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EIU Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Program

Student ID Card

The university issues non-photo student identification cards to Interdisciplinary Studies, who are not on the main campus. This card grants the student the same access to library resources as on-campus students.

The ID Card entitles you to:

  • Access the library catalog and electronic databases
  • Check out materials at a distance and have them sent to your home or office
  • Access Interlibrary loan services
  • Check out materials in person at Booth Library and 55 other academic libraries in Illinois. (An additional photo ID is required for this.)
  • Request reference services and electronic document delivery

Once you receive your ID Card, it will be valid until the end of the semester in which it was requested. Cards will automatically be reactivated when you register for a class. Please note that if you already have an active Panther Card, you will not receive a new ID card.

If you have further questions, call 217-581-5114 or send an email message to

Library Assistance

Eastern Illinois University’s Booth Library offers assistance in several different ways, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To speak with a librarian, please go to the library website and click on Ask a Librarian (located on the left-hand side under the "Help" section).

For an online tutorial on how to locate a single article or to gather information for a class paper, visit this website.

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Contact Information

BA in Interdisciplinary Studies

Charleston Office

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