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EIU Historia



This year we are pleased to present papers spanning the globe and the historical origins of Eastern Illinois University. This issue represents a new direction for the journal. This year, Historia's production resulted from a new course: History 4900, Historical Publishing. This year also marks a new era for Historia's format: Historia Online brings the journal to the world wide web. Future students in the Historical Publishing class will continue work on the journal and the on-line version.

This year's journal contains articles by four award recipients. Greg Aydt received the Hamand Graduate Writing Award for "The Spanish-American War: The Cuban Perspective. Beth Loeke, winner of the Distinguished Historical Administration Graduate Student, presents the history of Eastern Illinois University in "Choosing a Site For the Eastern Illinois State Normal School." An Illinois regional Phi Alpha Theta Conference gave Bryan Wuthrich an award for the best graduate paper: "The US Space Program and the National Interest." Laura Kent, Distinguished History Graduate Student, produced a book review essay, "The Pleasures of Disorder."

We would like to acknowledge all the hard work the class members and the volunteers who helped make the 1999 volume a reality. We would also like to acknowledge the dedication and time Dr. Key placed in getting Historia produced within the confines of a class project. Also, we wish to thank all the students who submitted articles for publication--for without you there would not be a journal.

  • Ron Peters and Alicia Hart, editors               

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