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EIU Historia




No Room for Gentlemen: Cryptography in American History

Rachael Sapp


Dirty Work: The Political Life of John A. Logan

Benjamin Joyner


The Passion of the Prepuce: The Debate over Routine Circumcision in Britain and the United State, 1870-1949

Noah Sangster


Teaching the Value of "Stuff": Appraising Material Evidence Public Programs

Samantha Sauer


The Spermaceti Candle and the American Whaling Industry

Emily Irwin


The Small Wars Manual: A Lasting Legacy in Today's Counterinsurgency Warfare

Thomas Griffith


Clubbing on the Chesapeake: Constructing Identities through Association and Sociability among Chesapeake Bay Elites, 1710's-1770's

Benjamin Ill


The Significance of Nature: A Historiographical Review of Environmental History

Benjamin Aberle


Origin and Creation: London Guilds of the Twelfth Century

Katherine Payne


An Agreement of the People: Self-empowerment and the Downfall of the Great Chain of Being in Early Modern England

Tim Aberle


Disciple of St. Paul: Jonathan Boucher and the American Revolution

Paul Shakeshaft


"Jungle Rhythm and Juvenile Delinquency": London Times Coverage of Youth Subcultures and Rock and Roll, 1955-1960

Patrick Vonesh


Viva Los Incas: Myths of Survival and Heritage in Incan Religion

Emily Scarbrough

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