from sponsors, bank statements).
    3. USCIS Authorization: Submit Form I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization) to USCIS with the required fee and documentation.
    4. Approval: If approved, you will receive an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) allowing you to work off-campus.

Important: USCIS approval is required before you can begin off-campus employment. The process can take several months, so plan accordingly.

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Curricular Practical Training (CPT) allows F-1 students to engage in employment that is directly related to their major field of study and integral to their academic curriculum.

  • Eligibility:

    • You must have been enrolled on a full-time basis for one full academic year (exceptions exist for graduate students in programs that require immediate participation).
    • The work experience must be an integral part of your curriculum, either required by your program or eligible for academic credit.
  • Types of CPT:

    • Required CPT: Employment that is mandated by your degree program (e.g., internships or co-ops).
    • Optional CPT: Employment that is not required but is academically beneficial and for which you receive academic credit.
  • Work Hours:

    • Part-time CPT: Up to 20 hours per week during the academic year.
    • Full-time CPT: More than 20 hours per week, typically during breaks or if your program permits full-time work.
  • Application Process:

    1. Academic Advisor Approval: Obtain approval from your academic advisor, ensuring that employment is integral to your program.
    2. DSO Authorization: Submit your CPT application to your DSO, including your job offer letter and course registration details.
    3. SEVIS Update: The DSO will update your SEVIS record to reflect the CPT authorization and issue a new I-20.

Note: CPT authorization is specific to the employer, location, and dates specified in your application. Any changes require a new authorization.

Link for More Information: EIU Curricular Practical Training (CPT)

Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Optional Practical Training (OPT) provides F-1 students the opportunity to gain practical work experience related to their field of study either during or after their program of study.

  • Eligibility:

    • You must have been enrolled full-time for at least one academic year.
    • You do not need a job offer to apply for OPT.
  • Types of OPT:

    • Pre-completion OPT: Work authorization granted before the completion of your program.
      • Part-time (up to 20 hours per week) while school is in session.
      • Full-time during breaks and vacations.
    • Post-completion OPT: Work authorization granted after completing your program.
      • Typically full-time (up to 12 months, with a possible extension for STEM graduates).
  • Application Process:

    1. DSO Recommendation: Obtain a recommendation from your DSO, who will update your SEVIS record and issue a new I-20.
    2. USCIS Authorization: Submit Form I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization) to USCIS with the required fee and supporting documents.
    3. EAD Card: Upon approval, you will receive an EAD card authorizing you to work in the U.S.
  • Important Considerations:

    • You may apply for OPT up to 90 days before and 60 days after your program end date.
    • The total period of OPT is generally 12 months but can be extended for STEM graduates.
    • You must report your employment details to OISS, and any periods of unemployment are limited (90 days for post-completion OPT).

Link for More Information: USCIS Optional Practical Training (OPT)

Reporting Employment and Compliance

SEVIS Reporting:

  • F-1 students must report all employment details to OISS, who will update the SEVIS system.
  • This includes the employer's name, address, and employment start/end dates.

Maintaining Status:

  • Ensure you adhere to the work hour limits and type of employment authorized.
  • Keep OISS informed of any changes to your employment or academic status.

Repercussions of Unauthorized Employment:

  • Working without authorization or exceeding allowed work hours can result in the loss of your F-1 status and could lead to deportation.
  • Always consult with OISS before accepting any employment to ensure compliance.

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Contact Information

Office of International Students and Scholars

2170 Blair Hall
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, Illinois
61920-3099 USA

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